
Super Alan Adventure

A young alien boy goes a crazy and epic adventure to save the world from an evil sorceress.

AdrianWilliams · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

True Blue Hero

At the Throne Room, Queen Magica orders the minister to continue the ceremony,

Until, Amy and the girls pushed the door open and they all assumed fighting stances. Candles surrounded the outer edges of the room, all alit with flame. A high pitched shriek pierced the stillness of the room. Ivy had been knocked down by Magica, since she was the main tool in the plan. Magica had even offered only their friends and the princesses a chance of escape, but they strictly refused and were now staying by Ivy's side and trying to keep her awake and alive.

"Too bad for you, Team Alan! You're too late!" cackled Magica.

"What's happening?"

"Gack ack ack! Look well! In the box behind me sleeps the legendary treasure! This box holds the powerful Super Star, it's power will make me the most powerful sorceress make me the new ruler of Avalar!"

"Oh, please get up, Ivy! Hurry!' Atta pleaded, trying to move Ivy.

"I-I can't…Monty paralyzed me with his lightning…" Ivy whimpered. She glanced up at the gaping heroes.

"I-Ivy…I'm so s-sorry…letting magica follow us…caused us trouble, didn't it?"

"It's not all your fault, Amy…" Ivy trailed. "If we had known magica was after more spluffs, then we wouldn't have gotten ourselves and everyone else kidnapped! we've all caused this mess…"

"Ah ha ha ha ha! With the power of the stars, I will rule the pathetic worlds! The time has come at last! The world will be mine! Now! Behold! QUEEN MAGICA! Empress of Avalar!"

She pointed the star rod at the super star, and all the candles' lights went black. This power was unleashed into the room in the form of a shadowy tornado. A shadowy aura emerged, and magica began changing into a more tyrannical outfit. The tornado dispersed, leaving everyone to bask in her terrifying wake.

Darkness filled the skies, and the earth roared and shook…it reached from Star Town...to Pallet Town…to Petalburg…to the Autumn Forest, where the woodland creatures stared in fear at the sky…to Twinleaf Town, where the people plus Johanna trembled…

The Shadow Queen bent over Ivy, causing Atta and Storm to rapidly hit her with arrows and plenty of magic.

"Help me!" wailed Atta.

"We're trying!"

"Away with you fools!" The dark tornado formed again, repelling Atta and Storm away from Ivy and landing not too far away.

"Atta…no!" gasped Ivy.

"There was nothing we could really do…" Just as the Shadow Queen had taken over Ivy, everything froze.

Flashes scattered across the world, followed by massive tremors in places such as Halloween Land, Lonalulu, Music Kingdom, and Shiver City. "What's all this then?" Toady asked himself, choosing an unfortunate time to take a walk. "Am I to deduce that this is…the end of the world! ?"

The Dragoon Queen uses the Star Rod to drain Ivy and the other princesses' magic, granting her massive power and control over the sun, moon, and Stars. Queen Magica is angered that Amy tricked her and before can harm Amy, She is suddenly interrupted by a guard informing him that the Yumis have escaped. At this point, the Yumis (with Marky, GPSparrow, and Yumi) come storming in, trampling over the enemies, Alan and the allies he made barge through the door, and Maya crashes through a window on Dragon. Magica orders the hypnotist to cast another spell, but he too is trampled, which breaks the spell on the Amy, who promptly frees the Spluffettes and Alicorn princesses and everyone fights magica's army. Magica attempts to escape in the Hive Copter, but The Star Beam lets Alan negate Magica's invincibility and beat him, but Magica takes her loss as a warm-up and flees with Amy to the castle roof, followed by Alan.

Magica uses the Star Rod to transform, As a final flash revealed a new combination of Queen Magica and the Super Star…Shadow Magica, if you must. It was Magica's shape, but with a new outlook. Alan finds that the Star Beam is now ineffective. "Huh. I will admit, the new look is pretty strong." Alan said.

Meanwhile, the cavalry is winning the fight as the hive army retreat since they were no match for them, then the spluffettes see their friend alan on the rooftops battling Super Magica. "Girls, look!" Spluff Blossom cried out to the others, "We gotta hurry and help him!" Spluff Lily said. Unfortunately, they were unable to help due to magica casting a force field around the castle, so now it's a fight between Alan and Super Queen Magica.

"Muh huh huh huh huh…witness my rebirth…my power grows stronger more and more…Soon I will have enough power to conquer all of Avalar!"

"And as for these peasants that stand before me." She asked, a bit repulsed by the sight of Team Alan, plus The Spluffs and their friends. "They may be of use. If you become my faithful servants, I will not harm you."

"…what? Do you really expect us to say yes?" snorted Goombella.

"We'll make the right choice…we refuse?" Atta asked feebly.

