
Super Farming Tycoon

# ROYALTY # MSPERFECT After five years of being together, Gu Qingming thought it was love. Who would have thought it was simply an elaborate scheme? After learning the truth, she decided to exact her revenge on that pair of scumbags! Just as she was about to return and receive millions in inheritance, she died unexpectedly! When she opened her eyes again, she had returned to the moment when her parents kicked her out of the house. She was also pregnant with a fatherless child. She decided to return to her grandmother’s house in the countryside. There, she grew watermelons, peaches, and oranges…***Gu Qingming followed her grandmother to the field and saw a large plot with lush green plants. She asked excitedly, “Grandma, why is there so much leek planted here?” Her grandmother’s expression changed when she heard the question. With a smile, she explained, “Darling, that’s not leek. They’re rice seedlings! When harvest time comes around, they’ll turn into the rice that we eat every day!” Gu Qingming: “...”***An adorable toddler stood between the endless rows of crops, staring at his mother who was busy plucking watermelons. He balled up his tiny fists as he yelled, “Mommy, you can do it! You’re almost there! You can do it!” Everyone: “...”***A certain businessman was on the prowl for investment opportunities in the boonies when he bumped into a little munchkin. Their gazes met. The kid stared up at the bigger version of himself. The little kid clung to the man’s thigh and announced proudly, “This is the hill where my Mommy works. You can’t buy it!” The man picked up the kid and a slight grin broke across his face. “Well, that’s fine. We’ll get your mom to marry me, and you can call me Daddy. This hill, alongside all the assets under my name, shall also belong to your mommy. How’s that for a deal?” The boy: “...” That’s very tempting indeed! The little kid gulped, but he was determined not to sell out his mom! This is the story of a princess who hails from a small family of farmers, who goes on to become an expert farmer, and then an agricultural tycoon!

Lilac in May · Général
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586 Chs

Abort The Child

Translator: Atlas Studios Éditeur: Atlas Studios

After Father Gu hurriedly settled the company's urgent matters, he rushed back.

He was worried about his precious daughter.

Before he went to work, she had asked him for two bodyguards. She said that she wanted to break up with that bastard Lin Haotian and strengthen herself.

He had been suspicious; why did her daughter suddenly think it through and want to break up with Lin Haotian in the blink of an eye?

"Hubby, she really broke up with that Lin Haotian!"

As soon as she saw her husband return, Madam Gu couldn't wait to share this with Gu Jianguo.

Gu Jianguo was very surprised, but he was obviously even happier.

"She really broke up with that bastard?" Gu Jianguo said happily, "That's great. Lin Haotian, that bastard, he's dating our daughter while flirting with his childhood sweetheart. He's not worthy of our daughter at all."

However, Madam Gu said worriedly, "Hubby, our daughter is pregnant with that bastard's child now. What should we do now?"

Upon hearing Madam's words, Gu Jianguo frowned.

He thought for a moment and said, "This child can't be kept!"

If it was that bastard Lin Haotian's child, it would be half his. With Lin Haotian and Lan Ruomei's wild ambitions, they would definitely threaten them with the child after it was born.

With his ability, he could block it. But in the future, there would also be endless trouble.

And most importantly, if she really gave birth to this child, how would his Ming'er get married in the future?

Which outstanding man would be attracted to someone with a burden? Furthermore, it was a child with an unknown father. If she married into a family, she would simply embarrass the entire family.

No matter how good Gu Qingming's conditions were, she was not a chaste woman. There was no need for anyone to marry a woman who embarrassed her family.

With the Gu Corporation's wealth and status as the future head of the Gu Corporation, there would definitely be many young talents to choose from. But what did they fancy? Love? It was nothing more than looks, status, and power.

Of course, if she really met that true love in the future, no matter what the person's conditions were, they would definitely let go as parents.

As for why it couldn't be Lin Haotian?

From the first day he found out that this man was pursuing their daughter, he sent someone to investigate him thoroughly.

Whether it was this man or the so-called best friend, they were full of lies. It was obvious that they had approached his daughter with a purpose. But what made his heart ache was that his silly daughter had fallen into such an obvious trap.

When he wanted to put a stop to it, the consequences became unimaginable.

Gu Jianguo still did not understand. His precious daughter had been bewitched by these two people for the past two years and had become so stupid. No matter how he tried to persuade or stop her, it was useless.

He'd shown her all the information he'd gathered on the two of them, but she'd still fallen head over heels into it as if she didn't believe him at all.

True enough, love was blind.

Therefore, when she suddenly thought it through herself and suddenly wanted to break up with that man, the change was so fast that the couple almost thought that her stupid daughter was playing some trick to make the couple agree to them.

Now that they learned from the two bodyguards that the two of them had been caught red-handed by their daughter, her parents were certain that their daughter had really broken up with that scumbag.

Now that Gu Qingming had broken up with Lin Haotian, he was really relieved.

Their daughter really wasn't that stupid after all.

But now there was the biggest problem to face.

Their precious daughter was now pregnant with that bastard's child.

Thinking of this, Gu Jianguo suddenly said firmly, "No, this child must not be born."

If he kept this child, what if Gu Qingming got together with that bastard again for the sake of the child one day? This was a huge problem!

However, Madam Gu asked doubtfully, "Hubby, should we listen to our daughter's decision? After this incident, our daughter has already grown up. I'm sure she has plans for the child in her womb."

Madam Gu had principles and respect for children. She spoiled her when she had to, but she was also very open-minded about educating her. Most of the time, she respected her decisions.

In comparison, Father Gu was a little stubborn. However, he listened to his wife most of the time.

This time, Gu Jianguo said uncharacteristically, "Hasn't she learned her lesson? She must listen to me and abort this child. Otherwise, it will greatly affect her future happiness. Which outstanding man would be willing to marry a wife with a burden?"

Madam Gu said hesitantly, "But what if someone really doesn't despise our daughter?"

"The man who doesn't mind might not be interested in our daughter, but our daughter's identity," Gu Jianguo said firmly. "For the sake of our daughter's future happiness, this child must be aborted!"

… .

Back in her room, Gu Qingming did not know that her parents had made a decision about the child in her womb.

At this moment, she was in shock.

"Where … where am I?"

Gu Qingming stared blankly at the spring in front of her, then at the endless green grassland, and then at the sun hanging in the sky.

Was she just going to lie down in her room and rest for a while?

How did she get here?

Gu Qingming was shocked, and at a loss.

This was a modern scientific society.

Not only had she been knocked back to her previous life by a car, but she had also been teleported to a grassland for no reason.

These shocking and strange scenes clearly terrified her.

"Ding-ding. Hello, Master. Welcome to the Mustard Domain. I'm a space sprite."

Suddenly, a small figure the size of a woman's palm, with white transparent wings on her back and fair and tender limbs, appeared above Gu Qingming's head.

Gu Qingming was stunned again and looked at the elf in surprise.