
Summoner of Strawhats

Earthling crashes dimensions and gets thrown onto the deck of the straw hats. As he is weak he bets on his future knowledge to survive. He will have a special power, that he will find out later. He will not be totally selfless and a bit manipulative, but no human is perfect in the face of their desires. It started with me sick and bored in bed with only my phone to write on. (I don't own the art. Artist:Amanomoon)

Natsujan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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51 Chs

Don't mess with my women unless you want to die~

"Are they going to die, Vivi?" Sanji is crying while biting a tissue.

"It's probably the climate. In the Grandline, one of the dangers are sicknesses caused by the extreme climate changes." Vivi looks at her two friends.

I for once am completely devoid of any fun feelings.

Gently rubbing my palm on Mikita's cheek, pure rage is simmering in my heart.

'WHEN?! We weren't even that much in the jungle! When did the tick get Nami?! And Mikita of all people when she was floating in the air most of the time?!' Lynx

"It's not the weather… They picked up a prehistoric disease in Little garden." I solemnly say.

"How do you know that?" Vivi looks at me.

"Because I know… They must have been bitten by ticks and got the disease…" Lynx

"WHY DIDN'T YOU WARN US THEN?! Is the disease deadly?!" Sanji grabs me by the collar.

I grab Sanji by his collar too and scream back.

"Hey! Even if I warned you, what can you do about a jungle littered with ticks?! And why are you acting like the hurt one?! I care for them as well!!!" I push him away and go sit beside the bed.

"Rather than pissed at me for something I couldn't help, go take the wheel and make sure that Zoro isn't driving us into the wrong way." I shoot Sanji a glare.

My words seemed to send panic to Nami. She sits up and tries to stand up only to be stopped by Vivi.

"In my desk, the newspaper. I'm fine… I

I need to drive us to Alabasta soon." Nami

"What do you mean?" Vivi

"If I remember correctly, a lot of troops of the royal army have defected to the rebels. I only somewhat remember. A civil war will soon start." I say while taking the thermometer from Mikita.

"This is bad…" Vivi pales about the realization.

"Is it that bad?" Usopp

"Yea, the rebels now have an number advantage over the royal army. They can create havoc on the whole island and the royal army cannot do anything since they would risk leaving the king unprotected or leaving their defenses and get swarmed by the rebels." Lynx

"That's right. That's why we need to get there as soon as possible…" Nami

"That's what you think. Sorry, Vivi but here I want to prioritize our friends over the millions of unknown faces. We need to first find a doctor or Nami and Mikita will die before we reach Alabasta." Lynx

"WHAAAAT?!" Luffy, Usopp and Sanji scream.

"Yes. Now help Nami and carry her out so she can navigate a bit. We need to find a winter island climate near here. Only the doctors there will be able to take care of the girls." Lynx

"Sorry Vivi! Friends take priority!" Luffy lifts the bed with Nami and carries her out with the help of Usopp and Sanji.

I pull at the air and summon Robin.

"Oh? You are a bit early. So you tricked Crocodile with the denden mushi?" Robin looks at us with a smile until her gaze stops on Mikita.

"Robin, can you procure me the eternal pose for Drum kingdom?" Lynx

Before Robin can say anything, Vivi can't take it anymore.

"... I get that we need to help those two and also wish for it… But you said it like you would rather have a million people die-." Vivi tightens her fists.

"Vivi." I give her a glance devoid of any goofy smiles or grins I usually have.

She steps back from surprise at the unfamiliar sight she never saw before.

Robin on the other hand looks curious.

"I don't like people dying. But for you, Mikita and anyone on this crew… I

I don't care if islands are wiped off the face of the planet. I don't care how many millions people die. You guys have uncomparable worth in my eyes. I would march into Marineford if I need to save you. I would kill a celestial dragon and have my ass targeted by three admirals. I may be cruel, but I don't care as long as you are safe." I shift my gaze to Robin.

"Now can you get me the eternal pose in a short amount of time?"

Robin seemed shocked to my proclamation, as it is akin to suicide if I did those things.

