
3. Chapter 3

Kara wasn’t much to get nervous anymore. Excited, maybe, but not nervous. Not with nearly 2 years of wearing the suit and cape. Too many near death experiences had left her without nerves.

Excited was the right word for the feeling that had settled in her stomach.On top of it being her birthday, it was also going to be her first large evening press conference as L-Corp’s Director of Communications. Where she was to lay out the next fiscal year plans for expanding the multiple different business ventures L-Corp had its hand in.

The promotion itself had brought a lot of backlash inside and outside of the company. Kara was a no face nobody that didn’t even go to a Ivy League school. She had a lot still yet to prove in the business world that she was ready to take a position like this.

A different Kara, a Kara before she became Supergirl would’ve been afraid at that idea of standing up in front of an entire conference room and speak. But times had changed and so had she.

The smallest bit of annoyance was mixed in with that excitement for the night. Annoyance that the past week Lena had been spending each and every day winding Kara up. Blowing up her phone with dirty texts and pictures to only deny her every night.

Kara had learned long ago that her girlfriend had quite the dirty mind and once she was set on something, it was stuck on it until it was completed. There was only one thing Kara wanted for her birthday and she had a feeling Lena was about to deliver on it.

The blonde stood naked, white towel used to dry off her wet body. Beads of water ran down her hard chiseled body, her cock laid limp in between her strong thighs, pubic hair freshly trimmed back down. Her short blonde hair looked darker than its usual golden blonde, wet still and sticking to her skull from the shower.

She was horny, Kara knew it. Her and Lena had never gone this long without sex, it being gentle or rough. Ever since they starting dating Kara never needed to take care of herself. Not with how Lena was addicted to her no matter what time of day it was.

Kara was pulled from her thoughts when Lena stepped into the bathroom all purpose in each little step the Luthor took. Her dark brown hair was up in a tight ponytail, the rest of her body covered by a thin black night robe.

Those green eyes looked dark in the reflection in the mirror. There was the trademark Lena Luthor smirk tugging at the corner of her lips, coming close to Kara and placing her hands to rest over Kara’s stomach. She leaned up and placed a kiss to the blonde’s pulse point,


“Not at all.” Kara smiled through the reflection and leaned back into Lena.

“You know you can tell me if you are. Everyone gets…”

“I’m not nervous, Lena.” Kara’s voice is sure, confident, cutting over Lena.

The CEO looks closely at her girlfriend, placing another kiss to the tanned flesh of her lover’s neck, “What are you feeling then.”

“Excited.” Kara says simply, her arms reaching out behind her to grasp Lena’s hips and walk her around her body. The brunette doesn’t look surprised by Kara’s hands on her and finds her being pressed into the bathroom counter.

Kara’s strong hands cup Lena’s perk ass through the thin material of the night robe. Her nails dig into the flesh, cock stirring to life underneath her.

“Seems to me someone is a bit... tense .” Lena has that smirk plastered across her face and her best ‘Luthor’ tone in her voice, trying in vain to ignore the hardening cock pressing into her thigh.

Kara picks Lena up and places her down on the edge of the counter. The brunette's long pale legs wrap tight around the blonde and keep her press to her. Arms wrap around Kara’s shoulders, fingers playing with the strands of blonde hair at the back of her neck.

“Maybe you can do something to relieve that.” Kara whispered, mouth hovering over the side of Lena’s long neck. Placing one kiss and then another lazily.

One of Lena’s hands dropped down from the back of Kara’s neck and to the point inbetween their legs. The tips of her soft fingers traced over the long curve of Kara’s cock, squeezing it once to earn a low groan from the blonde.

“And how would I do that?”

“I hate your coyness so much right now.” Kara mumbled out, lips placing another kiss to Lena’s pulse point.

Lena’s soft hand doesn’t leave the tanned cock. The thick meat throbs in her hand, precum leaking from the tip. She could feel the tension in her lover’s body, the past week of nothing but teasing.

All Kara can focus on is the feel of Lena’s fingers wrapped around her. That soft palm dragging so slowly up and down, giving her the tiniest of pleasure that didn’t help the fire that stroked on in her stomach.

“We should finish getting ready.” Lena drops her hand and runs her palm up along the hard curve of Kara’s abs, leaning over to press a kiss to the blonde’s lips.

Kara sighs into those lips.

The pair are the center of attention as soon as they step out of the car. Kara is dressed in custom made Brioni suit, a gift from Lena for the special night. It’s slim, fitting to her form much like in the ways her Supersuit does. The jacket and pants are in a rich dark navy blue color, a baby blue dress shirt underneath with a slim matching dark navy blue tie.

Lena is dressed up in her own right. A tight fitting dark blue dress that shows the long curve of her pale back. Dark brown hair is done in a elegant bun, bringing out the pretty features of her face.

It doesn’t help the rumors that swirl around them when Kara’s hand firmly places itself at the small of Lena’s exposed back and leads the two through the flashing cameras and screaming questions.

As Lena always said, flirting with rumors was always the right way to go. And in comparison to the past stories they ran about the Luthor, this paled.

The executive table was the center of all attention. Power was a game of realist state that night and any who had been allowed to be seated with the CEO of L-Corp, the CFO Sam, and now Director of Communications, were to be the rising stars in the company.

Kara smiles and winks at her sister who had a protective arm thrown around the back of Sam’s chair. Eyeballing anyone that stared at her lovely girlfriend for far too long.

