
Summer City Harem

A young college student has just registered in this new university named Summer City University and his companion, a Succubus, by the name of Rhea tries to help her companion find love and start his own harem. The young man goes about his days and tries to create his dream harem along with Rhea. His main goal is to make women fall in love with him to start his harem. How will this student get his harem? How will Rhea help her human start his harem? Find out in Summer City Harem!

AncientShadow · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
40 Chs

The Equinox (3)

{Time: 4:45 PM}

{Location: Summer Villas}

I knocked on the door of my sister's apartment. Georgia and Isabella stood with me, interested in meeting Freya. After waiting for a few moments, Freya opened the door and looked at me then happily hugged me. I hugged back and chuckled softly.

Freya was a woman with a slim physique. Her dirty blonde hair can always be found in a side ponytail, she wore her favorite pair of blue and purple contacts, and had a heart tattoo under her left eye. She was still in her rebellious phase so she wore red eyeshadow, painted her nails black, and had a few scars on her arm. She wore a black shirt with a ribbon on the back, black leggings, and slip on shoes.

"I've missed you.." Freya said softly.

"I've missed you too.." I said.

Freya let me, Georgia, and Isabella come inside. "Sorry if it's a bit messy. My boyfriend and I...had a little fight. He's somewhere out there now, fucking some other broad."

I looked around and crossed my arms. "To me it sounds like you fight often. Why not just break up with him?"

"If it were that easy I would've by now, K." Freya said and smiled at me. She walked over to the couch and sat down. She sighed and watched us sit down as well. "So whatcha been up to recently?"

"Well I've been fixing past issues. I'm settling everything once and for all, but right now I'm searching for a group of Delinquents who have the History of Equinox." I said.

"Wait what?! Someone stole the Equinox Trilogy?! Wasn't that woman Janet supposed to guard them?!" Freya asked.

"It was out of her control really. The books were checked out...but Janet probably didn't know it was a set up. I already took one group down earlier as you've seen." I said.

Freya nodded and sighed. "Have you heard from Nicholas?"

"Nope. He's gotta still be out here though. I'm sure of it. He's a strong person, our big brother." I said and smiled.

We heard the door unlock and open. I looked back to see who was walking in. I rose an eyebrow and noticed him with a bag.

The man noticed me, Georgia, and Isabella. "Freya, who the fuck are these people?"

Freya got up and walked to the man. "Babe, it's just my brother and his friends. Kaden, meet Adrian. Adrian, Kaden, Georgia, and Isabella."

Adrian looked at me and rose an eyebrow. He looked at Georgia then smirked. "Mmm...For a second I didn't recognize you two. Georgia, why'd you quit Anarchy and lower yourself to these punks called Crimson Crows?"

Georgia scoffed and held her arms. "Don't talk to me."

"You're in my house so you're gonna answer." Adrian said.

"You don't have to answer him!" Freya called out.

{New Choices Available}


[Say Nothing]

"Go ahead and tell your boyfriend how you were just always being tossed around. You didn't cheat once, not even twice, but three times. All this for what? Just to fail and try to kill him as a last ditch effort?" Adrian said.

I stood up and sighed. "That's enough. The past is in the past. Now I just want to know something. You are dating my sister...so I just wanna know if you are an ally or an enemy?"

"K, you don't have to do that..!" Freya said through her teeth.

Adrian smirked as he looked at me. "Truthfully I am more of an enemy. The Anarchy are also looking into taking down Equinox."

Freya looked a bit surprised and looked up at Adrian. "You what..?"

"That's really the whole premise I even dated you. I thank you for your generosity~" Adrian said then noticed dark red mist forming around the room.

"So, you're just taking advantage of my sister huh?" I asked and my pale gold eyes shined.

"Ahh shit.." Georgia said and got up then moved out the way.

Isabella got up and moved as well.

{New Choices Available}

[Take Him Down (Brutal Nature Increase)]

[Calm Down (Rational Increase)]

Adrian stared at me and noticed goosebumps form on his arm. 'Who the hell is this guy..?'

Freya shoved Adrian away and glared at him. "You were just using me to take us down?! I trusted you! I fucking loved you!"

Adrian looked at Freya and noticed her eyes shining. "I'm sorry sweetheart, but that's how wars roll. You were nice and you live up to your name with your skills in bed, but honestly that's all you're really good for."

Freya tilted her head and her eyes went dull. She closed her eyes and lowered her head. "Oh..."

Adrian noticed the lights flickering. He noticed the lights go out then when they came back on, I was in front of him. Adrian stepped back and grunted when I struck his stomach. A bit of blood came from his mouth and he fell to his knees.

I looked down at Adrian and gripped his hair. I made him look up at me. "Using my sister for your own gains was your worst mistake. You're lucky I went easy.."

Adrian coughed and softly groaned. "You're...a pussy. That was a cheap shot...And you're using some fucking witchcraft..! How is that fair..?!"

I let Adrian go and scoffed. I decided to show mercy which did make Mila happy.

{Mila is pleased...}

"Freya, get your bags packed. You're coming with me where it's safe." I said.

Freya looked at me then smiled. She nodded and hurried off to pack get bags.

"Wait until...Ashton hears about this. You won't be so high and mighty then!" Adrian said and coughed.

"Yeah aight. We'll see." I said.

{Time: 5:15 PM}

{Location: West Equinox: Parent's House}

"Ahh so Janet is still doing well~ I'm glad, she's got a lot of promise in my book. I offered her a spot as a Maiden for the Clan when she first came here." Mom said and giggled.