"I can get it in a few hours." She answers without any of her teasing.

"I will summon you every 30 minutes until you bring it! Please by quick!" I unsummon Robin and look at the clock.

"Sorry, can you watch over Mikita? I need to distract myself." I pat Vivi's shoulder and leave the room.

Exiting the room, a little figure rushes and hugs my leg.

"Daddy! Are mommy Mikita and aunty Nami gonna be okay?" Annie looks up at me.

Smiling at the little girls I rub her head, kneel down and tell her.

"Yep, they will be alright. I got some help from another aunty. Then we can go to a nearby doctor!" I smile happily.

"Good! It would be sad to lose a mommy before I could play with her." Annie smiles.

"Braum. Put your shield on me and sit on it. I need some distraction." I take my top off and go into a push up position.

"Yes, work can get your mind off of the bad things. I would also be worried if my mother became sick." Braum puts the heavy shield on me and sits on top.

"That seems fun! Can Annie also join?" Annie

"Sure go to uncle Braum sweety." Lynx

The others on deck see me and come nearer.

"Let me help ya kid. Ya seemed to really like that lemon" Durin joins on top.

"I'm not really heavy, but let me help too." Heph joins.

"Feels like sleeping in a crib." Zoro lies down.

"Wohoo, that seems fun!" Luffy jumps on top of Braum.

"Get back here you idiot! We need some people to work!" Sanji

"Oh remind me when half an hour passes." Lynx

"I will watch the time." Heph

Crawling out from under the shield I extend my hand and pull. Robin appears in front of me with her boob in my palm.

"... Ok that was totally unplanned for." I look at her awkwardly.

"Really? And I was so proud of my assets." Robin steps back and bounces her boobs teasingly.

"Robin-swan! You came to grace us with your presence once more!!! Would you like something to drink?" Sanji is already swooning over her.

"Woah! Daddy can make aunty's appear from thin air?" Annie

"Daddy?" Robin looks at Annie and at me confused where I got this child from.

Ignoring Sanji and Robin's inquisitive face, I ask her.

"You haven't obtained the pose yet?" Lynx

"No, but should be soon. I have to get the poses from the hideout without Crocodile suspecting." Robin.

"Alright, I will summon you in half an hour again." Lynx

"Byee… Daddy~" Robin chuckles as she disappears.

Annie looks at me admiringly.

"So she isn't an aunty but my big sis? I like her daddy!" Annie

"..." I scream internally realizing that Robin will keep calling me daddy after this, causing many misunderstandings.

*Two summons later*

"Here is the eternal pose daddy~ You like the feel?" Robin chuckles teasingly.

Learning from last time I switched the height where my hand summoned Robin, only for her to be in an awkward position for me. This time, my hand is groping her ass.

"Big sis is back!" Annie

"Lynx you bastard! Get your hands off Robin-chwan!" Sanji

'I don't feel bad for giving her that command at all now…' I hold my head as I take the eternal pose.

"Thank you. Do you want enything in return for now?" Lynx

"I want daddy to give me something special~" Robin purrs teasingly.

"I want something special too!" Annie

My eye starts twitching as I am really not in the mood for flirting with Mikita and Nami sick plus Annie innocently getting weird ideas from it.

But enough is enough!

"Oh, let me save the two here first and then come to Alabasta. Then daddy will reward this baby veeeery thoroughly~" I smile back a bit stiffly.

"Oh I can't wait~! See you around, Annie-chan!" Robin is teleported back.

After a few deep breaths I look at the eternal pose.

"Alright, we have our way to the doctor! Let's go!" Lynx

"Let's save Nami and Mikita!" Luffy

"YAAAA!!!" Group shout.

"There is a man standing on thw water!" Usopp yells from thw crows nest.

"Is he fat?" Lynx

"Yea, he is fat but has a funny hat! " Usopp

"That doesn't help at all! There are too many people with funny hats on the Grandline! Does he have any weapons on him?" Lynx

"He has a quiver of arrows!" Usopp

"He is standing on a submarine! When it emerges and a man with a metal jaws jumps over Merry, beat the bitch dow or he will try to eat the Going Merry!" I cover Annie's ears.