Super Magica nodded. "I see…so you defy me…how…amusing…then, you wretched fools, you will learn the error of your ways! You are foolish to oppose me…yes, and that foolishness…will have to be punished…"

Alan run in a straight line around Magica, where they need to hit rotating Item Boxes to launch Lightning at him. Banana Peels fly out of his backpack and Magica slips on Banana Peels, and gets stunned momentarily. "Haha! Serves you right, lizard face!" Alan mocks her. "Oh that's it you little twerp!" Magica angrily said. This annoys Magica and she uses her rocket boots and wing pack to fly over them. Super Magica breathes fireballs at the blue hero and send missiles flying into the arena.

She shot a Charge Beam Arrow at Super Magica, doing extra damage because it was a brighter attack. "Grr…You'll regret that…" the queen seethed. She sent the thousand hands to pull Alan into the shadows and hit him 3 times with more damage each. Alan gasped and attempted to make repairs while he used a pretty strong Spring Jump. Then used Multibonk, and the witch had already dipped!

"Hmm…so, you are not weak…maybe you are less useless than you appear…" The Super Dragoon Queen then looked evilly thoughtful. "This body is unfamiliar to me…Yes, too unfamiliar…let me assume my true form and show you real power…"

Super Queen Magica started to float in the air, being surrounded by her 2nd form- A shadow dragoon demon with a large crown and long red hair. She glanced down at a rather weak Ivy and Atta as she did.

"You two…you've done nothing but lie there uselessly…the least you could do is assist me!"

The Spluffs screamed, "NO!"

The two hands shot out of the ground, taking Azalea and Amy up with them. Shadowy darkness filled their being, and within moments they were possessed too. Amy had gone from pink to purple in color, and her hair went from blonde to a dark shade of magenta. Amy's eyes were now dark purple rather than jade green, and her reddish dress was currently blue violet.

"Ah, much better…in this form, your attacks are like those of a child to me…you are lucky…you will perish with the honor of having seen true terror and power! Muh huh huh huh huh…"

"It's one thing to possess one girl, but three is definitely crossing the line!" Spluff Lily shouted. Bloom hacked wildly at the Dragoon Queen, but no damage was being done, "Free them! Free Ivy and Atta…"

"Back off, pest!" Super Magica hissed, using the right hand to smack Spluff Bloom back to where she was. "Nothing you try now will work! Give it up!"

Stormy tried to attack- of course, this didn't work either.

"Muh huh huh huh! Is that your idea of an attack? Foolish…"

Magica used the left hand to crush Atta under a fist, then she smacked Ivy back into the nearest wall. Super Magica's eyes sparkled, hitting Atta and Ivy with a sharp pain of…shock? Lightning maybe? Whatever.

"Nothing works!" Alan complained after Spin Dashing several times.

"I think we've seen that already Alan…" snapped Goombella. "Now don't lose your cool because were all going to die- I hate that."

Wigory gave a weak kick, already knowing they were pretty doomed.

"Now, taste my power!"

Queen Magica left handed attack was especially painful, and Azalea's right hook stung too. Marky felt smacked silly, and it didn't help that Shadow Ivy zapped him too. Buster whimpered before hitting her with a hammer, still doing nothing. Not only that, but he was super guarded by Amy!

"Learn to stay away already…you might live longer…" she heckled.

Smolder blasted fire in every direction screaming, "Monster! Monster! Monster!"

"Hmm…what troublesome little pests you are…Muh huh huh huh…"

The hands plus two clones of her sank into the ground. Many mini Magica's surrounded the audience, and while giggling madly, took out every audience member there AND refilled Super Magica's Power to the max.

"Yesss…I have recovered from any slight damage you may have caused earlier…and now…I will punish you for your resistance…"

Spluff Storm weakly looked back at the team. "Any last words?"

"we just might actually be toast."

"huff…huff…oh man…" wheezed Marky.

Super Queen Magica clenched her fists. "I will ask you again…will you serve me? If so, I will forgive you for all of this…"

"Yes, Ivy, Atta, and Amy…join us…you know you want to…" taunted Magica.

"It'll keep you alive…" Magica's clone snickered.

"I never thought Magica would be telling us to cross over to the dark side…" huffed Amy. "I guess I've seen everything now."

"I don't wanna die!" Kooper yelped. "Do something!"

"We can't give up…" Spluff Lily grumbled.

"It's either fight to the end or die trying!" added Spluff Storm.

"You wanna know my answer?" questioned Alan. "My answer…is NO!"

"Very well…then you will perish."

Suddenly, a light emitted from Alan, and the Dragoon Queen flinched.

"What…what is this?"

The Star Spirits suddenly arose above Alan's friends, everyone watching in awe and wonder. They suddenly shot upwards, headed off to do who knew what at this point.

"They're so bright!" complained Magica's 2nd Clone. "…and full of power…"

"I don't like it…" murmured Super Magica. She just glared at the ceiling.

