
The Equinox (2)

{Time: 3:00 PM}

{Location: Summer City Square}

I parked my car and got out with Georgia and Isabella. I had Kofi and Adam on the phone at the same time. I was confirming their position since I asked them to help find the three volumes of the History of Equinox.

"So these books. What are they about exactly?" Isabella asked.

"The History of Equinox is an important book that entails the secrets of Equinox. It was written by my uncle before he was assassinated. It tells people about where to find West Equinox and talks about our allies. Volume 1 speaks about the creation of Equinox. Volume 2 speaks on the expansion of Equinox. Volume 3 speaks about the organization, Equinox." I explained.

"So what exactly is West Equinox? I know you said it's more than what people say it is and it being an organization, but like what exactly are you doing?" Georgia asked.

I leaned against my car and crossed my arms. "Our goal is to expand and create the ideal utopia for West Arkington. The only way for us to expand is having the Mayor of each city allow us to expand. We already have Dawn Light in our roster."

"A peaceful environment huh. So the Equinox is like the Order of everything?" Isabella asked and smiled.

I smiled and chuckled softly. "You can say that. Most definitely we are aiming to build a better environment. My dad works day and night to help us all grow as a species."

Isabella and Georgia smiled at me. They stood beside me and waited for word from Kofi or Adam.

"Yo bro." Adam said. "I got sights on—Daaaamn she's fucking bad as hell!"

Isabella, Georgia, and I looked at my phone and noticed Adam showing us the group of Delinquents and a woman who none of us have seen before.

The woman had ivory skin, snake like pale green eyes, brown and red hair, and wore circle frame glasses. She had an elegant and slender build with small breast. She wore red cross earrings and wore red chains around her neck. She had on a short black dress, dark colored stockings, and heels.

"Bro, I don't know who you're really beefing with...but goddamn why are all these bitches fine as hell....?!" Adam said.

"Do you know what street they are on?" I asked.

"North Oak Lane." Kofi said. "There seems to be quite a few so it seems like this deal is happening in person."

"I see the book. It's gonna be like an auction and of course this baddie is holding it. She's way out of my league.." Adam said.

"Don't worry, when we get this over with you can go home and fuck the shit out of your girlfriend." I teased and chuckled.

"Shut up man." Adam laughed a bit.

"Something feels off." Kofi said. He noticed his vision getting blurry and noticed it was growing foggy.

"Kofi? Yo Kofi!" Adam called out.

Kofi's camera was glitching and fell to the ground. Someone picked his phone up. I watched and my eyes faintly shined.

"Kaden, Kaden~ You should know that you can't just send rookies out here~" The woman said and giggled. "I know you want this book back, but we both know these books are keys for the forbidden area of West Equinox."

"Who the fuck are you and what did you do to Kofi?!" I sternly asked.

The woman looked at me and licked her lips, exposing her fangs. "I like you a lot..~ Always have...always will, so this hurts me today but the Crimson Crows are striking now. To answer your question, my name is Beatrix. If you want your friend back, meet us at North Oak Lane."

She hung up the phone and left Adam and I stunned. I lowered my phone and got off my car. I walked off and Georgia and Isabella followed.

"Adam. Stand strong while we get there. Keep us updated on what's going on." I said.

"Gotcha." Adam said.

I ran forward then Georgia and Isabella ran after me. We quickly made our way over to North Oak Lane to save Kofi and get the book back.

{Crimson Crow Grunts ahead.}

I watched them and gripped my wrist. Electricity formed around my hand then I swiftly dodged the first grunt's attack then countered with a palm strike on his chest. He groaned as he was blasted away with an electric discharge.

Georgia parried the grunt's attack then struck him with an elbow strike then a shoulder bash. The grunt grunted when her back hit a car. Georgia grabbed the grunt and pulled her closer then hit her with a lariat.

Isabella grunted when she avoided a kick. She stumbled backwards to avoid a punch then blocked another kick. She groaned when the grunt uppercut her. She held her face and coughed when the grunt struck her stomach. Isabella fell to her knees and grunted.

"Ouch..!" Isabella squeaked.

I rushed toward the grunt and jumped toward him, spinning then hitting him with my signature 540 Kick. The grunt groaned as he was hit then coughed as I struck his stomach. He fell to his knees and fell on his side.

I helped Isabella up and held her. "Looks like we need more practice..~"

Isabella rolled her eyes and smiled. "We don't have time for teasing..~"

I chuckled and let her go then ran forward. "Adam, what's the status?"

Adam didn't answer. I looked down and noticed he was disconnected. I grunted and put my phone away, focusing on getting to North Oak Lane.

{Crimson Gangsters ahead!}

The gangsters pulled out their guns and took aim at us. Georgia and Isabella looked surprised and immediately took cover behind the closest cars they could find.

"Kaden!~ Let me have a turn!~" Mila said.

Rhea yawned and rolled her eyes. "He's not gonna want to use your stupid angel powers."

"Stupid? Rhea, step aside and watch what we can do together~" Mila said.

{New Skill Unlocked}

[Virtue Mode: An Angelic Form that allows you to tap into your angelic power. This also allows access to Virtue Drives that can support yourself and allies.]

"Come on, Kaden! Use it!~" Mila said.

I smiled and began to dodge the bullets the gangsters fired at me then a silver and white aura surrounded my body. A blue and white mist began to form on the street. I tapped into my Virtue Mode and awakened my Diligence Drive.

