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6 Chs


Not wanting to tell his mom that he got slapped by a girl who he just rescued so he fabricated a story about saving a cat in which the cat slapped him as a means of appreciation.

"next time you want to save a cat do it well so she doesn't hit you again....got it"his mom said giggling, Fury suprised "how did mom know it's a she"he thought.Fury brushed it off as he waited for the arrival of his dad wanting to tell about his new found power.

His dad who was a guard knight and his mom an alchemist. After his dad arrived home he told his dad all what happened, which his dad let out some hearty laugh mid story and end , his mom also giggling behind Fury's room door eavesdropping on their conversation.

After an hour of laughter and giggling his dad finally stopped"son you sure are brave, and about your strength it means that your power core as awaken but we don't know your ability yet, so I'll teach you the basics cultivation techniques tomorrow but do practice this technique before you sleep it's called dragon breath recharge"

Fury watched his dad as they both sat cross-legged, Jake took three deep long breaths which seemed to want to suck everything pausing for ten seconds then taking three deep long breaths again and pausing Jake did it several times during this period Fury could hear loud roars coming from within his dad's body ,, Jake did this several times before opening his eyes as his pupils flashed golden lights making Fury feel like being crushed by a mountain"now Fury it's your turn and remember it'll be very painful but with your willpower you'll scale through"Jake told his son.

Fury started cultivating the the dragon breath, taking three huge breaths after which he felt his body was inflated by warm energies , the warmth began to increase becoming hot energies as those energies began to form tiny lights rotating speedily round Fury's body before rushing into his bloodstreams,veins, cells ,bones,then his body began emitting hot steams as the sweat on his body was evaporating loud booms could be heard from his body, becoming louder and louder than the last.

Seeing this could attract unwanted attention Emma brought out a black rectangular slip then tossing it into the air as the black slip broke into countless light dots before vanishing "with this barrier no one ever hear anything....now grow loud as you want"Emma said smiling. But the roaring grew more louder like a collapsing mountain 🗻

In Fury's mind scape he saw three glowing spherical balls one green the other another blue, the third contained two colours ,fiery gold and cyan. Fury watched as this glowing balls grew larger and larger as they orbited a crimson gold star shaped stone which seemed to coordinate the balls movement, Fury couldn't think about the stone as he was enduring the pain he was feeling while on the outside Fury's body was already glowing red, still Fury kept on enduring the pain strengthening his will to endure.

On the other hand Jake watching this was staring at Fury with his mouth opened in disbelief 😮as Fury's body became a blackhole causing the numerous lights swarm madly into Fury's body .

This lasted a week and Jake was shocked silly because the process was a painful starting point called THE AWAKEN REALM for individuals to absorb mana into their bodies and this process last for three days and being the first time with be excruciatingly painful some children who could not endure the pain end up in coma those who were able to endure the process become Pioneers or Mages.

Out in space in a far away planet mostly covered in magma a towering palace in a large hall numerous silhouettes were sitted at the sides of the hall with one in front "my lord we've located the Prince"a guard rushed into the hall "good... very good send three of the dark Knight dragon to capture him and as for his wife..kill ..her "said the one in front "but my lord killing the woman might invite war between the Blaize family and the Cosroll family....so I suggest we capture her too then we can keep the Cosroll family in check"suggested one of the silhouette on the left side of the hall"yes my lord he's right the Cosroll family will want to buy her off and we can use that to extort benefit from them"added another on the right side of the hall.

Then the one in the front center became silent as he seemed to think about the Suggestion"okay capture the woman but if she refuses kill her then but bring the Prince back alive"he decided"yes sir" three voices responded .

Back on earth Fury was still enduring the pain by now the balls were ten times their formal sizes as a loud boom roared out of Fury's body as the pain receded but by then Fury was already unconscious." I can't believe it he is already a level 5 awaken realm master"said Jake in shock.

"Emma he will have to start school very soon... with the way his cultivation is improving"Jake said holding Emma's hands"don't worry we have time"Emma said smiling at Jake.

2 CHAPTERS A WEEK and also I don't have a better book cover yet but I will try to get one

About the awaken realm , this is are stages inside the pioneers/Mages level

FURYBLAIZEcreators' thoughts