

Qin Chen was son of a god emperor but has no martial spirit. One day he found a mysterious flower which was suspected to be mythical world tree's flower, which can help him to condense a martial spirit. But his uncle with the help of a mysterious person killed Qin Chen. 10,000 years have passed, can Qin Chen who forgot everything from his past life and reincarnated in Kunlun realm a place faraway from God realm. Will he still be a cripple or a peerless genius?

DaoistTccro1 · Oriental
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29 Chs

Chapter 20: Ninety-Nine Meridians

As phoenix flame entered the cauldron old dragon's voice sounded in Qin Chen's mind, "little brat use sun moon divine art in eighty-one opened meridians and then absorb phoenix flame and this golden phoenix elixir at the same time to destroy your meridians and then create them from scratch with world tree life energy, your bloodline and sun moon divine energy. It will make a firm foundation for your future cultivation."

Qin Chen complied and started running sun moon divine art and absorbed phoenix flame and golden liquid into his body. He felt his body burning his eighty-one meridians burned to ashes then it made its way toward different directions, there were total of 18 new meridian routes being burned.

Qin Chen couldn't endure it anymore and screamed on top of his lungs, his expressions distorted.

Dean Feng took a step as if wanting to do something, but Professor Liang stopped him and shook her head but didn't say anything. Her whole attention was on Qin Chen.

Just as his last meridian destroyed, world tree seed erupted with golden green light rapidly constructing his meridians there was also faint grey glow on his chest which no one can see. His meridians constructed rapidly, 1 meridian, 3 meridians, 9, meridians, 20 meridians, 40 meridians, 81 meridians. Just as eighty-one meridians were constructed veins in world tree started rearranging themselves according to Qin Chen's meridian structure.

After eighty-one meridians three meridians of hearing reconstructed, after hearing it was his voice meridians, then smell meridians and then his eye meridians. Then all meridians started glowing.

When three people saw Qin Chen's meridians shining, they stood there as wooden chickens. Dean Feng counted and stuttered, "nin-ninety-three meridians."

Professor Liang quickly regained her senses and said while shaking his head, "no he isn't done yet."

At this moment all meridians started converging toward his meridians when they became three, they intertwined and form a symbol no one can understand but looked like a tree but at the same time an eye. There were now ninety-nine meridians, and they formed a full cycle in Qin Chen's body. It was like a formation of heaven and earth sucking in everything.

At this moment old dragon laughed loudly, "hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Finally, you have opened eighty-one body meridians and eighteen hidden meridians, with your blood line, world tree seed, sun moon divine art and now these 99 meridians or I should say divine veins."

When Qin Chen didn't answer him, old dragon called him worriedly again but still no response.

At this moment excess energy from golden liquid and phoenix flame in Qin Chen's body, started rotating with increased speed, as it completed every cycle it would erupt with more speed. Ater nine cycles it went out of control and went berserk. At this moment Qin Chen clutched his head and roared, "it's too painful, old dragon what are these, are these illusions caused by phoenix flame."

At this moment there were memories appearing in Qin Chen's soul sea. Old dragon quickly panicked, "not these memories should not appear before he develops a divine sea. If that old bastard sensed his existence, it will be disastrous."

Outside in dean's office four-way phoenix cauldron has already vanished and now palace master Tai, dean Feng and Professor Liang were standing around Qin Chen trying to pacify berserk energy.

Dean Feng asked Professor Liang worriedly, "grandmaster why is Qin Chen only clutching his head as if he can't feel berserk energy."

Professor Liang replied with serious tone, "I don't know, I think he is experiencing some type of illusion and it is causing pain in its soul."

As Qin Chen was clutching his head and screaming in pain. A dragon's roar echoed in Qin Chen's soul sea and 10,000 miles long five clawed purple dragons appeared, with golden wings, eyes and horns. There was a purple gold mist swirling around its body.

After dragon roar, memories stopped appearing. Qin Chen sighed with relief. At this moment dragon spoke in old dragon's voice, "little brat it's not time to relax, quick control berserk energy and channel it into world tree seed. It's time for you to awaken your martial spirit."

This was old dragon's original appearance. Qin Chen quickly started running sun moon divine art and channeled the excess energy to world seed. Ninety-nine hair like tentacles came out of world tree seed and attached them to Qin Chen ninety-nine meridians and started devouring berserk energy. On the other hand, it provided pure life energy to Qin Chen. Very quickly it formed a cycle.

As time passed cracks started to appear on world tree seed. Seeing these cracks Dean Feng and others wondered, 'was Qin Chen's spirit an egg.'

As time passed, more and more cracks started appearing covering on green crystal. At this moment a thunderclap sounded. Three people looked at each other and vanished, when they appeared outside there were black clouds covered in black clouds.

"Are-are these tri-tribulation clouds." Palace master Tai asked struttingly.

Professor Liang started laughing, "Hahaha, I knew this brat was a monster, but he would be a monster to this extent I have not expected."

Dean Feng asked worriedly, "but grandmaster would Qin Chen be able to endure this."

Palace master Tai replied instead of Professor Liang, "After today's session of refining this little fellow's body toughness can rival amid grade black artifact. This bit of lightning won't be a problem for him."

As they were talking Professor Liang waved his hand and a formation appeared and these three and dean office vanished. It was an illusion formation to hide Qin Chen from everyone's eyes. They need to keep Qin Chen's talent a secret otherwise there will be many people trying to assassinate him.

At this moment a baby's fist size lightning bold tore dean office's roof and struck world tree seed. As a result, crack ridden green crystal was burned to ashes.

From these ashes a tiny shoot appeared. It was green in color, two young leave and 99 small hair like roots. It looked as common as it could be. It quickly devoured the ash with hair like roots and started spinning.

On the other hand, just as this tiny shoot appeared a towering tree phantom appeared in the sky and a life force no one had ever seen erupted from it and covered whole Kunlun academy. Greenery started to grow all around and Kunlun academy turned into a paradise.

In the void very far away from Kunlun planet, on a green planet, an old man with curved back, white hair and beard was standing in a palace built on a large tree. He had a dried branch of a tree in his right hand. he was telling stories about an ancient war to children.

"When they arrived near mother three, to preserve itself mother tree transferred its essence to epoch fruit and handed it to its companion beast and wanted him to escape with it so that another mother tree could emerge after its death.

But beast elder refused to leave his companion alone in its last moments and handed it to his one and only daughter and sent her to void turbulence. Afterwards elder beast lost his life in hands of that person. Our mother tree withered and never recovered again. We lost connection with elder beast's daughter. As mother tree was our ancestor's grand Dao godhead he died shortly after."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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