"Gun him down!" One of the gangsters said and took aim at me.

They rapidly fired their guns at me. I dodged each of their bullets and used my Bio-Electricity to caused bolts of lightning to strike down on the gangsters. They fell to the ground and I deactivated my Virtue Mode.

Georgia and Isabella peeked and noticed I dealt with the situation. They got out of hiding and hurried over to me.

"Diligence Drive, the direct counter to Sloth Drive. He can use that to boost his allies and himself in a fight. He can even grant increased conditions to his allies! C'mon you can't say that isn't cool!" Mila said.

"It's alright. Virtue Mode was always more of a Support Technique anyway. Sin Mode gets things done faster." Rhea said.

I smiled and looked back at Georgia and Isabella. "We're almost there."

They nodded and we ran toward our destination once more. Once we made it, we noticed a group of Crimson Crow members waiting for us with Beatrix sitting on the hood of her car.

Kofi let out muffled yells and tried to break out of the ropes he was tied to. Adam let out muffled yells as well.

"You made it in a timely manner, but I expect nothing less from a Mitsuki Hybrid. I can only imagine you're here to be a hero...however I am here to teach you a lesson that you can't always receive a perfect ending.." Beatrix said and snapped her fingers.

Beatrix's bodyguards grabbed Georgia, Isabella, Kofi, and Adam then held them at gunpoint. They yelled and I watched as I was now trapped in a difficult position.

"Choose one...your allies or this book." Beatrix said.

{New Choices Available}

[Save Your Allies (Loyalty: Summer City Increased)]

[Take back the book (Loyalty: West Equinox Increased)]

[Do Both (50% Success Rate)]

I looked around and considered my options. I looked at Beatrix then faint dark blue mist appeared around the area. "I choose...both!"

I activated my Sloth Drive and put the bodyguards to sleep before they could pull their triggers. I used my Bio-Darkness Technique to pin down the shadows of the gangsters. Rhea turned the Shadow Pins into dark mist which trapped the gangsters.

I dashed toward Beatrix and went for the roundhouse kick, but she ducked under it then went for the counter. I parried her attack then hit her with a backhand slap. She groaned then grunted when I slapped her once again. I struck her stomach then kicked her away, blasting her away with a burst of fire from my foot.

Beatrix crashed into her car and grunted. Beatrix held her stomach and softly grunted. She coughed and got off the car then walked forward. She dashed toward me and Bio-Earth energy surrounded her body.

"Too slow." I said and evaded her strike then grabbed her arm then struck her, knocking her back.

I formed a ball of lightning in my hand then fired it at Beatrix. She groaned as she was hit and electrocuted. I ran toward her and jumped on a car then propelled myself toward Beatrix. I twirled myself around Beatrix then got her on the ground with a submission move.

Beatrix grunted and tried to break out of the submission hold. "Get...off...me..!"

"Georgia! Isabella! One of you grab the book, the other free Kofi and Adam while I have her down!" I called out.

Georgia rushed to get the book off the ground and Isabella hurried to Kofi and Adam to free them.

Beatrix turned her nails into claws and scratched me. I groaned and let go of her as her claws were also cloaked in flames so she burned me. I got up and panted, holding my arm.

Beatrix stood up and licked her fingers, licking my blood off her fingers. "Your blood..~ AB Negative...Ahhh~ It tastes so good..~"

"This chick is insane..!" Adam said.

"She's a Vampire...She can also use Sloth Drive..." Kofi coughed.

I looked at Beatrix and watched her laugh. I braced myself and looked down to see a Succubus Marking on her. "A Sex Demon..?"

Rhea stared at Beatrix. "She's not registered to anyone. She's a wild sex entity looking for a human to pray on. She's the type that wants to kill."

Beatrix looked at me, Rhea, and Mila. She gave a devilish smirk. "You win this time...but next time I'll be the only one standing.."

Beatrix laughed and summoned a small sandstorm with her Bio-Earth ability. We grunted as the sandstorm temporarily blinded us. She disappeared with her crew as we were blinded.

The storm ended and we were able to see again. We noticed Beatrix and the others were gone.

Georgia looked at the book. "Is it alright if I read this a little?"

"I don't mind." I said.

Georgia smiled and watched Isabella walk toward her as Isabella was also curious about the book. The two began to read the book together.

Kofi and Adam walked over to me and dapped me up. I was glad they were okay in the end.

{Time: 4:30 PM}

{Location: Ruby Square}

"I wonder...if these books are also keys, what are they for?" Georgia asked.

"If I knew that I would definitely tell you. I haven't been in the Forbidden Area of Equinox. I haven't even seen the gates. Only my Mom knows about what's back there." I said and ate a french fry.

"This is actually pretty exciting. We're uncovering more secrets about Kaden's home and I'm getting combat experience!" Isabella said excitedly and giggled.

Georgia looked at Isabella then smiled. "This was your first time doing something like this so I'll give your poor performance a pass."

"I'll get better. Just you wait." Isabella giggled.

{Isabella and Georgia have grown closer...}

I smiled then noticed a text from Freya. I stood up quickly and looked at my phone in shock. Isabella and Georgia looked at me in confusion.

[Freya: I noticed you in North Oak Lane earlier. That was pretty cool. I know it's been a while since we last spoke so I wanna invite you over to my apartment.]

"Freya.." I said to myself.

{Notice: To Be Continued.}