In the Shooting Star Summit where conveniently the noose was, the classic blue light pattern emitted on the ground. The seven Star Spirits floated in their positions, shining brighter than ever, before floating off to their respective places.

Eldstar landed in Petalburg, where all the Koopa residents gathered around, the main three being Koopie Koo, Kooper's dad, and the mayor.

"Hmm, now? What's this shiny thing?" the old coot wondered.

Kooper's dad strolled up and gasped. "Mayor! It's the Harmony Emerald! But I thought Alan had this thing…"

"I wonder, kids, if this is related to the sky getting dark and whatnot…"

"hmmm…you may be right, but I don't know. But if anything's happened to my boy Kooper and Alan…"

"Oh dear…" stated Koopie Koo. "Kooper…you're OK? Right? You promised me you'd come back okay…"

MarMar landed at the base of the Great Tree, where the whittles were already conveniently gathered.

"Whoa! The Star Spirit MarMar!" shouted Orange.

"What in the world? What's she doing here?" the Elder pondered. "This very mysterious…yes, a mystery at that…"

"Snap out of it, Elder!"

"Orange! Alan's in trouble!" piped up Gabrielle. "That's what MarMar is here to tell us! I just KNOW it!"

"What? Could it be…hey, you're right Petuni! I can…I can hear it! MarMar is speaking to us! Its telling us that Alan is fighting to save the world! And he's in deep trouble…"

"Alan! Wigory! C'mon! Don't give up!"

"Yeah! You can do it, guys!"

"Do it for the spluffettes!"

MarMar received all the shout-outs of "Keep fighting!"

In Waddle Woony Town, Skolar was already there receiving its praise. Mayor Waddle Jim had gathered everyone and started speaking to it.

"Alan…I know you're fighting far away right now. For us…for all of us…This Star Spirit has told us of your last, brave stand…Maybe we can't do much to help you…but we're thinking of you. All our wishes are for you…for your victory…"

One of the Waddle Dees pointed to no one in particular. "Alan! If Anyone can beat magica, it's you!"

"That's right!" called one of the Twins. "You! Skolar! Tell alan to never give in! FIIIIGHT!"

"We're sending you all our strength, Alan! You feeling our love, friend?"

"Fight on, Alan…"

"Don't you give up Alan!" the woman with three children plus Freddie and Mayor Dour told Misstar in Halloween Land

"Yeah! Never give in!" "Yes! Believe in yourself!"

"Alan, you may feel like its going rough…like the tides have shifted against you…" Freddie trailed. "but if you lose, the world will be plunged into darkness forever…please, don't give in."

"Smolder was her name, right?" asked the mother. "I'm a bit worried about the dragon girl that was with Alan…she seemed so innocent…"

"Yeah, that dragon Smolder didn't do any wrong either!" Freddie added.

"They'll be fine, all of you." interrupted Dour. "Alan will never give up. They will stand true. I…I still remember how easily they took care of that monster who had cursed us. We must have faith in them this time. We must believe…that light will return to our world…"

Despite the fact it was "Twilight" Village…

The pirates still on Lonalulu also gave their hopes and pleas through Muskular.

"Alan, don't give up!" "Thump 'em!" "You can do it!"

Pa-Patch jumped up and down. "Come on, you bilge pumps! I can't bloomin' 'ear you!"


"Go get 'em!" "Yeah, fight!"


"GO! GO! GO!"

"Admiral Bombarry…Show them what a real sea bomb's made out of, mate!"

"I do hope they're all okay…" Toadles sighed as Klevar appeared in Music City. The crew from the train ride that visited Music City was gathered around.

"Do not fear, I'm quite sure Alan…will prevail!" Spluff Musa exclaimed casually.

"We are assembled, Kalmar."

The seventh Star Spirit had everyone gather in the front area.

"Good work, my comrades. Now, let us do it! Ready and…"

All the citizens of Shiver City were assembled and shouted "ALAN!" to Kalmar.

"Alan…you can do it…"

"You've never given up before Alan…" A star child trailed.

"Alan, you've got a great strength inside of you…" another star child stated. "…there is no way you can lose."

Several cheers began to surround the room where the battle was being held.

"Go Goombella!" "Do it, Alan!" "You go hero!" "Don't give up!" Rock on guys!" "We love you!" "Right on, Boss!" "Hang in there!" "Fight, BOMB!" "Ahoy Admiral!" "Go Alan! And Marky…" "Yeah Kooper!" "Take them down, Alan!" "My darling!" "Hooray Alan!" "C'mon, Smolder!" "Go, everyone!"

"Can you hear them?" asked Smolder.

"I sure can! Wow!" Spluff Blossom replied.

"They're sending us our wishes and positive energy…" Goombella realized.

"It's so nice!" bawled Kooper, who grabbed his eyes and started sobbing.