It was near the halfway point through the dinner that Lena finally notices that Kara’s right leg is bouncing up and down underneath the table. Tanned right hand clasped in her lap and drumming into thigh.

While the rest of the table are rubbing elbows with each other and Lena only half listening, her hand slips underneath the table to find Kara’s hand. She sees the outline of the jaw and neck twitch for a moment at the sudden warm addition of that pale hand.

Kara shifts in her seat and sips from her glass of wine,giving no other notion that she felt Lena’s hand.

Lena runs her hand along the inside of Kara’s thigh, stopping the bouncing that could rattle the entire table. The blonde releases a deep breath, Lena’s hand passes along the half hard cock that throbs to life at the gentle touching.

So it was this that was causing Kara’s sour mood.

Lena smirks and rolls her neck, bringing attention to the long outline of her neck, the strong chiseled jaw. She can feel Kara’s eyes burning a whole on the side profile Lena had just given her.

The CEO knows Kara is holding back, trying her hardest to ignore the soft hand resting on her crotch. Lena presses her hand down softly and runs her palm upwards along the curve.

She gets a reaction she’s looking for. Kara leans over, fake smile plastered on her face, whispering lowly into Lena’s ear, “Stop.”


“I can’t go on stage like this .” Kara hisses the last word. They’re attracting the attention of the other tables, a few whispering that the two women were sitting much closer than they just were.

Lena’s fingers dance back up, circling and playing with the zipper of Kara’s slacks, “You wouldn’t have to.”

Kara’s warm breath runs over the side of Lena’s ear to fill the several long seconds of silence it takes for Kara to find her thoughts, “You’re teasing.”

“I can’t have my Director of Communications being nervous. ”

“ Excited.”

“Tense. Hard, pulsing, throbbing .” The words roll off of Lena’s tongue like a purr until the very last one that did leave Kara’s cock throbbing through the material of the expensive custom made slacks.


“Those balls are probably so filled, aren’t they? Too mighty to do it yourself.” Lena lifts up her glass of wine, sipping from it and smiles to the rest of the table.

Those sitting around the round table seem to know better than to ask any questions to what the CEO and Director were talking about. And why it was in such hushed voices.

“It’s been a very long week, Lena.”

Lena strokes Kara through her slacks. Her wrist movement are slow, to not attract any unnecessary attention to what she was doing. The Kryptonian is tense next to her, looking very hard as if she wasn’t getting jerked off by the CEO of L-Corp from underneath the table.

Said CEO leans back closer to Kara, “Last night then I had my three little fingers buried in my cunt wishing it was you, I thought about how nice it would be for you to fuck my ass.”

Kara, to keep herself from gasping, skillfully picks up her wine glass and drowns the rest of it in a single gulp. She knows Alex is looking at her with those disgusted narrowed eyes while Sam is trying to hide her laughter from behind her hand.

In contrast, not even a faint red blush could be found on Lena’s cheeks.

“I’m drenching my thong thinking about it, Kara. You’ll so big already and then stretching it so wide to fit all of you.”

Kara finally twists away from Lena fully and goes to drown her untouched glass of water. Alex rolls her eyes within the few seconds it takes for Kara to finish the glass of water and to lean back over to whisper into Lena’s ear, “The women’s restrooms. After the presentation.”

The Kara that was there moments before is gone. Her cheeks are red, her eyes had darkened. It’s a famalir tone, a famailr face that Kara wears so well. The commanding Kryptonian, the Lady Kara Zor-El.

The rest of the ballroom begin to turn their attention to the center stage, where the first speaker is set to introduce Kara and allow the Director to take the swing of things.

Kara smiles to the table once her name is called and the ballroom explodes into applause. The bubbling blonde coming back to life with a bright smile, “I’ll be back in a jiffy!”


Lena is proud of her girlfriend once Kara finishes. For she allows the careful confidence of Supergirl to show for the length of the long speech, giving a new edge to the Kara Danvers from CatCo.

She notices Kara slipping from the ballroom once there’s a lull, a signal that Lena realizes. She waits a whole 3 minutes before rising from the table and made her way out of the ballroom and to the restrooms. She waves off the trio of bodyguards, smiling over her shoulder, “Just using the restroom, Boys.”

The Luthor can feel that sick wet need dripping down the curve of her inner thighs. She wasn’t lying, her thong was ruined. Dirty talking, no matter if it was her or Kara doing it, never failed in exciting her.

The restroom is empty besides the familiar blonde who is busy splashing cool water across her red face. The blonde looks over her shoulder as she hears the restroom door shut behind her. Lena steps forward to close the distance but then Kara is gone.

As in physically gone. There’s a breeze of speed and she hears the restroom door being locked and sealed. Followed by a familiar warm hard body being pressed into her back.

Lena smiles and leans back into Kara’s arm, the hard outline of the Kryptonian’s cock pressing into the curve of her ass.

Kara’s warm tanned hands grasp her hips, running up along the fancy blue silky material of the dress, “Get on your knees.”


“I’ve had enough of your coyness , Miss Luthor.” Kara hisses out next to Lena’s right ear, a pink lips lean forward to press a kiss to Lena’s earlobe.

