
Sunflower In The Dark

Emmi's a normal girl, or so she thought. One unassuming night, Emmi's world is about to be changed forever when she meets Adriel, a demon. Learning the truth about her past and future leads Emmi down the road of the adventure of a lifetime, as she navigates first love, danger and what it means to decide your own future. "...And I intend to give you everything I possibly can." Little did I know, one day he would. -Emerald Cross

ChihiroO · Fantaisie
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7 Chs


Emmi was all I could think about. I didn't want her to find out like that. I wanted to explain things first before she saw the real us. I had tried to call her serval times, but it went straight to voicemail. She had even called off work for the week. I need to explain, explain everything. That night I was out for blood. It was gut-wrenching to see her cry. Yelling, I slammed my fist into the concrete wall of my garage, "Damnit!" watching pieces of the wall fall to the ground, I sink to the floor. It felt like my heart was about to explode. I exploded on Rei that night. We never had visitors; he was used to being in his natural form at here, but how could he have been this careless? He had begged me to punish him, I refused, teleporting myself back to Acheron in an instant. I had to let this rage out. I needed to kill something. I needed to go hunting.

I walked through the entrance of the palace. This place hasn't changed. A voice called out to me, I already knew who it was. "My Lord." A young soldier bowed before me. "River, you know I hate that." He grinned, "I know. Welcome home Dre" I glared at him. "Little shit you are River." He loves patronizing me. He was one of the few friends I had. I eventually made him captain of my guard after our first win on the battlefield. He was a fierce fighter, brave, stubborn, but kind, even for a demon. He followed me to the barn, "You look down, sir. Something on your mind?" Throwing the saddle on my horse, I turned to him, "River, you want to go hunting?" A wicked grin spread across his face as he climbed on his on his horse. "Always, Dre."

"Please, no!" I stood back, watching River corner our prey. Hunting for us was hunting rogue demons, demons who had managed to escape the king's rule. Everyone was to submit to the king, the ones who didn't were to be eliminated. The king was fair, but his rule was absolute. River's fangs glinted in the sunlight. Picking the man up, he held his arms behind his back, holding him in place. "You want the honor, my lord?" I felt my claws extend, "Gladly." The man struggled against River's grip. "Please, my lord, I'll submit! Please spare me!" Watching him beg only fueled my bloodlust. Dashing forward, I sunk my claws into his chest. His cries of agony filled the silence as blood drenched his shirt and pooled at my feet. Holding his arms behind his back with one hand, River grabbed his chin with the other. The man's face was contorted in pain, his eyes wide with terror. The glorious smell of fear hung in the air. Raising my hand, and he shuts his eyes, knowing this was the last breath he'll breath, my claws easily rip through his throat with ease. The feeling of his flesh under my nails thrilled me. I towered over him, watching the life escape from his body. His body going limp, River dropped him to the ground, "I'll call someone to dispose of this. We'll bury him with the others." Cleaning the blood off my hands, River summoned a sparrow, the bird popping into existence before me, he whispered to it, giving it instructions. He waved his hand, making it vanish into the air, sending it the other guards to retrieve the body. "It's been a long while since we hunted Dre." Yes, A little too long. But it still didn't do much to dampen my anger.

We hunted through the night until I was satisfied. It was midday the next day before I was done. Throwing my blood-soaked clothes onto the floor, I got into the bath. Letting the hot water wash over me. After dressing, my stomach was aching for food. I hadn't eatin since Emmi came over, almost a week ago. I forced myself to leave the room, all I wanted was to see Emmi. None of this was fair to her. " Prince Adriel!" someone said my name as I entered the dining hall, and all heads turned to look at me. Some people whispered, smiled, and said greetings, and some people came up to me, welcoming me home. The people of the kingdom loved me, respected me. Just smile, Dre. Plastering on a smile, I chatted with some of the guards and court members. "Oh, my love." A voice called out, and people stepped aside. Ahh, Mother. Exactly what I wanted. I was wondering when she'd show. She was the queen of Acheron, a beauty, with waist long, straight hair, that was neatly piled into various styles. She was the true definition of a proper lady.

"Mother," I acknowledge her with a curt tone in my voice, my face falling in annoyance. She linked her arm in mine, "Welcome home, dear! It has been far too long." Dramatic as always. Putting on a show for everyone still, I see. "Mother. It's only been three months." I sat down at an empty table as a maid placed a plate in front of me, "My lord." She bowed. "Thank you, Mei." Mei had been my maid since boyhood. She was more of a mother to me than my own. My mother wasn't a terrible mother, she loved me dearly, but she was a selfish woman. My boyhood was spent honing my swordsman ship with my father and his soldiers, going on raids, I wasn't afforded the luxuries of a peaceful childhood. Death had raised me, turning me into one of most renowned swordsman by age thirteen.

Mother sat in front of me, "You should see the king once you're done. I'm sure he'll be glad that you have returned." She took a sip from her drink a maid had brought her. "I'm not staying. I still have something I have to do in the human world." "Of course, dear." She waved her hand at me, "How is Rei?" Feeling the anger rise in my chest, I pushed it down, as not to cause a disturbance. I held no hard feelings towards him, but my heart still hurt at the thought of Emmi running from me. "Rei is Rei. You know him, sturdy old goat." My mother smiled, "Manners, Dre." She scolded me. Give me a break woman. Wolfing down the last of my food, I excuse myself. "Mother, if you'll excuse me." I turn on my heels and practically run out of the hall. "I'll see you soon, love." I hear her call after me.

Walking to the king's chambers, my thoughts drift to Emmi. How is she doing? If only she'd pick up my calls, I could finally tell her everything and bring her home. If only her parents hadn't been traitors, she wouldn't have to go through this. If she doesn't talk to me soon, I'll have to drag her here. She will probably hate me if she doesn't already. The thought made my heartache. Ugh, must everything in life be hard? I need to get back quickly.

The guard informs the king, my father, of my arrival. He was sitting by the window, legs crossed, hand resting under his chin, without his cloak, I could tell he was nearing the end of his life. His once muscular body that took down many enemies and won countless wars, was nothing more than a hollow shell of the man he once was. His chiseled face now sunken. The strong hands that once reined as a great swordsman, were mere bones. After thousands of years, his rein was almost over. Soon it would be Emmi and I's turn. I wonder how she'll take that news. Hearing me enter, he stands.

"Ahh, Adriel. Welcome back." His face showing no hint of a smile.