"He will WHAT?! No one's eating my ship!!!" Luffy

Coming closer we see the archer idiot standing in the water.

"Boy, sure is cold today!" Archer

"Yeah, sure is." Luffy

"No this is warm temperature for me." Braum

"Really?" Archer

The submarine emerges from the water shaking the ship hard.

Opening up the submarine turns into a ship.

"Bwahaha! Were you surprised by my submersible attack ship?!" Wapol laughs.

"No! We were surprised by you ugly face!" Annie

"..." Wapol's crew.

"That's it Annie, good girl. You just have to add a final touch to it. Like insulting his intelligence."I pat Annie who enjoys the praise.

"Nevermind, I have a question for you."Wapol continues to eat a sword while ignoring the insult.

"We want to go to the Drum kingdom. Do you have an eternal pose or log pose to there?" Wapol finishes munching on the sword.

"Hey guys. I will keep him occupied and when I give the signal go wreck their ship, deal?" I whisper to everybody.

"Oh? Finally some action?" Durin grins while carrying a sledgehammer.

"I needed some fight actually. Was bored as hell." Zoro

"What's thw signal?" Sanji

"You will see. Braum don't let Annie see what I'll do to the hippo." I hand her over.

"You can trust Braum!" He gives me a thumbs up.

"Yes, I have the eternal pose since we were headed there!" Lynx

"Oh great! Give it here!" Wapol extends his hand after jumping to our ship.

"Bringing the other eternal pose that is not to the drum kingdom I walk to Wapol and toss it high in the air.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Wapol looks up and starts running on the ship trying to catch it.

"1000 years of death!" I shove the baton up his ass when he shows me his back.

He falls down powerlessly with a stupid expression.

"Sorry I don't have any seastone cuffs so this will have to do. Glacial fissure!" I summon Braums shield and swat it onto the pommel of the baton, shoving it even deeper.

Wapol actually faints on the deck. Everyone stays stillbesides Braum covering Annie's eyes and Usopp awkwardly catching the eternal pose.

"... What? Didn't you want to fight?" I ask my crewmates.

"Ah right!" Luffy

The strawhats swarm their ship beating everyone up.

"Don't forget to steal all their money or Nami will chew you out when she recovers!" I yell to the guys wrecking havoc on the other ship while chaining up Wapol with a chain holding his jaw together and leaving the baton in him, so he can't use his powers.

After half an hour the guys stole all the money and valuables and came back.

"I don't know if I will want to have that baton anymore… By now it should be a cursed object…" Durin

"Yea, you will have to get us other seastone." Heph totally agrees.

"Yea, I kinda grew fond of it… And I can actually use it instead of the seastome shackles while humiliating any devil fruit user! Imagine the shame if we strap our defeated enemies like that in front of the ship~ I don't think anyone will want to mess with us anymore hahahaha!" I joke toward the two, which made most of the crew swallow some saliva.

"Ah while we are at it, we can do that to this fat bastard. When we get to the Drum kingdom, we will ba hailed as hero's." Lynx

"Hey Lynx, were we supposed to fight this guy there?" Luffy was abnormally sharp right now.

"Yes, but with Nami and Mikita on deathbed, I don't want any distractions. When we are done with that you can let go and fight him if you want, but not before." Lynx

"Mooo~ Fine I get it! But I will fight this guy!" Luffy

"Defeat him by knock out not sending him into the sky, cause he is scum that needs to be disposed of after." I warn him.

A few hours we finally see the island with giant drum mountains.

"You hear that girls! The island is here! You will be cured soon!" Luffy yells while sitting on a chair beside the beds.

I on the other hand am sitting on the side of the bed changing Mikita's cooling rags.

"Hey Luffy, go check the island out. Just to make sure it's the correct one." I suggest that he leaves and let's some peace to the sick girls.

"Okaaay!" Luffy jumps out of the door.