Kara steps a half step away from Lena, allowing the woman down onto her knees. It’s awkward and Lena knows there’s going to be obvious stains on the very expensive dress. Kara stands proudly in front of her, hand going to unbutton the jacket, allowing the jacket to hang from her shoulders freely.

The blonde looks far too impressive in the suit. Kara wears the colors well, a few strands of wild short blonde hair strikes free from the otherwise styled hair. Lena’s pale hands contrast well with the blueness of the slacks, white tipped french nails traced a dangerous outline around Kara’s needy cock.

“Take it out.” Kara’s voice is slow, commanding one of the most powerful businesswomen in the world.

Lena smirks up to her lover, leaning forward to run her tongue along the thick outline, leaving a large wet spot where the thick head threatened to pop the strands of the slacks. She runs her tongue downwards on the bronze colored zipper, ignoring the copperly taste that comes from it.

Plump lips and teeth latch onto the zipper and slowly pulls it all the way down. Lena’s hands pull down the slacks only a few inches, enough for a wave of Kara’s unique musky scent to hit her like a wonderful wave.

The smells stirs the pot of wet hot need that boils in the pit of Lena’s stomach. Her fingers and toys could not compare to Kara herself. The warm, strong, sexy Kara that looked down at her with such a look of fierce desire that it causes Lena’s pussy to pulse, a small trickle of cum leaking from her needy walls.

Kara eases her cock out of the tight contents of her compression shorts. Lena couldn’t help the small moan that rolled from her lips at the sight of Kara’s cock. She watches Kara’s hand wrap around the meaty girth, stroking it to produce a few fat droplets of precum.  

Lena knows from Kara and her own information that the Zor-El’s were impressive, she’s reminded of it every time she sees Kara, but in moments like this, it’s all too much for Lena. There’s the throbbing thought of Kara shoving her cock into her ass, spreading her so wide and rightfully, filling her so well.

Tanned hips slamming into her ass as Kara fucked her like an animal.

It’s a desire that has plagued her dreams far too much in the past month.

The CEO’s pink tongue runs from the base of Kara’s shaft and upwards. Tracing the thick underside vein that runs up and down. There’s the taste of sweat mixed with the taste of musky cum that tastes far too divine to Lena’s tongue.

The Luthor crudely sucks on a spot of flesh, earning a moan from Kara. The cock bounces with pure sexual need. Tanned hands clasp behind Kara’s back, hips buckling at the feel of Lena’s tongue on her cock, drinking her precum.

Lena’s tongue circles around the cock head, her lips form a tight seal, loudly slurping the precum that had gathered there, “Such a good fucking cock sucker.”

A thin line of spit and precum connects Lena’s tongue to the cock head. Lena winks at her lover and uses her fingers to clean up the line. She pops both slender pale fingers into her mouth and sucks them clean, watching how Kara’s cock bounced at the sight.

The crude praise brings a throb of pleasure to Lena’s pussy. The reminder that they still had an after party to go to fades quicker and quicker with each second her mouth is wrapped around Kara’s cock.

Lena’s fingers dig into Kara’s legs through the material of her slacks. Her mouth connects back to Kara’s cock, head quickening its speed, bouncing up and down. Her lips suck harshly on the up draw, drawing spurts of precum from the weeping cock.

This was meant to be a quick stress relief, Lena knows it. Kara is too pent up and Lena is a loving girlfriend after all. But Lena’s own desire burns and boils, needing attention, Kara’s attention. They’re evening out is not supposed to be over yet but with each moment reality slips further and further away.

Lena’s mouth disconnects with a loud wet pop. A hand moves from Kara’s thigh to wrap around her cock and jerks it swiftly. Lena’s head looks over her shoulder, taking in the stock of the restroom, having the thought of fucking in a stall boil in her fantasies only for a moment.

Lena decides that can be done for another day, not when she still has a plan for the evening. She stands from her knees, hand still wrapped around Kara’s cock, stroking with purposeful jerks of her hand, “Take me home.”

“The party..?” Kara asks, arms wrapping tight around Lena’s waist, already planning their escape plan.

“We’ll just leave early anyways.” Lena whispers, placing a kiss with her lips to Kara’s pulse point and tucks Kara’s back into her pants.

Kara’s response is a low chuckle and a blur of speed.


Lena has many reasons why she loves Kara, one of lesser ones is the blonde’s superspeed and ability to fly. When the CEO shuts her eyes, they’ll still in the restroom and when she opens them they’re back in the familiarity of their penthouse home.

Lena sends a quick text to Jess to explain she was feeling ill and that Kara took her home. The assistant’s reply is quick and a simple ‘Of course, Miss Luthor.’

Kara’s hands are walking Lena towards the direction of their bedroom. With the suit jacket still open and unbuttoned, Lena runs her greedy hands down over the strong muscles of Kara’s chest.

The first piece to go is the silver tie clip holding the blue tie to Kara’s dress shirt. She tosses the small bit of metal behind her, making it bounce off their dresser and to the ground. The next is the jacket itself, the first piece of clothing to fall to the ground.

The blonde’s hands move from Lena’s hips to run up through the open space of pale back that stands out from the blue dress. She’s stopped short when Lena’s hand pull at the tie, clasping their lips together.

The kiss is messy, heated, prodding and pulling at the lust that worked into a frenzy within them. It breaks when Lena undoes Kara’s dark leather belt and throws it into the room. Lena’s attention is drawn to the silk tie, running those long sinful fingers up to the expertly done knot,

“Kara, love.”