"Wait so Janet has actually been HERE? In the actual West Equinox?!" I asked in shock.

"Yeah, and boy was she a shocker. She actually might be a direct descendant of our clan because she has a clan symbol on her back. She knows Envisage and can even tap into Esoteric Drive." Mom answered.

"Janet the English Professor is that strong?" Isabella asked in awe.

"She certainly has my respect~" Mom giggled.

"Mine too~" Rhea chuckled.

Freya smiled as she sat with us then she looked down. "All we need is Nicholas. We'll have the whole family back together...I truly wonder where he is.."

"We shall reunite with him again soon. I have high hopes that he is still alive." Mom said. "He has to be still alive."

{Day: Tuesday}

{Time: 10:25 AM}

{Location: University Courtyard}

I walked around with Chloe and had my arm around her shoulder. Chloe stuck close to me and we talked about what we had planned for the day.

"Bella told me about your quest in getting back the books about Equinox. She also told me you beat up your sister's boyfriend?" Chloe chuckled.

"It wasn't even that I beat him up. One hit and that fucker was down." I chuckled.

Chloe laughed a bit and shook her head. "It wasn't even a fight? That's kinda sad."

"Yeah, but I've got a few more goons to take down. I'd rather have this done immediately so no one gets any ideas." I said.

"I understand..~" Chloe said and smiled at me.

I leaned toward her and kissed her lips. She kissed back and held my arm. We pulled away and Chloe gently bit her lip.

"Have a nice day~" I said and caressed her cheek.

"Be safe, Kade..~" Chloe responded.

I walked off and Chloe watched me then walked to her class.

{The second volume of History of Equinox is downtown in a bar called Strawberry Peak.}

"Strawberry Peak? Isn't that like a strip club?" I asked as I walked outside to my car.

{It is. It's a strip club owned by a famous stripper named Grace Wise. Anyway, that's off track...Seems like there's gonna be some kind of deal going on in there.}

I got into my car and started it. "Guess I'm going in solo for right now. Let's go get that book back."

{Time: 12:30 AM}

{New Location Registered}

{Location: Strawberry Peak}

I parked my car in front of the club and got out my car. I walked over to the building and noticed the bouncer standing in front of the door.

"ID." The man said.

I looked at the bouncer and pulled out my wallet then took out my ID. I handed it to the bouncer and he looked at me then handed the ID back to me. He moved out of the way and allowed me to enter.

I walked into the strip club and began to scan the area. I noticed a green silhouette of a book appear through a wall. 'One of the strippers have the book..?'

{It appears so.}

'But how am I supposed to—' I started and stopped as I notice a familiar woman walk onto the stage.

"Annette..?" I asked to myself.

Annette began to dance erotically on the pole and swung her hips sensually. The men cheered and tossed money at Annette. She didn't seem to enjoy it as much because I could see the slight disgust in her face, but I could also tell she did enjoy all the money being thrown at her.

Annette's routine ended and she walked off to the backstage. I watched her leave then stood up from my chair.

'I'm definitely sure it's her...I just need a way to get with her in private.' I thought to myself.

{She's approaching so I'm sure you can get a private dance from her.}

I noticed Annette walking out and she walked directly toward me. I watched as she grabbed my arm then pulled me to the back with her. The security guard stepped out of the way and let Annette take me to the back.

We entered a private room then Annette closed the door and went for the kick at me. I dodged it and blocked her spinning kick. I watched her movements then ducked under her right hook. I parried her next punch then directed her around me then bumped into her.

Annette fell on the bed and grunted. She turned around and looked at me. "Why are you here?!"

"To take what's mine." I said.

Annette blushed and held herself. "My virginity isn't yours..!"

"What the fuck?" Mila said.

{That was a fucking reach :/}

"I don't want your virginity. Not right now anyway.." I said.

{Annette liked that a lot...}

"W-What do you mean not right now? What do you want then?" Annette asked.

"The second volume of History of Equinox. I know you have it." I said.

Annette grunted and hurried to her purse. "I'm not letting you get it! Roman tasked me with looking over it! I'm not letting you take it!"

"I'm gonna need that book. I don't mind taking it away from you by force." I said.

"Sec—" Annette started then noticed an orb of wind around her head, making her voice inaudible.

"Like I said, I'll take it by force...even if it means suffocating you for it.." I said and looked at Annette seriously. "Now let me cut you a deal. If you drop the bag and let me just take the book, I'll take you on a date on Saturday. If you don't, I'll suffocate you and kill you here."

Annette was a bit panicked because of the orb of wind, but she also weighed her options carefully. She slowly set the bag on the floor and looked at me. She kicked the bag over to me and exhaled when the orb of wind disappeared.

I picked up and opened her purse and took the book out of her bag. I tossed her purse on the bed and looked at the cover. "This is all I wanted. If you weren't so stubborn, we could've gotten through this much faster."

"Sh-Shut up! Now onto your end of the deal..." Annette said and crossed her arms.

I looked at Annette and walked toward her. I held her chin and noticed her nearly melt to my touch. I leaned into her and paused before our lips touched. "I'm a man of my word... I'll text you where to meet me."

Annette softly panted and wanted to kiss me right here but stumbled on the bed when I gently pushed her back. "O-Okay.."

I walked out of the room and chuckled as I walked away.

{Annette is more interested in you...}

{Route Progression Possible: Annette}

{Notice: To Be Continued}