

Qin Chen was son of a god emperor but has no martial spirit. One day he found a mysterious flower which was suspected to be mythical world tree's flower, which can help him to condense a martial spirit. But his uncle with the help of a mysterious person killed Qin Chen. 10,000 years have passed, can Qin Chen who forgot everything from his past life and reincarnated in Kunlun realm a place faraway from God realm. Will he still be a cripple or a peerless genius?

DaoistTccro1 · Oriental
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29 Chs

Chapter 16: Phenomenon

"Uncle I want that Qin Chen dead, dead. I can't rest until he dies. Uncle you have to take revenge for me."

That's right, this middle-aged man was Kong Chen's uncle and inner ring disciple Kong Tai's father, Kong Ming.

Kong Ming sighed and said, "Dean Feng had already given his judgement so it will be impossible for us to do anything to him. When you go home tell your father about fifteen days' vacation before freshmen midterm assessment, your father will send someone to kill that baster how dare he cripple patriarch's son."

Although Kong Min looked infuriated but inside, he was jumping with joy, 'I have to thank that Qin Chen, now that this little bastard is crippled, now Kong Tan can become family patriarch righteously.

Now go and wait for someone to come and fetch you. Don't do anything stupid.

Back in Feng Yahui's office Feng Yahui was looking at Professor Liang awkwardly.

Professor Liang said calmly, "little Yahui you can say anything you like in front of Qin Chen; he is your martial uncle after all."

Dean Feng's jaws dropped to ground. He looked at Professor Feng and then at Qin Chen. After some time to calm his mood Feng Yahui bowed toward Professor Liang and said respectfully, "disciple Feng Yahui greets grand master."

This time it was Qin Chen's turned to be shocked. His jaw dropped to ground, and he pinched himself on his thigh and yelped. Dean Feng turned toward him and look at him awkwardly. Professor Liang didn't say anything or even glanced at him.

"Grandmaster when did you accepted Qin Chen, ah! I mean uncle master as your disciple." Asked Feng Yahui asked cautiously.

Professor Liang giggled and said, "you don't have to address Qin Chen as uncle master. Although he is your uncle master until he can become stronger than you, call him as you like."

Feng Yahui sighed with relief and asked, "and"

Professor Liang interrupted him, "and I accepted him as my disciple yesterday."

Dean Feng was startle, "But, but yesterday was his first day…"

"So, what, you have a problem." Professor Liang spat nonchalantly.

"No, no it's just that." Feng Yahui shook his head as a rattle.

"Just what" Professor Liang interrupted again.

At this point Feng Yahui calmed his mind and suddenly laughed out loud, "Hahahaha, those three old men were clamoring to take Qin Chen as their disciple, but you are one step ahead of them and already accepted Qin Chen as your disciple. I wonder what their face would be like after they found out about it. It would be a wonderful sight."

His laughter started Qin Chen who was still immersed in his shock and nearly jumped.

Professor jiang ordered Qin Chen to go back to class and tell everyone that today's class is dismissed.

After Qin Chen left, Professor Liang addressed Feng Yahui.

"Little Yahui"

"Disciple is listening." Dean Feng replied respectfully.

"Your uncle master is a little daring unlike your master, he even crippled someone on his first day, ad nearly died that same night by eating high grade blood burst pill." Professor jiang sighed.

"What!" dean Feng jumped like a scared cat and thought 'this is not a little daring; he is too daring.'

"I want you to keep an eye on him, don't help him in any matter until it's for saving his life, and don't tell anyone about him being my disciple, not even your master." Professor Liang vanished after saying this.

On the other side Qin Chen was grinning from ear to ear by the possibilities of being dean's uncle master.

After incident with Kong Chen everything quietened in Qin Chen's life.

After 15 days, in backyard of courtyard 300,

Qin Chen was practicing sun moon divine art; he was repeating three stances again and again, but he could not change his stance to fourth state. Around him were patches of spirit herbs. There were blood ginsengs, two-meter-high purple bamboos, a foot tall golden grass shaped like tusks of a mammoth, black vines with red thorns and some bright red fire lilies.

Gradually Qin Chen stopped his usual practice and thought, "I think these herbs are mature, I should hand them in, I don't have any points left. Hmm I should ask Zhou Ping for help I can't take all herbs with me."

He went to his room and freshened up. Afterwards he went to Zhou Ping's room but there was no one else. He then walked down in the living room where Lee Dong Min was eating an apple and watching tv. He decided to ask Lee Dong Min about Zhou Ping.

Qin Chen walked to Dong Min and asked, "Dong Min have you seen Zhou Ping or Da Qian I can't find them anywhere."

Lee Dong Min giggled and said, "you don't think about anything but cultivation like Zhou Ping, it's understandable you didn't know."

Qin Chen was embarrassed and said, "just tell me where they are."

Lee Dong Min replied after biting the apple and said, "they went into seclusion to awaken their martial spirit. Do you need anything from them."

Qin Chen was stunned; he hasn't even completed seven stances of sun moon divine art while his friends are awakening their martial spirit.

[Auther's Note: awakening martial spirit is a sub realm before a person can enter spirit refinement stage. In it a person forms a connection with his or her martial spirit to use it freely to devour world's spiritual energy for cultivation and use in actual battle.]

Qin Chen replied, "I wanted their help to hand in herbs in pill palace, I think they are mature."

Lee Dong Min stood up and said, "I can help you; I also need some meridian opening elixir, I think I can open my meridians after some time."

Qin Chen chuckled when he heard Lee Dong Min. In these fifteen days Qin Chen became friends with Lee Dong Min. Lee Dong Min has a good heart. He helped everyone, but showed like it was just a coincidence.

Qin Chen and Lee Dong Min collected the herbs and started walking toward pill palace.

Lee Dong Min asked while walking, "Qin Chen I don't know how you cultivated these herbs you are going to be rich."

Qin Chen smiled and said, "my martial spirit has very large amount of vitality, so when I cultivate its aura can hasten their growth."

Lee Dong Min pouted and spat, "freak."

"of course, I am one of the five freaks." Qin Chen grinned from ear to ear.

"Yeah, yeah, you are very amazing, only you are remaining other three freaks have already awakened their martial soul and Zhou Ping is in seclusion for martial spirit awakening." Lee Dong Min taunted.

Qin Chen rolled his eyes and said nothing. They went to pill palace and handed matured herbs. Qin Chen got whooping five thousand points. Lee Dong Min's jaw dropped but he said nothing. But he was really envious.

Afterwards when they were approaching their courtyard two sword cries sounded rom sword palace's side. A golden sword descended from sky with glaring lights, lights that can purify anything. Just as it was halfway down a black sword emerged from the depths of hell reeking of blood, it was so dark that can even devour a person's soul. They collided in midair, and a bright light flashed. After a few moments both swords vanished, and silence returned to world.

"you five really are freaks causing phenomena even when you are awakening martial spirits." Lee Dong Min said to Qin Chen.

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