"Woow, this is amazing! Look at those mountains!" Luffy

"Luffy aren't you cold dressed like that? It's so cold that bears would start to hibernate!" Usopp shivers while looking at the summer clothed Luffy.

"Hah? Oh… Uh… IT'S COLD!!!" Luffy exclaims as he shivers.

"You notice only now?!" Usopp, Sanji and Heph.

"I need to go back soon. There is nothing for me to do here for now." Heph

"Me neither, but thee adventures sure are fun! Should just return and get my battlegear so I am more prepared." Durin

"Well if you want, I can send you back. When do you want to return?" I look at the two smiths.

"Recall me if there is a party or you have something for me to do." Heph seems kinda bored of sailing without any work.

"Summon me in about a day. I am not used ta sleeping on a boat. I will be rested by that time and have my battlegear ready." Durin

"Alright, see you later!" I wave them away as they disappear.

Much to Sanji's sadness.

"Why… didid you send the pretty woman away…?" He cries ob the floor.

"Don't worry uncle Sanji! Annie is here!" Annie comes close and pats his head.

"Ah that's sweet, thank you…" Sanji still mopes on the floor even with Annie's sweet smile.

"Hmpf, you pervert! Annie came to cheer you up and you are still sad! Just because Annie doesn't have boobs yet! Scum!" After not being able to do anything, Annie became upset and started to use her new vocabluraly to have her revenge.

And it seemed to do well since Sanji is clutching his heart on the floor gazing at Annie with a shocked expression.

"She is right, you know? Me and Vivi are the same age, but you treat her better since she looks mature." Marianne sips her tea on a matt besides Sanji, hammering another nail into his heart.

"There is a waterfall of melting snow. we can dock there." Vivi

"Okay, who is gonna go look for a doctor?" Zoro

"I'll go!" Luffy

"Me too!" Sanji

"Me as well." Lynx

"I'll go with daddy!" Annie

"This a climate for me! I'll come!" Braum

"Fine go!" Usopp

"Stop right there! You pirates!" Random villager

Looking around we are surounded on both sides by angry people with weapons.

"Hey look, there is people!" Luffy

"They look pretty nasty." Usopp

"What isn't nasty to you?" Zoro

"Turn your vessel around and leave!" Dalton

"We came here to find a doctor!" Luffy

"We have a sick person aboard!" Vivi

"Don't try your tricks on us, you dirty pirates!" Random villager

"This is our country! We'll let no pirate set foot here!" Random

"Now raise your anchor and leave, before we blast your ship out of the water!" Random

"We are not up to any tri- Unbreakable!" I start to talk when I summon Braums shield and use the shield ability.

The rest of the villagers fire against the shield until their magazines run out of bullets.

'Ok that's it! You pissed me off at the wrong time!!!'

Jumping sky high with Mikita's ability I jump high and crash near the villager facing away from them.

"Meteoric fissure!" A giant ravine splits open in the way I faced and made all the villagers fall down from the tremble and fright.

"Now listen here you idiots! I am really pissed off right now and you don't want my wrath. Two women on our ship are sick and we WILL go on land to bring them to doctor Kureha." I slowly face them with fiery eyes.

"We don't care what problems you had with other pirates or anybody else. You have the option to be our guides and receive a present or piss off!" I slowly walk toward the man I can only guess is Dalton.

"So what will it be?" I glare down at the fallen men.

Dalton stares back at me determined to fight if I hurt anyone.

"And what is the present you mentioned?" Dalton

"Your powerless and cowardly ruler on a stick." I calmly say.

"Our what?" Dalton had a confused expression on his face.

"Yo, Braum! Show the chained popsickle on board!" Lynx

"Yes, here you have it!" Braum lifts Wapol up by the baton like it's the fucking handle on him.

"EEEEEEEHHHH???!!!" Every villagers jaw falls on the floor seeing how their tyrant got his ass handed to him… Literally!

Sorry the chap was a bit late since I have recovered from Corona and have to work again.


Edit: Bastard will not be counted as a curse word, so they can use it around Annie :3

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