Kara smiles warmly at Lena, arching a gold brow through her red face,” Yes, Lena?” Her mouth lowers, placing a hot kiss to the side of Lena’s jaw, then her neck, then her collarbone that peeks from the dress.

“I want you to tie my hands together with this stupid expensive silk tie and fuck me until I scream.” Lena whispers sweetly against Kara’s red face.

The blonde’s eyes darken swiftly, lust and want pooling in her chest and throat, “We never bought anymo…”

Lena shakes her head, placing a soft kiss to the side of Kara’s nose, “For a reason, Kara.”

Kara still isn’t sure if it’s a smart idea to have unprotected sex this much, but with Lena’s body pressed to hers, there isn’t much fight in her to say otherwise.

“You want my cum in you then, Lena? Is that it?”

Lena moans into Kara’s ear, teeth nipping at the earlobe, “I thought I was yours , Kara.”

Kara’s hands move in a blur of speed, craving to see flesh, driven by the sinful challenge whispered into her ear.  They find the zipper of Lena’s dress and pulls down, a loud tear echoing due to her own excitement. A growl escapes from the Kryptonian, throwing the ruined shreds to the side and shoving Lena down on the bed.

Lena lays down on her stomach, head eye level with Kara’s crotch. She drops her chin into one hand but uses the other to run up and circles the outline large cock hiding still in Kara’s pants. That defy little hand undoes the same zipper and pulls the pants down to allow that cock to bounce free.

The CEO prefers this sight better. She loves getting to see Kara naked, every inch of her cock standing out proudly for her attention. No matter how many times she saw it, it made Lena’s mouth water with a sinful need that Kara could only ever fulfill.

The short patch of blonde pubic hair looks freshly trimmed, the ‘v’ those muscles make lead up to such muscles that they looked if they were formed by hand into stone. Her small pale hands stand in contrast to the strong tanned muscles. Her french tipped nails leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake along Kara’s thighs.

The tie is thrown behind Lena near the head of the bed while finally the last piece of clothing falls to the floor, leaving Kara in her full naked glory.

No matter how hard Kara tried, those blonde bangs never wanted to stay perfectly styled. No amount of gel ever kept it in the right place. Lena never wanted it any other way.

Those nails trace up, following the center hardline of Kara’s abs, sliding across the underside of Kara’s breasts. Small red marks left by her nails stand out on the sun kissed flesh. Lena places a soft hand to Kara’s throbbing cock and presses it to her warm cheek, feeling the warm heat that rolled off of it.

Lena can feel how badly Kara needs to cum. With only a few touches, her hand had left precum dripping from the thick cock head. The flesh pulses for attention when Lena turns her head and kisses the thick shaft.

“You’re so fucking sexy.” Kara mumbles out, voice dropping to that low silky tone.

“And what makes me sexy, Baby?” Lena whispers out along Kara’s cock. Plump lips barely touching and running downwards along the massive length.

“This. Worshiping my cock.” Kara’s hands come to rest on Lena’s hand, pulling free the dark brown hair from the tight bun and running her fingers through the brown waves.

There’s a shot of pleasure that runs down from Lena’s neck and through her spine. That tanned hand could crush her with barely a twitch of Kara’s fingers. Lena peeks up at the blonde, eyes rolling over the body put on display for her.

Lena places another delicate kiss to the underside of the cock standing proudly in her hands. She runs her soft cheek across it again, giving a purr at how it throbbed for her attention, “Because it’s worthy of worship.”

Lena smiles up at Kara, a dark lustful need had come to root in both of their stomachs. Pulling and heating their bodies, rushing through their bloodstreams. The Luthor’s mouth dips down to the prideful low hanging balls, and gently sucks one into her mouth.

Kara’s hips roll again, spreading her legs wider to allow Lena more space, “I..Is it?”

Lena giggles from below Kara’s cock. Plump lips releases the ball in her mouth and uses the tip of her little pink tongue to circle around the base, “Everything about you is, Baby.”

Both of the brunette’s hands wrap around and jerk slowly along the long length. Kara clenches her jaw tightly, she can feel that need boiling in her balls, how Lena’s tongue teases at the underside of her cock.

“Your abs, your chest, your arms, your legs, your thighs, your eyes, your hair, your cock .” Lena purrs the last word, hands giving the cock a tight squeeze.

A large spurt of precum flies from the tip of Kara’s cock, landing on the corner of Lena’s lips. Defy pink tongue licks the salty musky taste, she was sure she wasn't supposed to like the taste, but Lena can’t help from moaning at the Kryptonian cum.

Kara tries to take a breath to steady herself. Her cock pulses for more, she can feel the cum in her balls, telling her to empty them inside of Lena. It doesn’t help that Lena’s hands still slowly jerk up and down along the curve of her cock, those plump lips sucking at random spots of hard flesh.

Those plump lips trail back up to the head. She places another kiss to the tip, lapping up the precum. She rubs her lips together, smearing the precum so they were stained onto the taste of her lips, looking up to judge Kara’s reaction, “And your cum.”

Kara’s cheeks are flushed a dark red. Steel blue eyes had darkened, fixed on how Lena played with her cock. Her eyes trace up and down the pale body laid out in front of her on the bed. To the long line of her spine, the twin dimples standing out right above that perky ass.

