
summoning system:waifu is here!

kuro an ordinary student living an ordinary life. Now drastically changed the struggle for power, wealth and love. will begin

Human_Imagination · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Dungeon of skeleton part 4

"Yuri hold my arm tightly" said Kuro while holding the edge of the boat to maintain balance because of the winding path.

sometimes they do 360° turns to avoid falling and being dragged in the fast currents.

At this point in front of the roof the path is slightly lower.

"Down!!" Kuro said loudly, they both looked down quickly.

1 second after they ducked the boat into the track area with low roofs.

still in a lowered state with more extreme terrain.

In front of them was a semicircle.

"Kuro be careful there is a turn" said Yuri being in front because Kuro can't see ahead clearly, most of the direction control is held by Yuri.

while Kuro just stabilizes it.

through the turn yuri with all his might direct the ship to fit the track.

because on the right and left there is a dark and deep abyss.

if they fell it would be very dangerous, no one knows how deep the abyss might go to the earth's core.

back to kuro and yuri...

"Ah, the Kuro in front seems to be the end of this path" Yuri said happily.

"Really? Thank goodness I'm very tired" said Kuro with a tired expression on his face.

at this time due to the effect of the remaining current strength their ship immediately landed with a bang.

"aaa, kuro! in front there is a chasm!" said yuri panicked.

"Calm down, turn around!!" said Kuro while tilting the boat to the left to reduce thrust.

"It won't work, the ship doesn't slow down," said Yuri who was still panicking.

Kuro thought quickly he took out his katana, he threw it up and the katana stuck to the roof firmly.

He had put the chain on the katana, when the katana stuck firmly Kuro picked up Yuri and carried her on his shoulders.

then jump and hold the chain tightly dangling then slowly descend.

On their left and right side is still a dark abyss.

Until he lowered Yuri, "ah, fortunately you quickly think of a way," said Yuri, holding his breath while holding his chest which was still pounding.

just look at the ship has fallen free and disappeared dala. darkness and until now have not heard the sound of something falling from the bottom which indicates this abyss is very, very deep.

It might contain creatures from ancient times, who knows?

"Haha luckily there is a chain in the katana's hilt" Kurk laughed as he pulled the chain in his hand and the katana that was stuck in his hand fell.

When the chain falls outside, it goes straight back into the hilt of the sword.

In the end the sword returned to Kuro's hands.

Kuro looked around and the distance between this floor and the floor connecting the next line was 10 meters.

"Kuro looks like we will be trapped here" said Yuri skeptically.

"Calm down there must be a way" Kuro rubbed Yuri's head.

"Don't rub again or my hair will be damaged" Yuri annoyed and took a few steps away.

"Hahaha, calm down I will find a way there must be something that can be used to cross" said Kuro while looking at the contents of his bag if there was anything useful.

In the bag he finds a memory that must be forgotten.

haha just bullshit.

In the kuro bag, find 2 packs of bread and a small amount of mineral water.

Taking it out, Kuro gave Yuri a loaf of bread and mineral water.

Yuri who took the bread water and ate it didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Kuro is this the solution you said? It's great!" said Yuri annoyed.

"Haha this is the best solution to eat and think calmly" Kuro ate the bread with a serious face.

Seeing Kuro said seriously Yuri couldn't help but sigh.

oh why do i have to be with someone like this, he ate the rest of the bread with tears.

After finishing eating Yuri got up from his sitting position.

"Kuro I will try to find a mechanism that can create a path for us" said Yuri feeling the floor.

"Oh okay be careful falling" said Kuro who was still eating bread.

Yuri touched the floor which was covered with dust and moss which was 10 cm high.

While touching the area at the end of the road that was in front of him was a ravine he accidentally pressed a button and a rock appeared.

brrrrrrrrrrrrr, the rock rose slowly and a square stone appeared in front of yuri.

Above the front surface is a picture of an irregular landscape.

"Kuro see this may be our key to continue our journey" Yuri shouted to Kuro, his face showed a big smile.

hearing Yuri's screams Kuro quickly ate the remaining bread asked and drank a few gulps of water and rushed towards him.

at this time Kuro is beside Yuri "haha you are my lucky star even though it's a little unlucky" said Kuro praising.

"Haha yuri I don't know" said yuri childishly.

but after hearing the last sentence he became irritated "what do you mean by a bit of bad luck? it was just unintentional!" he said with discontent.

"Hahaha I'm just kidding, now we have to fix the picture in 5 minutes" Kuro pointed at the picture of time that was on the side of the rock.

because yuri was crouching so she didn't see it.

while standing he also saw the time count down every second.

"If it's so fast Kuro finish this" said Yuri giving Kuro where he was.

Kuro immediately replaced Yuri there, he crouched down and started thinking mode quickly with a speed of 1 km/s.

"yuri let me know when the time is less than 1 minute" said kuro while rearranging the picture into a beautiful scene.

"Okay" Yuri said nodding while watching the time.

when yuri answered the picture was completed 1/5.

with 3 minutes remaining Kuro has completed 3/5 of the drawing.

in the second minute he completed 4/5 pictures, after less than 1 minute yuri started counting down.


at this point kuro made some mistakes and had to redo the last part again.


By the time the time runs out, Kuro has finished the drawing.

An image of mountains and red clouds is visible from the finished image.

At this moment a floating floor appeared from under the dark abyss and joined the separated ends.


author's note: due to a power failure I couldn't update yesterday, sorry for the delay.