
Summer Lark

"There's not even any space to do anything." "Wanna bet?" Royal says playfully drunk. "Sure." I smile, no way he wins this. "If I win you'll let me help you with that ache between your legs." He whispers seductively. "And If I win, fuck I don't know, I'll hold on to it so when the time comes I can use it." I say flustered. "Fair." We shake on it, and I really hope I'm right. We get out of the car and he climbs into the backseat and sits with his back to the door so one of his legs are lying across the seat and the other is resting on the ground. "Now come here." He says waving me in. I swing my legs over the sides and climb in. "Now what smartass?" "Now come sit between my legs." I carefully sit down between his legs. He cups the underneath of my knee and spreads my legs. The moon illuminating us. "Dumbass, how are you going to fuck me like this?" "Who said anything about fucking? I said take care of your needs, not mine. And quite easily actually." He says trailing a gentle hand down my body... ---- Carmella Howard has always traveled, just how its always been. After high school she took a gap year and explored with her friend Eden. And she never stopped, she went home for a little but she doesn't get along with her parents so she left again. This time landing herself in a small beach town in New York with a grumping next door neighbor. Royal Temples has lived in this town ever since he was four. He owns two small houses on the edge of the beach, one he lives in and the other he rents out. Normally he doesn't notice the people renting the house. It's usually a small family or a young couple who either never leave the house or are always in town exploring and stuff. That was until she rented his place out and her overly friendly dog and him become best friends. ---- The 'Lark' definition I am going off of is "something done for fun, especially something mischievous or daring; an amusing adventure or escapade."

ArtTastic422 · Urbain
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36 Chs

Chapter twenty: Carmella

I fucking hate bars. They're basically a sex house. Within twenty minutes of my arrival some guy was standing behind me grinding my ass into him. Which I mean I don't hate but it's still gross. At least he's not an old hag, he looks quite well actually. Sandy blond mop hair, tanned skin, a nice smile, blue eyes. A basic beach boy.

It's almost midnight by the time I get off the makeshift dance floor. Just to be whisked away by someone grabbing my arm.

"Hey let go!"

"Sorry Carmel, I just need to talk to you." Cole says.

"Oh hey Cole. What's up?"

"Can you bring Royal home?"


"Amber, my wife called saying that Liam is throwing up. So I need to get back to the house and help out. Milo and Luna are already gone fucking somewhere and I need to leave now. I think I can run there in like five minutes." Cole says in a rush. As much as I don't want to take Royal home I can't say no to a helpless father.

"Yeah, sure no prob." I smile.

"You're not drunk right?"

"Nope only had a beer or two."

"Ok good good, well, see you soon." Cole says taking off running at the door.

"Fuck me." I whisper to myself.

After ten minutes of looking for Royal I finally find him slouching in a corner.

"Whatcha doing down there?" I ask. He looks up and grins like a little boy.

"Want to play tag?"

"No, I need to take you home."

"Tag." He says smiling widely.

"No, no tag."

"You're it!" He points. He acts like a child when he's drunk.

"Royal, we're not playing tag!" I holler after him as he speeds away. I take off chasing him. After five minutes of running I finally corner him.

"Come on, give up please." I beg.

"No," Royal says, diving past me.


I chase him for another five minutes and I finally tag him. He looks at me like a lion about to pounce. I guess it's my turn to run now. I take off straight through the crowd hoping to lose him in it. His large arms come around my waist as I laugh.

"Gotcha." He says into the crook of my neck.

"Not my fault you're like a baby giant."

"You smell good." He says lazily.

"Don't smell too bad yourself, mister." He doesn't, it's like a mixture of evergreens and mint. A perfect combination.

"So we both don't smell bad, that's a bonus." He says sarcastically.

"Always good to smell good."

"Agreed." We're still standing like this, his arms wrapped around my waist and his forehead on my shoulder. While I lean into him.

"Come on you big baby I need to get you home."

"You sound like a babysitter." He mumbles.

"For your drunk ass I am." We make our way to his car.

"Since when do you have a convertible?"

"I have lots of cars, they just don't all fit in my tiny driveway. So most of them are at Auntie Lo's."

"How do you have so much money? I don't think I've ever seen you get up and go to work."

"Mom came from a rich family. Her parents died a long time ago, before I was born. But they knew mom wanted kids so they put aside a lot of money for me. And mom also inherited a lot but she never really spent any of it. In her will it said money was to be split fifty fifty between my dad and I. And so tada, now I'm rich."

"Never heard of you."

"Never went public, none of my family was ever public with their money, people new they were rich and that's all, no idea how."

It's sillet for a few minutes. Till I realize that the car is almost empty.

"Oh shit." I whisper.

"Such a dirty mouth." Royal mumbles.

"Your car is almost empty, where's the gas station?"

"Next light, take a left then straight for a little and it'll be on your.... right."

I follow his instructions left, straight, then right. Yeah well left, straight straight straight straight, empty. The car is on fucking empty.

"Royal, would you care to explain?" I say trying to calm my anger. He burst out laughing.

"You got tricked!" He says between laughs.

"Not. Fucking. Funny." I pull my phone out of my pocket and click the power button then click it again and again and again. Still. Fucking. Nothing.

"Great just fucking great."

"I like you." Royal whispers.

"I like you too." I say.

"You do?" Goodness he really is acting like a child, it's almost adorable if he didn't just get us lost with no phones.

"Yes, your a very likable friend."

"No no, I like like you." He says pouting.

"I like like you too."

"You do?"

"Yeah as a friend."

"No." He says cupping the back of my head and bring my face closer to his,

"I like like you not as a friend. As a lover." He says before kissing me. It's like all the pent up words are coming out. And it's wonderful how his lips feel like butter moving effortlessly against mine. His tongue teases my bottom lip and I open allowing him access to my mouth. Our tongues dance, each one trying to lead the other. His finally dominates mine so I'm forced to go at his pace which is much slower than mine. I let out a small moan that's greeted by a low throaty groan of approval.

"Your mouth taste fucking amazing, but fuck I can only image how much better your pussy would taste." Royal whispers low and seductively tipping at my earlobe. He places a few open mouth kisses on my neck, kissing each one of my small moles.

"Your drunk Royal." I whisper.

"I know," He whispers back.

"You're not going to remember any of this."

"So, use my body."

"I'm not going to use your body."

"Just tell me what you want. I'll do anything and tomorrow you will of had a good fuck and I won't remember it."

"You'll remember it."

"I don't even remember getting in the car. I won't remember."

"There's not even any space to do anything."

"Wanna bet?"


"If I win you'll let me help you with that ache between your legs."

"And If I win, fuck I don't know, I'll hold on to it so when the time comes I can use it."

"Fair." We shake on it, and I really hope I'm right. We get out of the car and he climbs into the backseat and sits with his back to the door so one of his legs are lying across the seat and the other is resting on the ground.

"Now come here." He says waving me in. I swing my legs over the sides and climb in.

"Now what smartass?"

"Now come sit between my legs." I carefully sit down between his legs. He cups the underneath of my knee and spreads my legs. The moon illuminating us.

"Dumbass, how are you going to fuck me like this?"

"Who said anything about fucking? I said take care of your needs, not mine. And quite easily actually." He says trailing a gentle hand down my body.

Ayo, is it hot in here, no no, just me, ok.

Q: Favorite holliday?

A: This might be weird but my favorite holliday is Fourth Of July.

"Don't just exist, LIVE."

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