Lena can feel the attention on her ass, smirking at Kara from underneath the Kryptonian’s cock. She shakes her hips side to side, slowly, moving one leg up and down, rolling her hips, “Oh, is that what you want?”

Kara doesn’t answer right away and Lena enjoys those eyes burning a hole into the pale flesh. She twists her hips to the side, arching them out in the direction of Kara. Her ass is round, perky, bubble, a rightful fit for Kara’s hands.

The Luthor runs her tongue to outline the underside of Kara’s cock, causing the blonde to choke out, “Yes.”

“It would feel so good .” Lena whispers out again, wet need pooling and falling from her pussy slowly. She was ready for Kara, she had been ready for days now but she was Lena Luthor, and she enjoyed teasing Kara far too much.

Kara’s cock looks so tense. So massive in front of her. It would spread her so wide, tear her into two. Throbbing for need, for attention, to be buried inside of every single of Lena’s greedy holes. Lena isn’t able to help herself anymore, she wraps those plump lips around the cockhead and sucks harshly, hand going to wrap around the base.

The blonde’s hips buckle forward at the warm pressure finally wrapping around her cock. Kara’s hand squeezes Lena’s skull, “Such a cum hungry whore, Lena. I am going to fill you with it. Your mouth, your pussy and then your perfect fucking ass.”

The way Kara growls it out makes Lena pause and choke around the cock slowly spearing into her mouth. Her eyes go wide, those strong hands holding onto her head tightly as each inch was pressed into her mouth.

Lena’s hand on Kara’s cock drops, wrapping around a tanned thigh to hold onto while the other grips the bedding in front of her. Green eyes are fixed to Kara above her, the blonde’s upper body is rolled back, hips pushed forward.

“You look so fucking good with my cock buried in your mouth.” Kara says lowly, eyes fixed on the woman below her.

It brings out the hard lines of Kara’s muscular upper body. To the pornographic abs, the tense biceps. Lena’s eyes follow a thin line of sweat, or it could’ve been Lena’s spit, flow down through the valley of Kara’s abs, disappearing into the short blonde pubic hair.

Lena isn’t given much time to enjoy the sight or smells, Kara’s cock is needy, spearing into her throat. Every long pulsing inch rests inside of Lena’s mouth and throat, her delicate nose pressed to the hard ‘v’ of Kara’s lower body.

Kara rolls and rocks her hips, Lena’s tongue curls and uncurls like a snake around the hard cock, hollowing out her cheeks to suck greedily on the flesh.

The blonde’s shoulders tense up when she slowly drags out her cock and then thrusts back in, finding a stride to keep, “Lena, your fucking mouth …”

Heat is building in the pit of Kara’s stomach, far too quickly than she’s used to. The past week had been rough on her, cum boiled in her balls, leaking out of her cock in larger spurts than ever before.  

That person hidden deep inside of her roars to life. The person that loves claiming Lena like this, fucking her for hours without stop. Wasting entire weekends to their bed. She was sure it was her Kryptonian biology leaking through, the bits that the Daxamites centered their society on.

The room becomes filled with the wet sound of Kara’s cock hitting the back of Lena’s mouth. Kara tries to control herself, not wanting to hurt Lena, but the heat refuses to ease in her stomach. Blue eyes fluttered shut, focusing on Lena’s mouth, with those lips that suck so intensely.

Lena pops Kara’s cock from her mouth, breathing in several large breaths of air. Her cheeks are flushed red, strands of brown hair wild from Kara’s tight grip. A pale hand wraps around the base, jerking the warm flesh with her mouth attaching back to the thick head.

A pink tongue curls and lashes across Kara’s cumslit, slurping up the precum that leaks more and more. Kara goes more and more tense, toes curling in the carpet underneath her, that burning need coming close to bursting in her stomach.

Kara’s fingers flex around Lena’s skull, shoving her hips forward and shoving her cock brutally into Lena’s throat, “Drink my cum .”

The last word comes out with a desperate yell, the feeling of something warm bursting in her stomach spread through her body. Her cock and balls twitch, the seal on her climax coming loose for the first time in days.

Warm hot musky cum spurts from Kara’s cock and flows down Lena’s throat. Kara pulls her cock from Lena’s mouth, stroking herself as she painted the white spurts across Lena’s lower face, collarbone and over her back.

Kara finished with a heavy breath, removing her hand from her cock and running it down over the curve of her stomach. Her cock still pusles for attention but a rock that felt like it had settled in her stomach over the past week eases.

Lena’s finger pick up the strands of white Kryptonian cum that lingers on her face and licks her fingers clean. She pushes her chest out and upwards, knowing how much Kara liked the sight.

The blonde leans forward, hands falling down to cup both of Lena’s cheeks and sealing their lips together into a slow kiss. The taste of Kara’s cum stains both their lips through the kiss but Kara ignores the taste, focusing on how Lena’s tongue yields to her own.

“The bottom drawer on my nightstand.” Lena says with a small nod of her chin behind her shoulder.

Kara raises an eyebrow but Lena leans up to press a kiss to Kara’s upper lip, silencing her for the moment. Lena leans back down on the bed, watching Kara’s naked tanned body crossing over Lena’s side of the bedroom and opening the bottom drawer.

Kara’s husky chuckle sends a throb of pleasure to Lena’s clit. The blonde turns back to the bedside, tossing the clear bottle of lube onto the bed but keeping the sex toy gripped tightly in her right hand.

