

Qin Chen was son of a god emperor but has no martial spirit. One day he found a mysterious flower which was suspected to be mythical world tree's flower, which can help him to condense a martial spirit. But his uncle with the help of a mysterious person killed Qin Chen. 10,000 years have passed, can Qin Chen who forgot everything from his past life and reincarnated in Kunlun realm a place faraway from God realm. Will he still be a cripple or a peerless genius?

DaoistTccro1 · Oriental
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29 Chs

Chapter 13: Wuxing Palace

As Kong Chen fell, Evan gulped.

Qin Chen then looked toward Evan and started walking toward him slowly. His footsteps could be heard by everyone present, but Evan looked like as if Qin Chen was stepping on his heart. He stepped back but fell on his butt. Qin Chen walked up to him and patted on both of Evan's cheek then said, "I don't know how I offended you, but this is the last time I am letting you get away from this, if you pestered me once again, I will cripple your martial spirit. Now GET LOST!" in the end Qin Chen yelled.

Everyone shuddered and got out from trance. Evan quickly led and Qin Chen straightened his back and left toward Wuxing palace. After Qin Chen left whole place erupted into an uproar.

"Who is that" a student asked.

His friend replied, "how would I know."

At this moment a student yelled, and everyone stared at him, "ah! That frightened guy called him Qin Chen, could he be one of the five freaks in freshmen year, The Qin Chen."

Once again, the place went into uproar.

As everyone was talking about Qin Chen, he was walking toward Wuxing palace. It was a five petaled lotus shaped palace. Every petal of the lotus was of different color, green for wood, red for fire, brownish yellow for earth, gold for metal and blue for water. Wuxing palace was made from spirt jade with five different attributes which Wuxing emperor collected from whole milky way galaxy. In the center was a tower hollow like a chimney.

Qin Chen entered the tower and saw a formation shining with five stars pointing toward petals of the portal. In the center of the formation Qin Chen saw two people meditating. From their attire they were also students and Qin Chen's seniors.

Qin Chen went toward the center of formation and sat on one of the praying mats. He didn't need to pay as he was not in spirit refinement stage. Only students in spirt refinement stage and above will pay for cultivation in one of the twenty-four cultivation palaces.

Qin Chen started meditation and rotated sun moon divine energy according to sun moon divine art. As his sun moon divine energy started running world tree seed appeared above his head and started sucking fire elements energy like a dried land would suck water when raining.

This five-element energy entered his marrow and started mixing with his sun moon divine energy and made his way toward his heart by passing from his bones through blood vessels mixed with blood and sun moon divine energy. It reached his heart and from there it spread throughout his body especially his other organs.

At this moment Qin Chen also ingested one high level blood burst pill. As blood burst pill entered his stomach and dissolved into his blood. His blood started boiling and its circulation speed increased. He felt like his body was on fire. He tried to control this berserk energy but failed to do so. His skin became scarlet, and cracks started forming. blood seeped through his pores.

Qin Chen eventually screamed; his scream startled two students sitting behind him. Both students frowned and opened their eyes. As they were going to scold him, they exclaimed


They stared blankly at Qin Chen and then at each other, they could see astonishment in each other's eyes. One of them said, "he looks like a new student, what was he doing to cause this violent reaction."

Another student replied, "is it some sort of backlash."

First student said, "I don't think so, let me think." After a couple of moments he exclaimed, "he should have taken a blood burst pill, but why is its reaction so strong, unless..."

Both of them looked toward each other and spat in unison.

"High grade blood burst pill."

First student said again hurriedly, "go and tell Professor Liang, I think she is their homeroom teacher. I'll stay here and keep an eye on him., go, quickly."

Second student ran out of palace and ran toward Professor Liang's residence.

At this moment professor Liang was sitting in a secret room underneath her residence. She was sitting there but no one could sense her at this moment as if she was one with nature.

After a moment she exhaled a deep breath and murmured, "it will arrive in twenty-five years, will that little guy be ready by then."

At this moment she heard someone knocking on door. Professor liang stood up and vanished from where she stood. She appeared in her living room and waved her hand and door opened.

A student came in breathing heavily, "professor huff-huff professor liang there huff-huff there in Wuxing palace huff-huff."

Professor Liang was nonchalant before but after student mentioned Wuxing palace she arched her brows as she remembered that she had advised Qin Chen to go to Wuxing palace.

"What Wuxing palace speak clearly."

"Some student is going to die in Wuxing palace."

Before student could finish speaking Professor Liang vanished.

Back at Wuxing palace Qin Chen's condition was deteriorating with each passing moment. First student was pacing around the hall.

"What to do, what to do, if I didn't do anything he is going to die."

"But what can I do? Ahhhhh!"

A figure appeared on top of Wuxing palace. This was Professor Liang. She quickly appeared behind Qin Chen and placed his hand on his back intending to suck out excess energy. Just as she was about to take action world tree seed started rotating and a bright green light stated shining on chin Chen and cracks on his body started to heal.

Professor Liang was dumbstruck as she saw her disciple healing visible to naked eye.

As Qin Chen relaxed somewhat world tree seed stopped rotating and green light vanished. Berserk energy started wreaking havoc and his skin started to crack again. This time professor Liang didn't take any action and decided to watch. Just like last time world tree seed started spinning again and green light came down.

Professor Liang stood up and make her way to side and started pondering as she stared at the side. 'Looks like this little guy's martial spirit is not so simple.'

This process of healing and suffering lasted until midnight. At this moment Qin Chen opened his eyes and exhaled a foul breath. "Well, that was exciting." Said Qin Chen.

At this moment an enraged voice fell into his ears, "little brat you think this was exciting, we were worried for you this whole time and you think this was exiting."

Qin Chen was stunned at first but when he saw who was speaking, he hurriedly stood up and bowed toward Professor Liang, "Master."

When two students saw Qin Chen address professor Liang as master their jaws dropped on the ground.

"Humph! You want something exiting then next time pray tell me, I will let you feel what a real excitement is, when you had to run around teaching block for fifty times." Professor Liang snorted and walked out of Wuxing palace.

Qin Chen breathed out a sigh of relief and thought, "that doesn't sound so bad" but Professor Liang's next word caused cold sweat to break out from his back.

Professor Liangs voice echoed in Wuxing palace, "Naked!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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