
Summoner's Path

KoonAgnes · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Chapter 15

As Sam slowly walks towards their destination, on a separate part of the mountain, there are three individuals eagerly making their way towards the enchanting Thousand Flowers River.

It was called Thousand Flowers River because of different flower petals float on it. It was said that a mighty beast dwells at the mouth of this river, and it possesses a peculiar fondness for planting flowers. Because of it, the air is filled with an abundance of colorful petals that gracefully float and drift in every direction, painting a beautiful scene.

These delicate flower petals, carried by the gentle breeze, often find their way to the river's pristine waters. From there, they navigate the river's current, eventually reaching the base of the river where they create a breathtaking display.

That mysterious place has attracted players and non-playable characters alike, all yearning to visit it. Sadly, a perilous and long journey deter them to try visiting it

Moreover, The Thousand Petals harbors its own dangers. Within its depths, different and powerful beasts lurk, patiently waiting for unsuspecting prey to wander too close.

The trio have embarked on a mission to capture a Rank D beast known as the Agua Toad, which is abundant along the riverbank. This unique creature, closely linked to the element of water, boasts similar features to its unevolved form, albeit with a captivating hint of bluish color coursing through its body. These majestic creatures can mostly be found in any Mountain and Region, but their tendency to form into organized groups has made them more challenging to hunt, compelling players to put in extra effort to capture them.

"Hey, can you see it?" someone inquired.

"Yeah, and there are so many!" exclaimed a guy wearing sunglasses. His player name is Moonlight. "About 25-30 Frogs."


Spirit: Sun-glass

Interestingly, he opted for a scout-type skill. Similar to the Summoners path, some players choose the Utility path, which incorporates a diverse range of skills and abilities to support their team. Now, he is using his second skill, Glass Through.

2nd skill: Glass Through

This skill grants him the power to peer through solid objects. The skill effectivity is influenced by his Elemental Power, as well as the elemental defense of the target object.

Unfortunately, they gave him the nickname 'Peeping God' because of it. But honestly, he never had any bad intentions. He just had this strong attraction towards the Sun-glass spirit among the three spirits while he's choosing. This vision skill wasn't even an option when he was choosing his first skill. It was created by some crazy coincidence.

"Just as we discussed, I'll take on the role of the bait," said the red-haired guy.

All of a sudden, a magic circle materialized, slowly taking the shape of a Frog. Interestingly, his Spirit is similar to their target.

His name is JuzTeen.


Spirit: Frog

Despite his childish moniker, he is the highest level among the three.

"Jumpy, attract the enemy" JuzTeen murmured to his beast. Actually, summoners like JuzTeen didn't need to say anything out loud to their spirits, they had a telepathic connection that allowed them to communicate silently.

'Kokak! Kokak!' Jumpy croaked in response, clearly understanding JuzTeen's instruction. With a burst of energy, Jumpy flexed its few muscles and started jumping towards the riverbank.

As Jumpy continued his jumps, the river started to tremor, as if in response to Jumpy's movements. And then, in a sudden flurry of action, twenty frog-like spirits emerged from the river and launched themselves at Jumpy.

"Damn it, that's the entire population!" Moonlight cursed loudly.

Thinking quickly, JuzTeen commanded Jumpy, "Azure Wall!"

Jumpy immediately complied, spitting out a ball of water that rose rapidly towards the sky. As the water ascended, it began to shape itself into a massive wall, creating a protective barrier for Jumpy and his team.

Then a few streaks of lighting raced towards the water wall. It was Ran, one of their teammates, using his unique ability to control electricity. The lightning bolts tapped against the water wall, causing sparks to fly in every direction.

His lightning skills can be combined to JuzTeen's water skills.

Everytime an Agua Toad touches it, it would be electrified.


Spirit: Rope (Electric Rope)

He is currently utilizing his 3rd skill, Multi-Zap, where his spirit emits multiple lightning streaks to strike his enemies. In addition, he has cleverly combined it with JuzTeen's Water Wall in this specific situation. Without hesitation, he swiftly swings his rope, resembling the movement of a snake, as it swiftly approaches one of the Frogs in an attempt to restrain it.

As the frog realize it was attacked, it tried to evaid it as much as possible. But aside from that snake like rope, electricity coming from the wall makes it harder to evade.

At last, it was captured.!

Then Ran proceeds to activate his first skill, Electro Shock.

This is the skill that forces his Spirit into Lightning Element.

Buzz.... Buzz...

"I succeed! Let's...." Before Ran finished his sentence, a huge tremor suddenly emitted from the depth of the river.

Once the water began to surge towards the heavens, a wave of apprehension washed over the trio. Their sense of awe was overshadowed by an overwhelming fear that gripped them. Towering before their eyes was an enormous bluish frog, its forehead adorned with a mesmerizing gem that emitted an intense, luminous glow. The mere presence of the frog exuded a chilling and oppressive aura that sent shivers down their spines.

"Fuck, no one said they have a leader!" Moonlight curse.

Then he simultaneously use his two skills, Night Shade and Gray Shield.

Night Shade - Reduces aura of friendly unit.

Gray Shield - Creates aura shield on friendly units. Further reduces the unit's aura.

As he uses his 3rd Skill, Grey Shield, a semi transparent gray glasslike shield formed on them.

"Jumpy, create more!" JuzTeen urgently said. Then two additonal Azure Walls erected.

"I couldn't use any skill aside from Azure Wall," he reminded them. Two of his remaining skills are form of attack.

Then, after erecting two walls, they proceed on running for their own lives.

"Kokak!" The Frog croak and unleash a powerful water canon. The two walls were detroyed like a paper.

Upon witnessing the destruction of the wall, JuzTeen and Ran immediately sprung into action, using their unique abilities to combat the imminent threat. JuzTeen wielded a smaller water canon, reminiscent of the frog's, while Ran unleashed his Multi-zap skill. However, to their dismay, their efforts seemed futile against the formidable beast.

Even Moonlight, who had relied on their shield as a means of defense, was disappointed to see it crumble under the creature's power. The trio collectively felt a wave of despair wash over them, believing that their demise was inevitable.

However, another water wall suddenly emerged, shielding the group from impending doom. As they turned their gazes towards JuzTeen, it became apparent that he was not the one responsible for conjuring the protective barrier.

In the distance, two silhouettes swiftly approached the beasts, their movements shrouded in agility. Ran, with their keen perception, even noticed bolts of electricity emanating from one of the figuresnwhen they passed through them. Suddenly, a powerful surge of lightning surged forth, piercing the beats, rendering it momentarily paralyzed.

Simultaneously, a deafening boom resonated from the other silhouette, engulfing the figure in a fiery inferno. Flames danced ferociously, lashing out at the frog with relentless force. The trio stood in awe as they witnessed this epic display of power.

The trio failed to register another silhouette that had silently slipped by. It was only when the silhouette came to a halt that they became aware of its presence. As they shifted their attention, they observed four siover clothes floating around it.

Swoosh.... Swoosh...

As they watched in astonishment, the seemingly ordinary cloth transformed into sharp, nail-like weapon that swiftly pierced through the body of the beasts. The attacks were so rapid and precise that all they could perceive was a blur of motion.

They aslo anoticed that they possessed butterfly wings sprouting from their back. The majestic wings fluttered gracefully as the person continued to unleash their powerful strikes.

Suddenly, a child-like voice broke the silence from behind. "They could easily kill it." She said.

The group turned their attention and saw two unassuming girls approaching them, both adorned with butterfly wings on their backs. The sight left them dumbfounded.