“Lay down on your beck.” Kara’s command is calm and low. Lena sits up for a moment, caught like a rabbit in the eyes of a hawk only for a moment by Kara’s piercing look before she’s twisting over onto her back.

Kara goes back to stand in the spot she was before. The rich blue plug placed on the bedside to the right of Lena’s long pale legs.

Long tanned fingers run through Lena’s glistering folds, feeling the wetness from underneath her fingertips. Grasping both of Lena’s legs with her other hand, she pressed them together and arched them off to her left side, twisting the lower half of her lover’s body with it.

Lena watches Kara with hooded eyes, a moan spilling from her lips at the feel of Kara’s fingers teasing her pussy. She watches Kara grab the plug once more, running the material through those folds, coating the tip with her own juices.

Kara notices that the plug is longer and thicker than most she’s seen or heard about. A small shiver of pride sets around her stomach and heart, Lena would’ve done some searching to find something large enough to prepare herself for Kara.

The dark blue latex becomes coated with Lena’s cum, allowing Kara to trail the tip downwards, circling around the pucker hole, “Is this why you’ve been denying me all week?”

Lena’s arms lift up behind her head and grasp the bedding, nodding her head at Kara’s question, “Yessss.”

Kara applies pressure with her right hand, teasing the tip of the toy into Lena’s ass. She finds that with a little pressure, she’s able to slip the first inch of latex into Lena, “All those nights when I worked late, you laid here doing this?”

The burning pleasurable feeling of the toy being inserted slowly into her ass was still new to Lena, even after the nightly ritual she started. Lena’s lips release a low gasp, fingers gasping the sheets tighter.

Kara is gentle compared to how she just was with fucking Lena’s mouth. She watches carefully at the emotions of pleasure and slight pain that play across Lena’s face. It doesn’t take long for the toy to be fully entrenched into that pale ass.

Dark blue eyes swept over Lena’s body. Pale skin flushed red with desire, the trails of her cum dried now on Lena’s collarbone. With her legs arched off to the side, the lower half of Lena’s body was presented to Kara, waiting for her.

Kara grasp the base of her cock and lined her thick head with Lena’s pulsing pussy. Without much warning, she thrust her hips forward, spearing half of her length into Lena’s snug wet heat.

Lena moaned into the air, back arching off the bed at the sudden insertion, “ Fuck me, Kara.”

Kara reaches for where the silk tie was left before. With her hips pressed flushed into Lena’s body, she uses both of her hands to tie a silky knot around Lena’s thin wrists. Keeping a hand pressed there on Lena’s wrists, she moves the other down to give Lena’s ass a harsh smack.

The pale round flesh bounces at Kara’s hand, turning the white skin red when Kara follows it up with another smack, “You have a perfect pussy, Lena.”

Kara shoves her hips back and then forward once with a savage harsh thrust that earns another moan from the brunette underneath her. The blonde starts slowly but quickly finds her pace, a blur of tanned hips smacking into Lena’s body.

The bed rocks and shivers with each powerful thrust inside of Lena. Words fail to form in Lena’s mouth, the duel sensation of the toy in her ass and Kara’s massive cock in her pussy rendered her speechless.

Every time she tries to move her hands, there’s the silky and hard reminder of the tie holding her in place. Kara’s strong grip pins her there, being used by the blonde for such a primal need. The Kryptonian is a warm and strong body over her, making her feel so small underneath the Superhero.

Kara’s hand smacks Lena’s slowly reddening ass again, fingernails digging into the round flesh, “Everyone thinks Lena Luthor is so well put together, Miss Proper, I wonder what the world will say if they could see you like this?”

Lena’s fingers grasp at the white sheets behind her head. Eyes fixed on the body in front of her. All of Kara is put on display for her, each thrust of her hips bring the rolling abs closer.

“ Kara.” Is all Lena is able to get out, jaw clenching to keep the moans from spilling so loudly from her mouth.

“Tell me how good it feels. You’re soaking my cock, Lena all because you want it in your tight prim ass.” Kara growls, leaning forward to hang closer to Lena.

The Kryptonian slows, allowing Lena to form a thought over the sound of their clashing flesh and slick wet sound of Kara’s cock coating itself in her pussy cum.

“I want it in my ass so badly, Kara,” Lena whispers out, she feels out of breath already, “I need your cum in my ass, I need to feel you spread me so wide.”

A deep chuckle rumbles from Kara’s chest, her hips speed up once more. Lena’s head leans back, jaw gasping open as Kara’s cock spreads her pussy just so it could fit her cock like a tight glove.

“When I’m done with you, all you’re going to be is my cumrag. You love that idea, don’t you?” To prove her point, she gives an extra hard thrust, sending her head ramming nearly painfully into Lena’s cervix.

A broken cry and moan rolls from Lena’s lips, “Your cum tastes so good , please .”

A layer of sweat begun to appear on Kara’s tanned body. Her balls boil for release, a voice chanting in the back of her head to fill Lena with her cum. That same primal desire that came to her every time her and Lena had sex.  

Kara knew it was due to her Alien blood and she had always did a good job before of controlling herself. But with Lena she can’t, she doesn’t want to. All she can feel is Lena’s wet walls sucking her in so good, those sinful moans filling the musky smelling bedroom.

