
Sun Wukong's Untold Tale (ATG)

Lin Tao is a person living on the Profound Sky Continent within The Grand Asura Nation. By trade, he's a thief and a trickster while by night he's quite the playboy. Surviving using his wits, his life was never on a beaten path. Going wherever he wished and doing things his way. Yet elsewhere in the world, the Legendary Sun Wukong was living a different life. Banished from his original realm, and sealed underground his life was a straight path. Stripped of his former glory, he was left to rot. The only solace in that was Lin Tao discovering him. And thus a strange friendship was born between the two. Sun Wukong, barely having any memories of what had occurred, or what had happened to him. And at the same time bearing an unstoppable urge for revenge. Soon their fates would become even further entwined as Sun Wukong's death approached. Lin Tao was given a choice, to uphold his mantle in return for finding out what happened to him all those millennia ago. This was Sun Wukong's Untold Tale. (This story takes place within the Against The Gods Universe.)

Aizen_Dleitch · Livres et littérature
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27 Chs

Lin Tao

Sun Wukong, The Great Sage Equal To Heaven. His exploits were known far and wide. He was born from a divine stone created washed over by the powers of the heavens and the earth.

Learning The Way of Immortality, he went against the heavens becoming an Immortal once and then did so six more times in his life. Learning from his master Puti Zhushi, he knew almost everything related to magic.

Gaining the ability to shapeshift, he could change however or whatever he pleased. Whether it be the god's in heaven or the devil's under the earth. He did it so well that even their abilities could become his.

Through his Nimbus cloud, he was said to be able to fly at speed's so fast no god could catch him. And with a single leap, he could jump to the netherworld and back. With a finger, he could freeze the time and space around his enemies.

His abilities and feats went on and on, from defeating hundreds of demons to fighting the entirety of heaven itself. Finally, through a Journey to the West, Sun Wukong was given the highest honour. Reaching Buddhahood, he became The Victorious Fighting Buddha.

And that is where his story came to an end. Becoming a being akin to a god in every way, whether it be power or knowledge. Yet, there's a part of this story hidden from history. It was said that not long after becoming a Buddha, Sun Wukong, an incident had occurred.

And its result was the loss of the Monkey King.


"Lin Tao! Where are you! Come here right now!" A young man burst into a large tavern. The tavern itself was full of Cultivator's and easily held over a hundred people. Yet the young man seemed not to care, and the people who saw him immediately diverted their eyes.

Standing beside him were two older men with stoic faces and swords at their waist. The young man scanned every table at the tavern. Everyone was quiet and looked as if they were compressing themselves to avoid taking any interest. Well, almost everyone.

"Don't tell the others, but out of all the girls in The Nine Blossoms Pavilion, you two are the most charming." Sitting at a table was someone he seemed to be around the age of eighteen. Brown hair stretched down from his hair to his lower neck. His face was extremely well cut as well.

His voice was extremely charming, and had extremely sharp features on his face. His red eyes were completely focused as he spoke to the two girls sitting at his table.

"I heard you say that to the other girls as well. You really have no shame, do you?" The two of them laughed as they spoke with him. They were both beautiful to a high degree and twins as well. Having similarly supple skin and a face akin to jade.

One had a more voluptuous figure and clothing, tempting any who looked at it, while the other was more reserved, having a different type of charm. Spotting this, the young man who had burst into the tavern felt as if he was going to rupture a blood vessel.

"Lin Tao! I know you heard me, you bastard." Running over to their table, the young man kicked it with force. The wine and food on the table immediately shifted, almost falling as the twins were taken back. The young man immediately grabbed the young man named Lin Tao by the collar glaring at him.

"Oh well, if it isn't Young Master Shi, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Lin Tao was calm despite the fact Shi had grabbed him by the collar.

"You know what you did! You slept with my fiance and stole from me!" He had actually been cucked over by Lin Tao. Not only did he sleep with his Fiance before even himself, but what was worse was she actually allowed him to steal from his family's treasury! Word had already begun spreading through the city, making him a laughing stock.

Slowly people began secretly paying attention as they realized who Lin Tao was.

"Well, this time around, I had her give me access to your family's treasury first and then we slept together. It really was a mutual trade compared to all the other times." His word's only made Shi's face turn darker as Lin Tao pushed his hands off his collar.

"You know you shouldn't grab people like that. These are new clothes." Fixing himself up, Shi suddenly noticed something. Those were his clothes. He had been putting off wearing them until something special came up. They cost him tens of thousands of Profound Coins to buy.

"Kill him…" With a balled fist, he spoke in a whisper no one could hear. The two guard's with him came closer, asking for him to repeat himself as he snapped.

"I said kill him!" He exploded with anger as he yelled at the two guard's who immediately nodded, drawing their swords.

"Well, that's pretty excessive. Seem's our date will have to be put on pause." The twin's nodded with slight smiles on their faces seeing Lin Tao wink at them. Quickly one of the guards charged towards him, swinging out with his sword. Glancing back, Lin Tao used his chair as leverage jumping over the attack and the guard.

