
Summoner's Path

KoonAgnes · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Chapter 7

5:30 PM.

After a long day working on her restaurant, Sam did really look forward to play the game. .

Like any normal lady, she needs to clean everything before going to bed, I mean, going to play.


6:30 AM

Sam slowly walks toward the couples farm. She still plans to improve the soil condition of those five seeds.

'Hi Mrs. Rose! I would tend my seeds again' She happily greeted the old lady.

'Oh, dear Sam. Your Uncle Jorge said you would tend the other plants after checking your planted seeds. I would help you today'

After listening to a bunch of works  lined up, Sam went to her plants. She was surprised on what she saw.

An immature plants could be seen from those seeds. She research a little bit on how fast the plants grow inside the game. Still depending on its variety, plant grows a little faster compare to the outside world. However, the game could give a lot of supplementary skills for players and NPC to hasten the growth of these plants.

Her first skill doesn't give a boost for the plants growth rate. Or maybe it has?

Her skill has an unknown usage she must develop?

'Let's first finish today's work,' Sam muttered to herself. As someone who think of her future goals, she could easily refocus her thoughts.

After giving another boosts of her First skill on her precious plants, she went around the farm to finish some tasks given to her. Aside from a small coins she received yesterday, she was given an ordinary looking seed as her wage.

'This is an ordinary Moren Weeds,' Rose said while handling a small pouch to Sam.

Ting! You receive an pouch of Moren Weeds.

Moren Weeds - Ordinary Herbs. Has simple antibacterial properties and alleviate a little pain when applied raw.  Can be used as an ingredient for health potion but the effect is almost negligible.

Huh? It is almost useless.

Sam felt pathetic. But as she thought about it, she just doing the lowest class of job for adventurers.

'Thank you!' she plastered a little smile on her face.

After her farmwork, she went towards her serious boss. She has more freedom than the farm. While tendering those Spirit plants, she could study and read books. She was just a little scared to do experiments on those plants.

'Hi! Good afternoon boss!' Sam greeted.


Her boss just really look at her eyes.

'You can go ahead on your work, also there are 3 empty pots inside. You could try to plant some spirit plants so that you could be useful'

Huh? Useful? What the....

Before she could say a single word, she breaths heavily while calming herself. She's maybe the first Summoner to walk out on its own job inside the game.

'Yes boss! As you wish' Grrrrrrrrrr.

She rapidly went behind the store, went towards to each and every plant, and similarly, battled by pouring all her mana and health.

After sometimes, she look to an empty pot her boss said.

Wait, he did not give me any seeds?

Similarly to Earth's form of producing different plants, the seeds, branches and sprouts can be use. Magic were just added and the environment for other plants are more strictly. Especially that the game were on the first months, almost all mechanics are unknown. Players are still discovering a lot of unknown and mysterious plot, Beasts, skills, etc.

Giving something delicious, and still they know there are more, really boosts the popularity of the game. Instead of giving skill set to few characters they could chose, the game instead give an infinite possibility of characters and skills.

The two players may each receive a sword spirit, but due to human physiology, a different skill set would emerge among these two players.

I would use those Moren Seeds. Hmppp! I'm useless huh.

With so much enthusiasm and anger, Sam poured a lot of her Mana and Health on those three pots she saw.

This maybe a useless seed, but I would slap your face with my own power! Wahahaha.

If her boss would just really hear her thoughts...

A day passed by without any incident happened. Sam silently work hard on planting her Moren Seed while tending the other plants. The next day also passed by uneventful. Maybe she was bless with luck because her bosses were grumpy, serious one, as she saw her plants grew fast and healthy.

'You have a talent,' Rose said while they take a break. 'Those seeds given to you were hard to tend to. It takes meticulous skills and patience for newbie farmers. And yet, they have a plump, green leaves' she said smiling.

Jorge also silently watch her. Although he doesn't like to talk to her, he was less grumpy compare to her first day.

Also, she passed the assessment of the Farmer, Jorge. As she heard an announcement, she could not help to feel excited and glad.

Ting! You passed Jorge's Assessment.

Although you are given an intermediate seeds to work with, you are lucky and bless to grow it to a standard of the quest! Here are your rewards!

Ching! Ting!

You levelled up! From level 5 to level 7!.

You are rewarded by 8 intermediate seeds and 12 normal seeds.

You are given a skill: Farming.

Skill: Farming.

Passive skill. 1 point.

Planting and tending different plants are more easier compare to others without this skill.

'So, I could gain different skill aside from my own soul skills?' Sam asked herself. 'I would try to check it when I logged-out'

After using her morning time on Jorge's Farm, she went straight to her another grumpy boss. As she were near the store location, she heard an explosion.

"What the .... " Even she's a little scared, she remembers her Moren Seeds which she planted using her sweat and blood (literally) and forgot momentarily how scared she was.

She sprints towards it. What she saw shocked her even more.

A very big plant, similarly to Rafflesia,  stood proudly at the center of the road. Big vines sways rhythmically, and those thorns wrap around it looks menacing. Behind it stood her grumpy

Boss. On the other side of the road were three person, which Sam identified as players, sprawl and looked pitiful. There were blood stains and their clothes are in tatters.


Suddenly, one of the pitifully player yelled.

"You! I would not forget you! Someday, you would beg to be forgiven! You are just an NPC!"

"Then try it. Let's see if I would beg" her grumpy said sarcastically. "Tsk!" He then spits towards them.

The blood of the three pitiful players simultaneously went up towards their head. They looked like tomatoes.

"If you want, I could add more pain for you. Try it, let's fight more." Her boss Suddenly smiled.

Suddenly, the trio stood up and run. Even Sam's hair stood up at the same time those three stood up. She would never want to experience those smiles.

'I would become more obedient, he is not just grumpy, but a demon in disguise!'

Then, her grumpy boss looked at her, and casually said,

'You came. Go inside and checked the plants'

The big Rafflesia suddenly shines and suddenly vanish like nothing happened. Other store owners went back to their own stores like they just finish watching an ad.

'Its seems like this happened often' Sam silently said. Then she felt another round of goosebumps while walking towards the store.