
Another Attack


The loud, deep growl echoed across the forest as multiple screams and roars were responding to it.

The peace inside the forest was suddenly destroyed as not only the aliens, but the soldiers were also panicking.

"!!!" Alavenya was taken aback. "Isn't the detection of that alien only 50 meters (164 feet)?"

"There's no time for that. We have to help the soldiers get into their position before the aliens swarm us from all directions!"

"That's right."

"Go! Tristan, Levia. You two follow me to distract the mature class alien for one minute!"


They immediately split up to assist the soldiers. Mando couldn't help but turn around, worried that the kids weren't able to react in time, but surprisingly, only the people from the Retishia Academy remained.

This was just a test from Alavenya for them. If they couldn't even know what they were supposed to do, she could use it as an excuse not to meet with them.