
super 7

After loosing his family to an alien invasion, Richard bathed by waves of unstable dark matter gains superhuman abilities. Upon realization of his powers, he begins his journey of revenge against the ones who destroyed his family. During the journey, he meets and gets recruited by a group of super heros with overlapping goals and is trained to become an individual capable of utilizing his abilities properly, with the goal of protecting the world added to his list. Can he keep his mind sane on the brutal journey? Can he help protect the world? Can he overcome the tribulations to come?

Vicky_Roben · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

El mån éra

We had arrived at the S-7 quarters and were resting in the living room. I was very much excited knowing fully well that my student didn't die in a mission. I couldn't help but think about Annabelle. She'd heard my discussion with the principal and has become obsessed with Richard too.

Few days ago, the principal had called me to tell about what she thought about Richard. She had gone far to tell me about how she thinks Elsa was communicating with him. To me, it was nothing but an old woman's thought but having witnessed this reincarnation I have no doubts.

It's been said that nobody survived Eirwen's attack not even the slightest. I sighed and I got jolted back to reality by the slamming of a luggage on the table

"Tasha?!" I said and looked at her.

"We don't know how long we'll stay in west city so I'm packing things I might need." She said and I almost burst into laughter.

"Tasha, this is a mission not some school field trip." Well it did seem like a field trip.

"Carrying luggages would slow you down." I said and she rolled her eyes, she was determined.

The rest of the team weren't even complaining since they've known her for quite a while and this was her everyday attitude.

"Fine Tasha, do what suits you." I said but it didn't seem like she was going to listen to my opinion anyways.


I walked into heroes academy staff room and well yes, she was there. I approached her and sat in front of her while she analyzed a booklet

"Mrs ann." I greeted and she returned back with a smile.

"You're here to ask if I'm still keeping your secret a secret." She teased and smiled while I held a disgusted look.

"Well, yes I still am." She said and gave me a quick glance.

"Since you already know about his survival then I think you should help us in a way too." I said and she dropped the booklet.

"Yes__." Her eyes held curiosity.

"It's been said that the legendary goddess has been in touch with him over the past few weeks. We hope to find out if it's true and that's why we are keeping his survival a secret." I said and she nodded.

"I hope I can trust you." I said and sighed.

"Well I've been doing a research of my own and I've been seeing trails. First, the night of the blizzard, the night of the decapitation too." She said and I bent down to avoid anybody hearing our discussion.

"On the night of the blizzard as told by the students, I had gone to see for myself and to my surprise there were four pair of footsteps where Richard had fallen." She said and continued "although there were two others but two were smaller and two matched Richard's." She concluded.

"And on the night of decapitation?" I asked and she smiled.

"That one is reserved information since I have no concrete clue. I hope you do some research and share with me." She smiled and I blushed before leaving to join the students.


"You're late!!." Finn scolded as soon as I approached.

I giggled and they smirked.

"Shall we?" I said and pulled open the door of the Limousine and we entered.



We arrived at west city but we didn't come in unprepared like before. We had entered the city from the main gate the last time but today we came from the exit.

Everybody had come out of the car except for Tasha who kept struggling at the trunk of the car with her baggage.

I walked up to her and helped her remove it.

"Thanks Aspen!" She said and hurried to join the others.

"What's the___."

"First rule when on a mission like this?!." Ryder completed and I smiled.

"Since we're all familiar with the rules then let's get on." I said and led the team down the street. There wasn't much time on our side but within one week we'll be cleared.

(Tiana's POV)

Remembering when Richard had asked me about Elsa, I'd slowly began to wonder if this aunt of mine really existed. If I'd be able to know such mystery then I'd have to...

"Twenty three thousand, nine hundred and forty six..." His strained voice rung out. He fell face flat as sweat covered his face. I chuckled and walked to help him up.

"Your powers have enhanced since your return. It's almost like you're a new being." I said and he smiled at me.

"I cheated death which meant I still have a long way to go and if I have to kill Eirwen for cutting off my head, I'll need to be stronger." He said and i chuckled and walked up to him and wiped off the sweat that filled his forehead.

"How long are we going to continue hiding?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Come with me." I said and began to walk towards the cabin while he followed behind.

"Where are we going to that we haven't gone to." He said as we walked through the house. I pushed the shelf aside and there was door in front.