Before he left completely, he turned to look at Shi smiling before dashing out of the tavern.

"I want every guard we have after him! I want him dead and his head on a platter!" Young Master Shi yelled as the two guards he was with nodded. Dashing out of the taverns, they gave chase to Lin Tao while communicating to their families other guards through a Sound Transmission Talisman.

It didn't take long for the entire city to go into a state of outrage. Every guard in Shi's family was a Cultivator, and all of them were nearly at the Nascent Profound Realm as well. It was a sight you couldn't forget seeing so many Cultivators chasing after a single person.

"I can't sense his cultivation. And how is he moving so fast and bizarrely?" One of the guards in direct pursuit of Lin Tao could hardly catch up with him. He was able to jump as if he wasn't affected by gravity, and his movements were bizarre, almost like that of an animal.

As Lin Tao was running down a road, a large, red building had a golden engraved wooden plaque above it saying 'The Nine Blossoms Pavilion'. It was a brothel of all things. Over twenty different girls, along with the Madam running the establishment, were all standing outside of it.

"There, he looks like he's really being run out of the city this time. He might actually get caught this time around." One of the girls spoke while laughing as the others did the same. As Lin Tao ran running, he spotted all of them waving at him in the distance.

"Try not to get yourself killed, Lin Tao!"

"Stop by when you get the chance."

"You still owe me money for last time."

"Consider my everything paid." Lin Tao waved back at them as he ran past the building tossing something towards the establishment's Madam. Grabbing it, she saw it was a red gem that shined in the light like a star. She, along with the other girls, immediately smiled and hid it away.

Over fifty cultivators were on his tail at this point, and eventually, he managed to escape out of the city, rushing into the surrounding forest. Still, none of the guard's gave up the chase following him like bloodhounds.

Being outside of the city, they now didn't have to worry about collateral damage either. Lin Tao was jumping from tree to tree, practically defying how physics worked. At the same time, the guards drew their sword's as Profound Energy rushed through the edge of their blades.

Slashing toward's Lin Tao, arcs made from their Profound Energy flew from the swords.

"Gosh damn, you guys are clingy. But clearly, you're not very smart…" Lin Tao whispered under his breath as he continued to run and dodge their attacks. Multiple trees in the forest began toppling over, causing loud crashes to echo throughout.

"Look, there's a mountain up ahead; he's trapped!" One of the guard's took notice alerting the others. Indeed a massive cliff face was ahead, which meant if they surrounded Lin Tao, he would have nowhere to run.

Lin Tao looked behind him, seeing the guard's that were following. Looking back ahead at the cliff face, which also marked the end of the forest, he smiled. Jumping to the ground, he ran inside of a cave. It looked as if he was desperate from the outside as all of the guard's smiled maliciously.

They quickly funnelled into the cave after him. Eventually, they found a pair of large door's that seemed practically ancient. They were opened just slightly as the guards went inside. It was a large chamber hidden inside of the mountain. Stretching for at least three hundred meters in every direction.

Along with that, there was a strange moonlight glow that was keeping the whole cavern lit up.

"Where did he go?" Looking around, none of them could find Lin Tao. This whole place seemed empty.

"Wait, what is that?" One of the guard's pointed to a dark corner of the cavern. It wasn't as bright as where they were as two fiery eyes appeared. They pierced through the darkness and felt as if they were staring into their souls.

An unconditional amount of fear overcame them as they heard footsteps. Slowly making their way out of the dark corner, their flaming eye's disappeared. Instead, a humanoid figure came into view. His body was covered in reddish-brown fur, and he resembled a monkey, walking like a normal human.

He was wearing armour as well; however, it was ruined and broken in multiple places. What was even stranger was that the being's body itself seemed to be faded. As if he was both physical and non-physical, at the same time, one could mistake him for a ghost.

"Leave… Now." A deep voice echoed through the cavern as all of the guards who stood rooted for a moment gathered themselves. They felt an innate fear from this person; however, they also felt he had no Profound Strength.

"I don't know who you are, but we are searching for someone. If you're found harbouring him then-" Before he could finish speaking, the monkey-like figure disappeared from view. They had completely lost sight of him for an instant. The next instant, he appeared mere feet in front of them.

Appearing out of thin air, a staff adorned with gold appeared in his hands. It was easily longer than a normal adult, but as he swung, it grew in size. None of them could react as their bodies were swatted like flies. The staff being swung caused the entire cavern and mountain it dwelled in the tremor like a leaf.

Just like that, over fifty Nascent Profound Realm Cultivators had died.

"As vicious as always Sun Wukong? For a second, I thought you were just going to scare them away." Coming from behind the large rock that he was hiding behind was Lin Tao. Seeing all the blood and scattered bodily matter on the ground, he shrugged. He seemed not to have an ounce of fear, despite seeing what this person was capable of.

"So, how have you been? I haven't dropped by in quite some time."