

Qin Chen was son of a god emperor but has no martial spirit. One day he found a mysterious flower which was suspected to be mythical world tree's flower, which can help him to condense a martial spirit. But his uncle with the help of a mysterious person killed Qin Chen. 10,000 years have passed, can Qin Chen who forgot everything from his past life and reincarnated in Kunlun realm a place faraway from God realm. Will he still be a cripple or a peerless genius?

DaoistTccro1 · Oriental
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29 Chs

Chapter 27

Qin Chen nearly fell to ground, "f**k you, you are only seven years old, at least grow some hair down there before proposing to someone."

Qin Chen cursed Da Qian and kicked him on butt.

Da Qian said embarrassingly, "but"

Qin Chen interjected, "fatty Qian just stop. I don't want to hear anything."

After saying this Qin Chen quickly went to his room.

Xiao Bai appeared on his shoulder and yawned.

Qin Chen rolled his eyes and said, "Xiao Bai why do you sleep so much, eighty percent of the time you are sleeping even then you look so sleepy all the time."

Xiao Bai said lazily, still resting on his shoulder, "little brat what do you know, I am cultivating. What a bumpkin."

Qin Chen was speechless. After some time, he asked, "Xiao Bai which realm are you in."

Xiao Bai didn't answer.

Qin Chen didn't ask further because Xiao Bai was like this, many times he would not answer Qin Chen's questions. It was the same when he asked about broken memory fragments when he awakened his Martial Spirit.

Qin Chen calmed his mind and sat on jade bed in lotus position. He swallowed bright reef pill and started meditating.

It didn't burst with overwhelming energy but started emitting gentle blue energy streams. These streams of energy were very gentle and raised his spirit energy at constant speed.

After two and half days Qin Chen was finally in fourth realm. But he still needed to take yellow ranked dragon marrow pill. It is also a cultivation pill like bright reef pill which a person can only take one in his whole life. If another person took these pills, he would have entered level 5, but Qin Chen only managed to enter fourth level of spirit refinement stage.

Qin Chen sighed, "it looks like I need to earn money and a lot, if I want to cultivate. This sun moon divine art is really a bottomless pit."

Xiao Bai spoke at this moment, "I have already told you before you started practicing sun moon divine art, you need double the number of resources if you want to advance than a normal cultivator."

Qin Chen didn't spoke with Xiao Bai but instead entered soul space. Here he can practice Martial skills, and with time acceleration can consolidate his realm.

(Usually consolidating a cultivation realm means to adapt to his or her new power to control it easily otherwise if not controlled it can regress and worst-case scenario a backlash can happen.)

Qin Chen started practicing slashing heaven as he had practiced stabbing hell in coordination with Zhou Ping.

Qin Chen had told Zhou Ping that he won't be entering soul space as he would refine bright reef pill during these three days.

After a night passed and five days passed in soul space.

Qin Chen opened his eyes. Although he hadn't learned slashing heaven yet, but his understanding of stabbing hell deepened.

It was morning of assessment day. Qin Chen quickly took shower and got ready. When he walked into living room Da Qian was still thinking about something while Zhou Ping just stood at the corner with hands crossed in front of his chest.

Dong Min was eating some sort of snacks.

When Qin Chen entered the room Dong Min said, "finally you are here, I was bored to death. Zhou Ping was practicing his wooden expression as usual, and I don't know what it with fatty Qian is, but he is acting weird."

Qin Chen glanced at Da Qian but didn't bother to talk with him and said, "let's go, otherwise we'll be late for our assessment."

On their way Qin Chen turned to Dong Min and asked, "Dong Min do you know what our assessment would be."

Lee Dong Min said, " you didn't attend class for last three days, so you don't know but Professor Liang have already told us about assessment."

"In the morning will be our written exam and, in the afternoon, will be our physical attribute tests. Tomorrow morning will be beast fight in dream world. These three rounds will decide our individual ranking. I'm afternoon top sixteen will form teams with five people and there will be group battle. You can make team with other top sixteen rankers it doesn't matter."

Qin Chen nodded and asked a couple of other questions. For which Dong Min gave detailed answers but he refused to tell Qin Chen his Martial Spirit innate ability no matter what.

They reached their classroom and took their seats. As Qin Chen was talking with Dong Min, he felt a malicious gaze when he turned, he saw Evan looking at him with a sinister smile.

Qin Chen thought, 'looks like he got a powerful innate ability and is quite confident in that.'

After this Qin Chen started talking with Dong Min again. As they were talking Peng Rong chimed in and started spouting all kind of nonsense.

At this moment professor Liang entered classroom and said, "as you all know today is your midterm assessment. So, get ready for theory exams. It will start in five minutes."

Theory exam lasted for whole morning. After exam professor Liang said, "now it's time to evaluate your physical attributes. Follow me to your exams venue."

After saying this Professor Liang took all student to sixth floor. Unlike other floors it was not divided into rooms but rather a huge hall with different equipment lined with walls. In middle was a fighting stage.

There was an inner ring student waiting for them in hall.

He said with a smile, "Hello junior brothers and sisters, my name is Liao Wen and today I will be your examiners for your strength test."

"Let me explain what your test will be. We will test your physical strength, reaction speed, speed, agility and cultivation."

When students heard him, some students became wary.

When Liao Wen saw them and chuckled, "juniors you don't have to worry your results won't be announced, only me and your homeroom teacher will know about them."

Only then students relax. First was their physical strength test. It was a formation with a metal wall in center.

Now I will announce your name and you will come and test your strength.

"Guo Guanting."

A petite average looking girl came out of crowd of students.

Liao Wen explained, "there is a spirit restricting formation around this scale, so you won't be able to use your spirit energy or your Martial Spirit. Just punch it with all you have got."

Guo Guanting nodded and made its way toward metal wall and punched it.

Results appeared on tablet present in Liao Wen's hand. He nodded and called another name.

One by one everyone tested their strength.

Qin Chen's turn was at the end because he was the last person to enroll in academy.

Qin Chen made his way toward metal wall. He found out that although his spirit energy was restricted but sun moon divine energy can be used.

Qin Chen punched metal wall; he didn't used sun moon divine energy as he wanted to make it his trump card.

When Liao Wen saw his result, his eyes budged. What did he see, there was one point in mark sheet and after that was a shining bull emoji.

One bull. What did it mean. It meant strength of 100 kg. And this was without using spirit energy. He was at most seven years old.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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