"I knew there was a secret door in this cabin." He said even though I knew he was lying, I still smiled.

I input the code and the door groaned before opening. He sped in and began to marvel at what he saw. First he went to the time machine as it was easily recognizable.

"Built by Jeremiah Noah, the incredible forces greatest technician." I explained and his face lit up.

"And this?__." He walked to a stack of weapons on the wall.

"Orion's battle weapons."I said and he touched the tip of a sword and withdrew his arm immediately.

"Sharp!" He muttered and turned to look at me.

"Tiana, why did you bring us here?" He asked

"It's been a while since I mentioned anything about my aunt to you or to anybody and I must say__ I really do think of her and I'm quite obsessed with seeing what she looks like." I said and he burst into laughter.

"Look T, it's great to have such obsession but there's nothing you can do about it, you just have to wait until it's time." He said.

"Time__." I said and gave him a cocky look and he replied with a disgusted face.

"Time is what we are going to be doing." I said and pointed towards the time machine.

"No way!!!" He shook his head on disapproval.

"C'mon, it'll just be a little peek, we won't spend much time." I insisted continuously until he finally gave in.

We walked to the machine and I powered it on. There was a whirling sound followed by the sound of an opening breach. There were sparks on the entrance of the machine and I could feel cold chills running down my spine.

"Richie!" I said with a smile on my face.

"Let's make history!" I said and made to go in.

"Turn off." An unfamiliar voice said and the machine instantly went off.

I jumped to where Richard was and took my stance and so did he. In front of us was a middle aged man with a blue overall and a big belt to buckle his clothes. He didn't seem like he was from around and at the same time I couldn't sense anything from him.

"Who are you?" I asked even though I could feel fear within me.

"Call me El mån éra." He said as he looked around to survey his surroundings.

"And I can see you are trying to time travel, which isn't good." His tone was quite confusing and if I wasn't using language amplification technique I wouldn't have understood.

"And who are you to judge that." Richard asked and the man laughed.

"Let's talk, shall we." He said formally but Richard didn't like the idea.

He leaped towards the man and tried to attack but the man dodged sending Richard out of the room. Richard turned back and tried attacking again but this time he caught Richard's attacks and sent him flying towards me.

The man brought out his left palm and opened it, there was a whoosh followed by what seemed like a tornado and then a transparent golden book appeared. I began to run towards him while he flipped the pages and then he stretched his right palm to me and said "sleep!"

In a moment, I felt instant dizziness and I fell down immediately.

"Ah that was quick!" I heard his faint voice say right before I succumbed to unconsciousness.


"Wake" I heard and then I opened my eyes In an instant and quickly sprang to my feet holding my attack stance while the man just sat relaxed on the couch looking at me. I tried to attack and he blocked his face momentarily with his palm and I stopped mid way.

"We tried that before." He said and slowly took down his defense.

I looked to the side to see Richard who was placed upside down on the couch. He was still dozing off. I sat back down since I knew if I tried fighting I'd only end up hurting myself.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Nothing really, I just came to stop you from doing something that made the incredible forces abandon that machine." He replied me.

"Drink?" He asked and by the time I looked at my palm, there was a cup filled with__

"Tequila??" I yelled as I dropped the cup quickly on the table.

"Oh sorry about that." He said and waved the cup and the content in it changed but I still wasn't going to be foolish enough to drink it.

"Back to the topic." He said.

"If you guys had gone 38 years in time just to see Elsa then there's a very high possibility of not returning back alive." He said.

"how did you know we were going back 38 years and to see Elsa?" I asked and he smiled

"did I introduce myself?_."

"I'm El mån éra or you can just call me time." he said and I almost burst into laughter.

"I thought my superhero name was lame but yours is lamer." I said and he tilted his head for a moment.

"But if that's so then why not destroy the machine?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Well, I'm not the engineer responsible for the machine. I'm only a messenger." He said and relaxed more.

"And the book that appeared earlier?" I asked and frowned.


"HEX??" I screamed and he gave me a questioning look.

"I remembered hex being a hard copy book not some magic__ copy." I said even though it sounded dumb.

"Hex got destroyed__." He hesitated and stood up.

"That boy__" He pointed to Richard and hesitated again for a while before vanishing