Her heart beats faster and faster, her legs feel heavy, on fire from the weight that is in her balls and stomach. Kara wants to prolong that feeling but the voice becomes too loud. She needs to fill Lena with her cum, fill her pussy so rightfully, watch it drip from that abused hole. Kara secretly enjoys this thrill, these moments of such primal intense need. Having her fill of Lena whenever she wanted.

Her blonde bangs fall more undone from her sex sweat, her hips become wild, savagely thrusting into Lena without thought or care. Each roll of her hips bring her cock head smashing into Lena’s cervix harder than before.

“Going to fill you so good with my cum.” Kara grumbles from her chest, focusing solely on fucking her cock deeper into Lena.

The second seal breaks in Kara’s stomach, a near roar leaving her lips as cum surged from her balls and through her cock. Kara’s entire body twitches and rolls with the pleasure, her hips are pressed flushed with Lena’s ass, filling her with her cum.

At first spurts of warm cum filling her, Lena throws her head back and tries to swallow her moan down into the bedding. Her pussy twitches, the wet band of heat in her stomach breaking, flooding around Kara’s cock and making a wet spot on the bed.

The feeling of the warm spurts of Kryptonian cum filling her is sensation that Lena will never stop enjoying. They ran the risk too high and Lena damn well knew that birth control wasn’t going to stop that risk fully.

But it was Kara and that meant none of it mattered.

Kara looms over Lena, holding herself still as the last spurts fills Lena’s now white pussy walls. The blonde nudges her lips down, pressing a soft kiss to the curve of Lena’s plump lips.

The thick meaty cock still pulses with need inside of Lena’s pussy. Kara slowly removes herself, watching droplets of their combined cum spill out on the bed underneath them. She moves her hand from pinning down Lena’s wrists and bring both to circle around the pale ass presented out to her.

Kara slowly eases the toy out of Lena’s ass, the other woman in question shudders at the feel of cold air hitting her lower hole. The combined juices of their cum leaked down, dripping over the opened hole.

Thick and long fingers circled and teased around the puckered entrance, coating her fingers in the liquid leaking from Lena’s pussy and teasing the entrance, “Fucking Rao, Lena.”

The prodding long index finger was the first to slip into the tight ass. Lena took a deep sharp breath, walls flexing around the finger on reflex. The thick long digit eased all the way in until the first knuckle, gently itching back and forth.

Kara’s eyes were fully fixed on the sight of Lena’s Luthor ass clinging to her finger. Her cock beat to life with several beats of rushing blood. The strain from just cumming twice disappeared at what waited for her still.

She pushed the rest of her finger into Lena, judging by the gentle moan that came from Lena, Kara took it was a sign to add another finger. Her much longer middle finger joined her index, slightly surprised that Lena was able to take both of the digits with relative ease.

There was a throb of desire that Kara realized Lena had taken so much time to prepare herself for this. That Lena wanted this as badly as Kara did.

“Who would’ve thought that Lena Luthor craves a cock in her ass.” Kara said with her low and silky voice, moving those two fingers faster.

“Just yours, Baby.” Lena moaned out, eyes fluttering shut at the sound of Kara’s fingers fucking her ass. It was a new pleasure, different still from the number of toys she tried down there, the slight burn was outplace by the sinful pleasure that came from it.

Kara removed her wet fingers from the hole and smacked both of her hands down on Lena’s ass, harder than before. She watched the flesh jiggle from the blow, the pale flesh had long turned flushed red from the smacks and fucking.

A hand angled the thick head of her cock against Lena’s puckered hole, the other hand reached for the bottle of clear lube and opened the lid. She squeezed the bottle tightly, drenching the ass and her cock in the warm lube.

Kara stroked the lube along the curve of her cock, the wet sound coming from her quick jerking sounded like music to Lena’s ears. The other strong hand rubbed the lube along her ass and gathered fat droplets to poke into the quickly wetting hole.

Lena’s heart beat faster and faster, reaching up to her throat at the heavy warm weight of Kara’s cock resting just against the slick wet entrance. She had the perfect view of Kara, how that tanned cock shined from the lube and combined cum juices, cum leaked from her pussy, tensing around empty air.

“Fuck!” Was the only word that could come from Lena as Kara started to push her thick cock head inside of her ass.

Kara was so big , massive, monstrous, immense, enormous, majestic . Too many words ran through Lena’s head, so much bigger than any of the toys she had used before. Thicker, pulsing, alive . The slow entrance meant that Lena felt every moment of that flared head spreading her tight ass ring. The pain was eased by the how wet Kara’s cock was and the lube that was spread along the inside of her ass.

The Kryptonian felt like she was in heaven. She had to resist the urge to slam her hips forward, to bury herself to her hilt inside of the dry hole. It was so different than Lena’s pussy; dry, so very tight, snugged.

Blue eyes were drawn to the sight of her cock head finally popping through the tight ring and paused there. The small hole was spread so wide to fit the meaty girth of her cock. It modeled around her, making it a fight to push even half an inch forward.

One of Kara’s hands kept the upper cheek spread and pulled back while the other curled around Lena’s hip, keeping herself grounded as she pushed forward again.

A part of Lena wished Kara would slam her hips forward and end this blissful pain but this feeling, the feeling of every inch of Kara spreading her ass was luring her into oblivion. Her pussy shivered and her clit pulsed for attention from in between her legs.

