
8. The beach house 2

Few minutes later, I parked in front of a gigantic fancy building that could fill a whole extended family. It looks more improved than I last saw it and now it's much beautiful and beautiful, I just don't know what to say. It has a swimming pool in front of the house and some flowers around which are mostly green and it's so clean like a celebrity house like those in the TVs. Ana woke Alex up as I opened the buck of the car and removed our suit cases. A pink one, that's Ana's, mine purple and Alex's the black one. Oh another thing Alex is black girl she literary love black the most. Ana loves pink like any other girl while I, you quit got a hint I love lavender color. Let's say I might just love its smell and that my grandma loved it the most. We dragged our suit cases inside the house and their jaws dropped.

"I never thought when you said your beach house was big I didn't expect it to be this gigantic." Alex exclaimed and I giggled

"It's much bigger than I imagined much more than the one in the internets. If I could tell it one of the biggest house I have ever seen" Ana added.

"yeah am also shocked, the last time I was here it's was not this big but it's the same design I guess" I said also not sure if I was in the right place but I would never forget a place I grew up in even though the memories were fading away I would never forget the place. But where are the house keepers they should be here or did my brother not inform them.

"Let's go in girls" I said as they followed. 'Wow' it escaped our mouths once we entered inside. Everything screamed money, if one thing break it could buy your own house and two more expensive cars. The wall were pure milk color while the ceiling had a gold color. The cream coached and gold grass tables. Literary everything was in white and gold, and more glasses.

"I could live here forever" Alex exclaimed and we laughed sure we could but not for long

"Girls, let's go I will show you your rooms" I said as they awed more at the house. This house has so many rooms that you could get lost in but you always find your way.

"I want the one with the perfect view of the sea" Alex said and I sighed. There are just few rooms with the perfect view and that one was my grandparents room and I can't let them stay there so they will have to stay in either mine or my brother's which are close not that close but pretty close cause they took care of me and Drake mostly. My elder brother room was on the other side close to my parent's room but he slept mostly in my brother's room or we mostly slept there watching over my younger brother while he told us good night stories.

"Sorry this Time but I can't let you sleep on my grandparents room maybe mines or Drake's you choose" I told them and their faces fell

"Fine, okay am choosing yours" Alex replied before Ana's

"Your brother's it is" Ana said as I led them upstairs.

Climbing upstairs, memories filled my head and I couldn't help but fall into the bay. Running upstairs as a child laughing and giggling I couldn't help but smile. It was when I stole a cookie from the table and my brother was chasing me behind to take the cookie from me but I didn't want to return it. I wanted to eat it and I ran as fast as my legs could carry me but I slipped and fell, but my brother was quick enough that I didn't roll all the way down the stairs. He was so worried that he didn't let me play for the next whole month but grandma said that 'getting injured is learning' and that when he let me play again. Those were the days I couldn't forget when grandma would feed me her special food that she cooked and would take care of me my brothers. Gosh I miss her.

"Wow, I can't believe this. It so beautiful, I just can't wait to explore this place" Alex said and Ana nodded.

"You will get the chance" I said. And finally we were in front of my brother's room and mine was next. "Here we are this will be your room for the next one week and that's my old room," I showed them and they nodded.

"Thanks Denise for doing this" Ana said

"It's nothing girls, beside we needed this" I said as they hugged me tight.

I breathed out once I stepped my grandparent's room and dropped my suit case beside me and tears welled up my eyes. I wiped them as I looked around the room. Not much has changed, but things seems to be neatly arranged and more repairs to the walls. They were brown and white and touches of lavender here and there but now it looks even beautiful it's grey and silver. The bed is actually grey and white sheets. Likely, a lot of things looks silver apart from the curtains which are white and grey. How did everything change in this past years?

This place looks so beautiful and I can't wait to thank brother for this. I walked to the window and opened the door and walked to the balcony and breathed in the air. Am going to enjoy it later first I have to have a good bath cause am so sticky and tired because of the drive and the sun. I turned inside and closed the glass doors but to come in contact with a sea blue eyes guy inside the room, half naked and his hair dripping wet.

"Aaaaaaahhhh!!" A loud scream filled the room as I ran out like a mad person.