
Summer Come

Summer usually has temperatures that are not as common as other seasons. Temperature elevations are usually unnatural and can be up to 37 degrees celsius. But on the other hand, summer vacation is what I'm waiting for! we finally went on vacation to a recreation park and stayed at a hotel, but in our ignorance about this hotel, it turned out that we stayed at a hotel that had magic in it, we were trapped inside, couldn't get out, even got out of the room and my parents… ah I wanted to cry. There is no summer vacation this year I have to be able to save my parents, must be able, I can't get out of this hotel alone, this year's summer vacation has been the most troublesome, fortunately, I met a man, he is my classmate, but the sense of pleasure disappeared instantly remembering his behavior at school. We ended up struggling to get the keys to getting our parents out and out of this strange hotel.

Randomline · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
42 Chs

Chapter 41

I started to insert the end of the key into the door pour hole, after entering to the end, my hand quickly turned the key, 'clock!' heard clearly, my left hand opened the door lever, I immediately went in looking for the statue, while the maid waited at the end of the hall to make sure it was safe.

Ansel followed behind. Inside the room was very quiet, with minimal light entering the room, only through the sides of the ventilation. The smell of dampness was felt in the room, the cloth was scattered on the floor, maybe it was the former covering the statue.

Arriving at the end of the room, I looked to the right, and saw the statue of my parents, the feeling of burden and anxiety in my heart collapsed instantly like a rushing waterfall, seeing my parents in front of my eyes, I felt relieved.

I stepped closer to the statue, but Ansel lost his way and looked for the statue of his parents and brother, not long after he found it, the statue of his parents was next to my parents, but was blocked by two foreign statues.

I quickly opened the statue of my parents with the key, instantly, the stone that wrapped my parents broke into pieces, collapsed, and they were freed from the stone. I immediately gave the key to Ansel, and at the same time the alarm throughout the hotel went off. I immediately pulled my parents, they looked confused, and worried faces covered their whole faces.

When Ansel was about to open the statue of his parents, the key in his hand turned into a piece of paper, lit up, and flew away, the key disappeared instantly, Ansel still looked at his hand, which was nothing there. The waiter arrived at the door, and the waiter looked at us with a scarred face.

"HEAD TO GET HERE!" cried the maid, forming veins on her forehead.

"come on!" I shouted running, pulling my father's hand, also my right hand pulled Ansel who was still dreaming, couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. The actions he has done so far have been in vain, my guilt soars up, and I want to return the favor no matter what.

"What is it Esha?" Dad asked softly but kept running after me. It's true that mom and dad still don't seem to realize what's going on.

We were out of the room, running together with the maid behind us, we were about to head for the exit, along the way I realized Ansel who was still frozen couldn't save his parents.



"ANSEL!!!" I shouted as loud as I could, in the middle of us running like this he was still staring at his hands.

"hah?" he replied, his innocent face staring at me not looking around.

"Run to the exit!" I exclaimed.

Ansel did not answer.

"What's wrong Esha, why do we have to run?" asked again my mother my parents are still not aware of what happened.

This hotel building is shaped like glass, with the building being equilateral to the right and left, then in the middle is the hotel lobby, but above it has glass to keep out rainwater, as well as being a light during the day.

From the building next door, the maids who helped the higher-ups ran, and tried to catch us, not to mention the maids and their higher-ups were chasing us from behind. the people from the theater, came out looking at us running, they looked confused, also the hotel lobby people were confused to see us running.


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