
summoning system:waifu is here!

kuro an ordinary student living an ordinary life. Now drastically changed the struggle for power, wealth and love. will begin

Human_Imagination · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Dungeon of skeleton

January 4, year 900 calendar of the order

Yuri opened her eyes slowly and saw that the sun was starting to rise from the east.

He felt his body hurt a lot, remembering last night's incident he was very embarrassed and his face felt hot and looked red.

When he was about to wake up he felt his body being crushed by something.

Opening the blanket he saw Kuro who was not wearing anything sleeping on top of him.

Yuri looked at Kuro with a complicated look, he did that right with Kuro. Yuri had given his first blood to Kuro.

Yuri realized that from now on they would be a couple, remembering yesterday she was annoyed that Kuro was too rude which caused her whole body to hurt.

There's no way the fire that Kuro has been holding back for 17 years

how could it be so easy, He was like a beast that had not eaten for years when suddenly there was fresh meat in front of him.

patted Kuro's head "Kuro wake up, it's morning someone passing by could be bad" Yuri said while pinching Kuro's nose.

hundreds of thousands of words deleted for good

Kuro who felt the softness of Yuri's body again grew fire and they continued another round.

(censored scene sorry)

During the day, Kuro and Yuri are eating bread and dried meat.

"Kuro you're so mean" said yuri by puffing her cheeks, her face looks red.

"My body hurts and I can't walk" said Yuri complaining while looking at Kuro with annoyance.

"Hehe, sorry, yesterday you were so cute I couldn't stand it" said Kuro smiling while scratching his head.

"But how do we continue our journey?" said Yuri while rubbing his aching body and occasionally complaining.

"Don't worry I have a healing potion" Kuro said as he took out a small bottle filled with a glowing green liquid.

Kuro gave the bottle to Yuri "This drink, after 5 minutes your body will return to normal", Yuri took the bottle in Kuro's hand then opened the lid and took a gulp of the liquid inside in one breath.

He felt a cold liquid run down his throat and up to his stomach. He felt a warm current spread throughout his body and the pain in his body disappeared.

after 5 minutes yuri's body is back to normal.

'Master there is a Dongeon of Undead in the front cave' said Alice and an arrow appeared pointing towards the cave that was near them resting.

'okay' said Kuro while nodding.

"Yuri let's go into the cave!" Kuro said as he pulled her into the cave near them.

"What's wrong Kuro?" Yuri asked Kuro who pulled him towards the dark cave.

yesterday's events flashed through his mind and his face turned red.

"Kuro we have to continue our journey, don't do that now we'll be late registering for the academy" said Yuri shyly.

hearing this Kuro turned around and tapped Yuri's head lightly "What stupid are you thinking? We might be fighting monsters inside so be careful" Kuro warned.

"Hehe, I thought what are you going to do" Yuri said with a flushed face.

Entering the cave they found that the cave was very deep and dark.

because it was dark Kuro issued a crystal ball that could light up and fly automatically above them surrounding the surroundings.

The cave room looked like it had been dug up and there were strange patterns every few meters.

They both walked forward and found a door.

"Kuro see this door contains a teleportation pattern" said Yuri who was about to touch the pattern but his hand was held by Kuro.

"Yuri, don't touch it later you could activate a dangerous mechanism" Kuro reminded while rubbing Yuri's head.

"hehe sorry Kuro I should have been more careful" said Yuri looking sorry.

Kuro held Yuri's hand and looked around and found nothing.

"Kuro it seems that only the door can take us deeper" Yuri pointed at the door he said earlier.

Kuro approached the door and thought for a moment 'Could this be the way to the dungeon?

"Okay Yuri here hold my left hand tightly" Kuro made a light in his hand.

Yuri was holding Kuro's hand, noticing a white light appeared in Kuro's hand.

"Kuro what technique?" said Yuri with sparkling eyes.

"Can I study? Kuro please teach me!!" he asked with a cute cat-like expression.

"Okay, I'll teach you later" said Kuro smiling.

After a while the light in his hand formed a lock.

This key is the Key of eye that can activate a large magic circle.

After pressing the key into the magic circle on the door, the patterns inside the circle started to rotate and gradually glowed.

Slowly a dimensional gate appeared with a thin curtain covering the view across from the door.

they both entered at the same time, after they entered the door disappeared and turned back to normal.

At another place...

Kuro and Yuri appear in a room in front of which there are 3 doors that read easy, normal, difficult.

each door seemed to represent the difficulty of this Dungeon.

Above the 3 doors there is the inscription DUNGEON OF UNDEAD.

"Look Kuro this is a dungeon" Yuri said in surprise pointing at the writing above the 3 doors.

Kuro pretended not to know and nodded in surprise.

Alice had already said it when she was outside, so she wasn't as surprised as Yuri.

"Looks like we have to choose the difficulty level before entering this dungeon, what difficulty should we choose Kuro?" He turned to Kuro by tilting his head to the side.

just about to answer yuri heard alice's voice.

'option 1 solve the difficulty of the easy level, the prize gets 1 card summoning character that can be summoned unknown(permanent summon

Option 2 solve the normal difficulty,10 cubic meter storage ring reward ×1.

Option 3 solve difficult difficulty,character calling card reward (can choose the world where the character is summoned but the character that can be summoned is random depending on luck)permanent summon.

considering that he brought yuri and the time for academy enrollment was drawing near.

'I chose option one' Kuro chose with certainty.

"Option 1 easy level has been selected. Mission duration is 24 hours. Countdown starts upon entering the door." Alice's soft voice rang out.

"Kuro what's wrong?" asked Yuri who saw him silent.

"It's okay, let's enter the easy door, we have to hurry through this and the journey to the academy is still far" said Kuro pulling Yuri to the easy door.

They both entered the door, after entering the countdown began.

'countdown 23:59:56 remaining time' a mechanical voice sounded in Kuro's head.

Looking around, this room is made of stone on all sides of the walls, roof, and floor.

On both sides of the wall there is a burning torch, this room has a width of 4 meters and a height of 5 meters.

"Kuro is this the so-called Dungeon?" Yuri never entered the dungeon because he didn't have enough levels.

"I think so" said Kuro. It was also the first time he entered this selerti place.
