
Summit War: I Am Doing Auction Of Kamekameha!

Because of an accident, Chen Fang traveled to the world of Pirates and became the owner of Wanjie Auction House. In order to survive better in One Piece World, Chen Fang relied on the power of the auction house to sell the treasures of the heavens and the world. Unknowingly, the world of One Piece has completely changed. Blood Successor Boundary, Zanpakutō, Saint Cloth... The appearance of all kinds of treasures in the world of one piece has attracted countless people to go crazy. Looking at the auction house that has been sought after by countless people, Chen Fang said flatly: "Which world is the best place to open the new branch?"

DaoistO122Pb · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 I AM Boiling Sabaody Archipelago

The imposing structure above the Sabaody Archipelago bore the enigmatic name of the Tiantian Auction House. Its name resonated with an air of mystery and allure, and it had recently arrived in this world alongside a young man named Chen Fang.

In essence, Chen Fang had been chosen by the Tiantian Auction House to be transported into the world of One Piece.

"Are you sure about this?" Chen Fang asked, concern evident in his voice. "You must understand that the person who received this invitation is no ordinary individual."

As Chen Fang finished speaking, a transparent figure gradually materialized in midair.

"Rest assured, my lord," the figure responded. "Within the auction house, you are invincible, and no harm can befall you. However, this rule only applies within our confines. If you seek to gain more power, you will have to rely on your own capabilities."

The ethereal figure whispered these words into Chen Fang's ear.

"I hope so," Chen Fang murmured softly as he gazed at Xiao Bai, who floated before him. Xiao Bai was more than just an assistant; he could be described as an artificial intelligence with a soul.

During their conversations, Xiao Bai had mentioned that he had been associated with the auction house for as long as he could remember, with Chen Fang being his eleventh manager. The auction house enforced a strict rule that suppressed the powers of anyone within its premises, regardless of their strength. Most previous managers had met unfortunate ends due to venturing outside the auction house without authorization, their weaknesses exposed. Chen Fang's predecessor, in a misguided attempt to demonstrate his sincerity, had personally delivered an invitation letter and was subsequently slain by the demon king. This led to the implementation of the protective shield, preventing outsiders from entering and managers from leaving before the first auction concluded.

"I hope there will be some valuable items in this first auction," Chen Fang said with a wry smile as he looked at the invitation letter's list of auction items, all marked with question marks. In the auction house, the only way for Chen Fang to increase his power was by conducting auctions. For each item auctioned, he would receive a reward, with the value of the reward directly tied to the purchase price. This served as a motivation for Chen Fang to meticulously organize every auction, as the results directly impacted the rewards he could attain.

When sending out invitations, Chen Fang had been audacious, extending invitations to nearly all major powers in the Pirate World, aside from the Five Elders and the enigmatic Im. Whether these individuals would attend remained uncertain, but Chen Fang believed that some would be intrigued enough to come and observe.

Daring figures like Doflamingo were likely to attend, while the auction house had prepared a collection of items that Xiaobai assured would captivate the audience. Despite this assurance, Chen Fang still harbored concerns that the first auction might not meet the expectations of those present.

To accommodate guests from the New World, Chen Fang had scheduled the auction a week later, during which news of the event had spread far and wide. Forces such as the Four Emperors, the Shichibukai, the Marines, and even the Revolutionary Army began converging on the Sabaody Archipelago, attracting many others eager to partake in the spectacle.

In the port of Sabaody Archipelago, pirates arrived in waves. Some came from the New World merely to spectate, while others were newcomers embarking on their pirate careers.

The tension in the air reached its peak when the first attendees arrived.

"Look!" one pirate exclaimed, pointing toward the sky. "It's Don Quixote Doflamingo from the Shichibukai!"

"Indeed, that aura... it's unmistakably one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

"Quick, look behind him—it's Hawkeye!"

"The world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk!"

Doflamingo descended from the sky, and his inimitable presence caught the attention of all present. Mihawk, ever enigmatic and silent, followed suit.

"Furofurfur!" Doflamingo chuckled. "I didn't expect you to be interested in this sort of affair, Mihawk!"

Indeed, the world perceived Mihawk as someone solely dedicated to the art of swordsmanship.

"It just happened to be nearby," Mihawk replied with nonchalance. He had received the invitation while in close proximity to the Sabaody Archipelago; otherwise, he might not have made a special journey.

"It seems we've arrived early," Doflamingo remarked, his attention drawn to the gilded structure in the distance.

Only after Doflamingo and Mihawk had distanced themselves did the pirates at the port dare to voice their thoughts. In the presence of such figures, they had been too intimidated to speak freely.

"It's incredible, just as one would expect from the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

"Yes, their presence alone made me freeze in my tracks!"

"It appears many prominent figures will be attending!"

However, before the onlookers could exchange further words, a terrified cry pierced the air.

"Run! Run for your lives!"

"The Marine Admirals are here! Aokiji and Marine Hero Garp are coming! Hurry, or we'll end up in Impel Down!"

A colossal Marine warship was approaching the port of the Sabaody Archipelago. Panic swept through the pirates on the island, fearing the arrival of Admiral Sakazuki. Kuzan, known as Aokiji, covered his face with a bag, engaging in a casual conversation with Garp.

The fleeing pirates did not attract the attention of Kuzan or Garp, as the chaos on Sabaody Archipelago had rendered the insignificant pirates inconsequential. These pirates were like weeds, neither worth capturing nor killing in the eyes of the two high-ranking Marines.

As the pirates scattered in fear, Kuzan and Garp continued their conversation, unaffected by the commotion around them. The world of pirates was in turmoil, and the events unfolding on Sabaody Archipelago were merely a microcosm of the greater chaos in the Pirate World.

Despite the chaos and the looming presence of the Marines, the anticipation for the Tiantian Auction House's first auction continued to grow. The world of pirates had converged on the Sabaody Archipelago, eager to witness the spectacle and perhaps acquire treasures that could change the course of their destinies.

The mysterious and alluring world of One Piece awaited, and within its depths lay both great danger and unimaginable rewards. As the sun set over the archipelago, the stage was set for a momentous event that would leave a lasting impact on the world of pirates.

Chen Fang and the Tiantian Auction House stood at the center of it all, ready to unveil their secrets and offerings to a world hungry for power and adventure.