Kara was so slow , every inch entered into her felt like an hour added on. Lena’s eyes were screwed shut, mouth half gasped open at the euphoria that spread through her body like a gold wave.

Green eyes peeled open to stare up at Kara. The blonde’s shoulders were tensed, eyes fixed on every inch of her cock slowly being shoved into Lena’s ass. The tanned muscular body glimmered with the mix of sweat and lube, the sweet musky smell hung between them and over the rest of the room.

“Holy fuck .” Kara whispered out, fingers digging into the fleshly ass that she held in her hands. Lena’s ass was so tight , she could feel those walls holding her cock in such a vice grip that each small thrust forward brought intense shots of pleasure running through her cock.

“Your fucking ass , Baby.” Kara mumbled out again, hips finally going to rest once more against Lena’s ass.

Every single thick inch of Kara’s immense cock was fully resting inside of the tight asshole. A shiver of pure pleasure ran down the blonde’s spine, legs and thighs shaking the smallest bit at one of her greatest dirty dreams becoming true.

Lena had to remind herself to breath, to relax her lower body. Her pussy walls hugged the empty walls, making her ass tense up around Kara’s cock. Lena needed more.

“ Fuck, my ass, Kara.” The desperate cry fell from Lena’s lips with the smallest of whines.

Kara reminded herself to be slow to start with, she didn’t want to hurt Lena. She slowly moved her hips back, pulling her cock out until only her head was left in and then slowly moved her cock back forward.

The first thrust was slow but it pulled a desperate sounding moan from Lena’s lips. The lewd wet sound of Kara’s cock spearing into her ass ringed louder in Lena’s ears, causing a guiltful sinful need to have her ass fucked to only burn brighter.

Blue eyes were torn from looking at her cock and how it spread Lena’s ass to the flashes of pleasure that ran across Lena’s face. Kara’s hands kept Lena’s ass pulled apart, giving her the perfect view of how she fucked Lena’s ass.

She quickly picked up the speed, earning louder and louder moans from Lena with each roll of her hips. How each thrust spread her to only fit Kara’s cock.

“Such.a.tight.ass.” Kara growled each word with a harder thrust of her cock, earning a loud shriek of pleasure mixed with pain from Lena.

Kara reached over to untie Lena’s hands from the silk tie and threw Lena onto her stomach. With Lena’s legs dangling over the edge of the bed and the pert ass up in the air, both of Kara’s hands grasped either ass cheek.

Lena threw her hair over her shoulder and turned her head, presenting her ass out for Kara, cock still buried inside of her ass. Pale fingers fisted the bedding, “You feel so good in my ass.”

With Lena’s ass cheeks spread, Kara started her hips up again, pushing forward and then pulling out. The sound of wet flesh hitting wet flesh grew louder, “You like being fucked in your ass by me?”

The Luthor didn’t reply, an actual savage thrust stopped Lena short, a moan of guilty dirty pleasure escaping. Tears began to appear in her green eyes, the mix of pleasure and pain filling her so well.

The feeling felt so good . Kara was ruining her for anyone else, taking her like how Lena always pictured. Each burst of her tanned hips brought a harder and deeper thrust, bringing Lena closer and closer to the edge.

Kara reached over, grabbed a handful of brown hair and pulled Lena’s back to arch, “I asked you a question, Baby.”

Spit flew from Lena’s mouth as she tried to answer, “ Yes! Fuck yes. Harder, Baby!”

A few spare tears dropped from Lena’s eyes but the pain was so very much outmatched by the pure pleasure that came from Kara’s massive cock ruining her. She felt like she was being torn in two, each smash of Kara’s hips brought Lena closer and closer to the edge.

Lena growled when Kara shoved her head down into the pillows, making the pale ass arch forward up into the air. Kara thrusting grew more and more wild, losing herself to the pleasure that ran through her bloodstream.

Lena crossed one ankle over another from underneath Kara’s legs, causing her ass to grow tighter. Kara’s free hand smack down on her ass, “So fucking good !”

Kara’s body boiled with the need to burst. Her balls felt so heavy hanging in between her legs, each bash of her cock brought her closer and closer. The sounds coming from Lena’s mouth sent shivers of dirty pleasure to wrap around the base of her cock.

“ Kara , fuck, please .” The salty tears made the black eyeliner and mascara left over from the party, run down her face. Her lower body felt number from the brute fucking coming from behind her. Her hole felt so spread by the girthy cock still fucking into her.

Her pussy clenched tightly around nothing and came quickly simply from the ass fucking she was receiving from the furious Kryptonian, “Cumming from me fucking your ass? Such a perfect whore.”

“Cum, Kara. Please, I need to feel your cum in my ass.” Lena’s voice was hoarse, cracking from the intense fucking.

Kara couldn’t hold back any longer, a few more harsh thrusts and she buried herself to the hilt inside of Lena’s twitching ass. Her balls twitched and surges of cum spilled from her cock, filling Lena’s ass.

Kara tore herself from the freshly abused hole and stroked herself rapidly, painting Lena’s back with large powerful lines of white cum. It kept on much longer than any human could ever dream to match, panting Lena’s ass and back with the powerful musky Kryptonian seed.

The blonde finally stumbled down onto the bed next to Lena, taking the woman into her arms. Their sweaty bodies pressed together, already Lena was half asleep, only mumbling out, “Happy birthday.”