"Wh-Wh-Wh-What? What are these vile voices?" complained Magica.

"Hopefully the key to your demise, witch!" Storm shot back. Light seemed to sparkle around Super Magica, and everyone stopped basking in the cheers to watch.

"What is this…light?"

It flashed a few times, Super Queen Magica groaning with each blast. Eventually it caused a shatter in the Queen' defense, and Magica seemed extremely weakened.

"What the?" "How can that be?" chimed Magica and her clones at the same time.

"Alan…everyone…." a soft voice called out.

"That…voice…" trailed Blossom.

"Princess Spluff Ivy?"


"Wh-What!" hissed the Queen. "You wretched little girl! You dare disobey me?"

"Alan…take…take the last of my power…"

Ivy's inner will faded slowly as Super Magica was forced to heal Alan up to the fullest extent.

"You brat! Obey me girl!"

Ivy then attempted a last glance at Magica and her clones.

"You two…shouldn't be punished…for trying to protect me…"

With a even smaller amount of power, Ivy expelled the shadow from her, Atta, and Amy, and they went propelling into the air. Alan instantly rolled forward and caught Ivy and Amy while Atta landed onto Marky.

"Thanks for breaking my fall, marky!"

"No, Thank you for breaking my back."

"Ivy finished charging up the now returned Star Spirits to full power! This caused him all to receive the Upgrades!

A sword transformed into the Master Sword, and was given the Tri-Force Slash Ability.

Alan then just looked around until his Dragoon Rider scooped him up, but this time around received the Star Rod too! His cannon was now able to handle Zero Laser once again. Then the Bow of Light materialized in his hands.

"This is awesome!" Alan cheered quite loudly.

The Shadow Queen clenched her fists and trembled angrily. "Grrr… Very cunning, Princess! But you will not undo me! Know me as your Queen!

"Getting mad? Can't say I blame them! First you take over Ivy. Then, you briefly corrupt Azalea and Amy for who knows why, and now…you'll regret what you've done to Ivy!" Alan teased. "Maybe you should just give up before you embarrass yourself even more!"

The hope of the people of the world break through the Queen's invulnerability, and this also allows Ivy to give alan the last of her power. Strengthened, Alan blasts the Shadow Queen forever, saving the world.

Alan's friends rush over to him and hug him for saving Ivy, all the captured spluffettes, and defeating Queen Magica. Atta was especially glad her girlfriend was free from possession and kiss her instantly. "Oh!...Where'd that come from?" Spluff Ivy said with a giggle and blush, "Sorry, it's just I'm...I'm really glad your back." Spluff Atta said in a warm and loving tone still blushing.

The two kiss again with their friends watching in awe. When suddenly, Twink is hit by a dark blast making him unconscious and injured. The others look in horror as they see their friend hurt and are now shocked with fear as they see Magica still free and completely unharmed.

Magica sarcastically congratulates Alan for coming the closest anyone has to sealing her away. Bordering on the edge of his rage, Alan orders his friends to take the gravely injured Twink, find a ship and leave the palace immediately. They initially refuse, with Magica stating that Alan's "sorely mistaken" if he thought they can escape her wrath before launching a beam at Alan causing him to move out of the way.

The Super Star lands in front of Alan, but a furious Magica stops him from getting it and pummels him while blaming him for her coronation being ruined.

Magica blasts alan with different weapons and magical powers with the power of the star rod, but alan counters them using his elemental powers. Super Magica then brings out her Ion Blaster tries to blasts him but he dodges each blasts, until she finally hits him and alan is injured by magica. "I should've finished you off the first time I met you! Goodbye, Alan!" Magica cried out ready to destroy him as his friends look on in horror. 

Just as she was about to finish him off, Amy makes a wish for everyone out of the castle and to help Alan and the Star Spirits. Amy's wish fills the Star Spirits with more power; thus enabled, as Alan recovers, the Spirits upgrade the Star Beam to Alan Beam, which cuts through Magica's enhanced power. Suddenly an explosion causes Magica and her minions to be catapulted far from her castle, thus saving All of Alan's friends.

Unfortunately, Alan's sacrifice for his friends ends up getting him caught in the explosion, costing his life. Dragon flies down with alan's bruised and lifeless body in a blue bubble.

"Alan?" Amy said as she and the others see alan all injured and not waking up. "What happened?" Leaf asked, "The power of the star rod must've been too much for him to handle." Princess Starlight explained. Amy tries to find a way to revive him but failed to do so, all they could do now was carry the dead hero to spluff grove with everyone else where they hold a memorial for him and hold hands with each other to share their griefs. However, the show of emotion from the gathered friends and the Star Spirits appearing and using their healing magic causes magic to emanate from them and bring Alan back to life, and everybody happily celebrates. Spluff Grove, Fairy Village, and every other spluffette rejoice in their new unity.