
Sunless World

Is life difficult for you? Do you feel unlucky? Maybe, in your head you answered yes, and then maybe you felt uncomfortable with your answer, because deep down you know you have so much. Ever since I remember, my world was made of rocks. My father was a miner and was exploited, I was born a miner and I will be exploited until my death. Despite all this, I did not mind this life, I had my father and the other miners, I had "a family", I never really felt unlucky, so why...

M_Sini · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
20 Chs

13 Nobility is seen by actions

From all directions, eyes of disgust and mockery were turned in our direction.

We were still walking through the corridors of the first-year section of the Velch school.

'What's going on, why are they looking at us like this?'

I looked at Alizée, who was clearly upset by the situation, almost embarrassed.

'Is it my fault?'

"Al, why are they looking at us like this?"

A little silence followed.

"No ... don't pay attention ..."

How could I not pay attention to it? They had an even worse look than they gave me on my first day here in town.


She looked at me as if to beg me to do as she had said.

We kept walking, sometimes she told me about the classrooms we passed by, however, I felt in her words that something was wrong.

Alizée stopped, trembling.

"Maybe... it was not a good idea to come here."

I didn't understand what she meant exactly, but I did understand that it had to do with looks. I thought of a possible reason.


I felt I was coming to the truth when a group of three people stopped in front of us.

"Hey! Alizée, how it goes"

The one in the center spoke, just his tone of voice made me nervous. Speaking was a first-year male student, a human being about as tall as I was, with light green hair and eyes, who I understood from his clothes came from a noble family.

"What are you doing?! Aren't you talking? Can't you do that either? Khekhe"

Alizée, first upset, now seemed to feel a mix of fear and anger, it was as if she wanted to react somehow but was not capable of it. The guy in front of us tried to slap Alizée, I managed to stop him just in time grabbing his wrist. Alizée looked at me in surprise.

"And who would you be?" He shook his arm from my grip.

"Who knows…" I shrugged.

Al looked at me as if to tell me not to do anything stupid.

I also knew there was not much I could do, we needed a way out of that situation, if I acted unreasonably now, my hopes of getting into this school would be blown away and Al would probably be affected as well.

However, this whole situation made my blood boil.

"Huh?! Are you a friend of this uselessness?!" He continued angrily.

"It's probably not even noble haha."

One of the guys who was with him added this phrase, and all three laughed maliciously.

The needle of my mental balance was shifting more and more towards irrational action.

Now the mocking looks of the people around us were also directed at me, just because I was not a nobleman. It made me laugh a bit.

"What do you have to laugh at?! How dare a useless villager like you! Know that you are in front of Robert Cantov's son, Ben Cantov!"

I looked in the direction of Al, probably the ones I had here in front of me bothered her very often, and very often put their hands on her. Her petrified look and trembling body made me completely lose my mind. I smiled, now definitely pissed off.

"You know, those like you are the ones I hate the most, a nobleman who has everything, only thanks to the hard work of those you call useless ... and who, then, also believes that he is superior to them ... it is people like you who are really useless, indeed, perhaps even harmful."

These words came out to me almost naturally, all I said was what I thought.

"Even hurting others just because you have your parents behind you."

I had never understood the arrogance, the excess of self-esteem that many people have, especially among the very rich ones ... just thinking about it made me angry, it was precisely for this type of people that my parents lived such a sad life.

And I was angry not only with those in front of me, but also all the others around us, who from further away were talking to each other without moving a muscle.

After a startling first look, Ben and the other two in front of me laughed, followed by more giggles from the onlookers.

"I don't think I've ever heard nonsense like this, do you really think that those like me and those like you have the same value? Hahaha"

At these words I could no longer maintain reason, I refused reason and approached him furiously.


Luckily, a very powerful male voice coming from behind Al and me appeared on the scene.

"P-Professor Linkentar..."

Ben's voice got a little shaky but remained arrogant.

I turned around, a man in his forties with glasses with circular lenses; he had golden eyes, eyelashes and eyebrows and long black hair partly gathered in a ponytail, about 180 cm tall and dressed in a beige shirt, black linen trousers and black suede shoes, he was approaching us with an authoritarian walk.

"Ben, I already told you not to cause problems at school"

"I-I... You can't tell me what to do, I swear I'll kick you out of here one day! "

So saying, the nobleman with his two lap dogs at his side left furiously.

"And you... who would you be?" The professor turned to me.

"... Tom, sir"

"Mmh... I have never seen you before, pleased to meet you, I am Noir Linkentar, a humble professor at this school. "

His words were calm and "strong", without any arrogance in them.

He looked at Al.

"Oh, are you visiting the school?"


His keen gaze made it difficult for me to speak freely.

"Hmm, well, after what happened I don't think you want to be here anymore."

To which until recently she was shaken, now, with the presence of the professor, she seemed relieved.

We both nodded.

That said, he offered to accompany us until the exit, an offer that we immediately accepted, with him close there would be no other problems.

However, there was one thing about what was going on that didn't convince me.

'Why did she immediately blame Ben for the situation? ... maybe he had heard the discussion right away, but then why hadn't he intervened earlier? ... maybe that son of nobles used to cause problems ... '

"So how do you two know each other?"

"Ah, we actually met... in a very random way... but we immediately got along ... now we also live together." Al answered immediately.

From how she replied it was clear that she had not yet fully recovered from what had happened just before.

Although in a way what Alizée had said was the truth, he instantly understood that the whole thing could be misunderstood and for that, I blushed a little.

"Oh... you never told me you had a boyfriend."

'As I thought… but now that I notice it, he seems very familiar with Alizée'.

"No no no, we're just friends..." Alizée, also blushing, immediately denied it.

Her speed in responding saddened me a little.

"Hmm, I understand" Linkentar replied in a tone as if to say "yes yes, whatever you say".

Which added to the embarrassment that Al and I were already feeling.

After that, Noir didn't ask us any other questions, to my surprise.

We walked, therefore, silently to the exit. When we were now out of school, Linkentar turned to Al.

"Sorry, can I talk to Tom in private for a moment? "

"Oh... certainly"

Alizée looked at us slightly confused but immediately accepted the teacher's request and walked away from us. I was as surprised as she was by Linkentar's request.

It is not a title that makes you "noble"

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