
Chapter Four

“Not really, but, pretty please? For me?”

It was a wonderful morning. Waking up earlier than the alarm clock sounds good. She stayed in her bed looking at the plain ceiling. She wanted to decorate it, but she has nothing in her mind.

Looking at her plain ceiling she wasn't only thinking just about a good decoration for her ceiling.

It was something new.

She was thinking about tough it is to have nothing to see. To have nothing but darkness. It was like....you are in a dark room..... a very dark room. No windows, no doors.

Just you in that corner.... It sounds awful.

She sat on her bed and looked onto her window. She can see the white curtain dancing through the wind. Right. She can see.

But what about him?

Then, a notification tone on her phone woke her reverie.


She completely forgot it. It was today.

The day she has been waiting for.

Its the subdivision's anniversary, so there'll be some gimmicks for entertainment. Like raffles, contests and et cetera.

And she already know what she wants to do this year.

She dressed her best as a smile plastered in her lips.

She loves sunflower since it was her late-mother's favorite flower. And the flowers' language was pure thoughts.

She dress into a white summer dress with sunflower ribbon. She had her hair, ponytail. She was about to leave for church when she saw the door of her neighbor.

She remember before that she used to avoid that house just beside her but now, she had new neighbor. And she was glad it wasn't a game nerd or an otaku.

She gently knock three times and waited. She look at the time at her wrist watch and was delighted when someone opens the door. Her jaw drop literally to the ground.

It was the same guy, the adonis one. And he was shirtless. And her mind, begun to wander around how hard those abs were.

Oh my god! Pervert!

She mentally slapped her face over and over again and it was ridiculous when she felt her mouth drool over his freaking abs!

“Uhmm.... Excuse me? Hello? Anybody?"

She snap immediately in her freaking imadgination.

“A-ah... I... I was about to...”

She wanted to slap her face because of she was shuttering. The he arched his brows, probably confused of the sudden stuttering. So she cleared her throat and started talking again.

“I was *gulp* just asking if you...you want to come with me at the church just nearby. And don't worry, I can guide


“Why do I have to? It's not yet Sunday.”

Wow, he's updated. She wanted to said that but she dismissed the idea immediately.

“Yeah, but it's almost the Subdivision's anniversary. And everyone here in the neighborhood must come there, for meeting. Come on.”

“I’m new here, so means, I also need to go there?”

“Not really, but, pretty please? For me?” She saw him raised an eyebrow.

“What do you mean 'for you' ? Why would I do it for you when you almost kill me by your fried egg."

He said with frustration and she make a face at him. Mentioning how bad her cooking skills are, made her remember that she should not even dare to cook ever again.

"Ugh. Fine. Not that topic please. But how about, it'll be a welcome party for you if you come. Since its only been a few days you've been here, and you wasn't introduced to others yet." She said, wanting to make her neighbor, come with her.

He was quiet for a while when Manang Josi came in. The reason why, is simple. She hears everything what Thresse have said. She then look at Kristian who has been pale as a ghost since he has been staying at the house the whole time. And he did not bother to work or exercise.

Manang Josi sigh, and look at Thresse with sympathy for her son, Kristian.

"It's okay, as long as its not too much work. Their family doctor have forbid him." Manang Josi said. Agreeing to Thresse's idea.

"Of course! We are just planning for what we can do about the anniversary that's happening the very next week."

"Oh, really dear? Then that's good. You see, Kristian hasn't not much lately."

"I'm doing something you know." Kristian butted in. But Manang Josi ignored him and continue speaking.

"And this activity of yours, might be a great idea. But wait let me fix mys—"

"It's alright, Manang. I'm pretty sure, Thresse can manage to help me walk there, since she manage to convince me so she must accompany me there right, Ms Thresse?"

Thresse gulped after Kristian said those words. And now, Thresse heart is beating like crazy.

And accompanying him?


He's the death of me, seriously.


*Son/daughter- sometimes older maids/people uses that as an endearment for the child they've been taking care since the child we're young.