
Summoned Destruction

Jason had a problem - he had lived the same life twice. The first time, things were normal. Well, if you could call being taken from your parents by the government as an ‘asset’ because you have magic ‘normal’. Watching your mother die because she loved you too much to let go. Being raised as a weapon, forced to obey orders, and having nothing of your own. Getting sentenced to death for trying to escape and find something decent in the world. The second time, things were different - but not in a good way. Tried to fight the government when they came knocking, failed. Tried to disobey orders, was punished heavily and failed anyway. Tried to kill the people who abused you last time, failed and received treatment even worse than before. Tried to find that something decent in the world, to hold onto your hopes, and dreams of family. Failed. Endless failure, and pain, and despair far worse than before. Now Jason is on his third time through the wringer - and he has long abandoned all his dreams. There’s no hope now, and no future. In two lives they made him a weapon, and laughed as he destroyed. Now Jason will take it further - and destroy everything that is wrong in the world. There will be hell to pay.

EmberWyldes · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

The New and Old Home

Jason woke slowly, finding himself with chains on his wrists, a collar on his throat, and in a room so dead white and sterile nothing could survive. He was lying on a thin blanket in this cell, on a small folding shelf that served as a bed. No pillows, no shoes, no partition to hide the squatting toilet. His clothes were a lifeless grey colour, and very familiar from all his years in this place.

This was Disney Land. A facility named after the distant past, a place where children believed in magic, and miracles, and that everything would be lovely in their world forever.

However, if the previous land of magic was a place of joy, then this one was a nightmare. It was where the children with magic were kept. Where they were trained into weapons, and forced to kill 'for the greater good'. Jason spent 6 years in this hellhole first time round, and because of disobedience he was trapped here for a full 11 years the second time.

Silently, Jason felt a sliver of regret - he didn't even see his mother's face this time, and had no clue if his family survived. He would have liked to see them one last time, but -

{You were a little busy for that, kiddo~} A feminine voice called in his mind.

"Who are you?" Jason asked softly. He didn't want the guards beyond the door to hear him talking, since it would give away that he was awake.

{I'm the Avatar of Destruction, dear. I did introduce myself earlier. Well, you were a little out of it, so I forgive you for forgetting me, and leaving me alone.} The voice replied, and Jason could feel her pouting.

"I'm sorry about fainting. How long was I out?" Jason asked carefully - since it would decide which guards were on shift, and what punishment he would receive for feigning sleep.

{About 9 days. They had you on a drip for a while in the medical area, but after you began showing signs of life they unhooked you and moved you here.}

Jason's eyes widened in shock. Nine days?!? He could barely stop himself screaming in horror. Just two days more, and they would have terminated him as too weak for training! His third chance at life, and quite possibly his last, gone before he even had a chance!

The thought left him shivering in terror. Being Terminated was nothing as simple as dying - it was the total deconstruction of his body into mince meat, to be fed to the other kids as food. They would also capture his soul and use it as a catalyst for experiments - and that would likely ruin any hope of having another try.

Even as he trembled and sweated, Jason was firming his resolve to destroy this place, and everything behind it. His previous attempts were failures, but this time he has the Avatar of Destruction with him. Surely now he could succeed.

{You've got high hopes, kid - but right now we're both too powerless to break this place. They got some high level shit here, and it is out of our league. So cool your temper, and keep your head down. We need more power. And I need you to give me a name.} The voice advised, and Jason calmed down slowly.

She was right - although he could remember being strong, right now he was 6 years old. It wasn't time yet for vengeance. But it would be, soon as he was ready.

Jason would make this place rain blood down all it's halls.