
Summer City Harem

A young college student has just registered in this new university named Summer City University and his companion, a Succubus, by the name of Rhea tries to help her companion find love and start his own harem. The young man goes about his days and tries to create his dream harem along with Rhea. His main goal is to make women fall in love with him to start his harem. How will this student get his harem? How will Rhea help her human start his harem? Find out in Summer City Harem!

AncientShadow · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

In My Zone

{Day: Sunday}

{Time: 9:00 AM}

{Location: Home}


{Tracking Complete!}

[Isabella (Registered) - Busy With Chloe]

[Chloe (Registered) - Busy With Isabella]

[Brianna (Registered) - Ruby Park]

[Elizabeth (Registered) - Busy]

[Janet (Registered) - Asleep]

[Georgia (Registered) - Busy]

"A straight forward choice." I said and put my phone away.

"So how are you gonna prepare for the fight on Wednesday?" Rhea asked.

"I don't want to cheat and use my Limited Enhancers so I'm gonna increase my traits, but I'm not too worried as all I need to do is work on my Strength and Endurance." I answered.

{Good call.}

I nodded and got ready to go to Ruby Park. I got dressed in workout clothes and grabbed my keys then walked toward the front door. Rhea followed me and together we left my apartment to go to Ruby Park.

{Time: 9:15 AM}

{Location: Ruby Park}

I parked my car at the park and got out with Rhea. She was disguised as a human woman wearing a workout clothes as well. We walked toward where we saw a crowd of people standing around the basketball court. There was cheering going on, and Rhea and I were curious about what was going on.

"Pass! Pass!" Joshua said and clapped his hands.

Brianna passed the ball to Joshua and he jumped up to use his quick release, shooting the ball for a three. He made the shot with a nothing but net.

The crowd cheered and watched the brother, sister duo take on some people who were from New Ruby University. It seemed like they were playing a three on three, but Joshua's and Brianna's teammate wasn't really doing any work.

"That's game!" A man with dyed red hair said as he shot the game winning shot. He made it and pounded his chest as a celebration. "Who's next?! Get these bum ass Summer City goons outta here!"

Joshua sighed and was about to walk off then noticed me walking forward. "What the—"

"Kaden!" Brianna said and hurried to me, happily. She hugged me and smiled.

I hugged back and smiled. "Seems like y'all took a heavy beating huh?"

"Yeah, but we gotta wait to play them again. They are undefeatable so far...We would've won if we had someone better." Brianna said.

"I can run a three man with you two. I may not be as good as others in sports, but I can hold my own." I said.

Brianna looked over at Joshua. Joshua shrugged and walked to the sidelines. Brianna smiled and pulled me over to the sidelines to sit with her and Joshua.

"Josh, Kaden said he'll run a game with us. I know you two aren't on the best terms, but I really want to beat Jacob and his team." Brianna said.

Joshua looked at me and took a sip out of his Gatorade then set his bottle down. "That's fine with me. Ain't like we have someone better here."

"Yes!~ Alright, let's devise a plan to take down Jacob, Matthew, and Sean. They are three varsities of New Ruby University." Brianna said.

{Potential Route Possible!}

"Hm?" Rhea asked and looked around.

I turned around and noticed a woman walking up to the red hair guy. Rhea crossed her arms and rose an eyebrow. She noticed Elizabeth with the woman.

The woman has a thin but curvaceous body with medium sized breasts. She has pale, almost white, skin and red eyes. She has long black hair and sports two tattoos; A skull & crossbones with an arrow going through it on the left side of her hip, and a cross on the top of her right breast. She wore a few earrings on both ears including cross earrings, has a lip piercing, and a nose piercing. She wore a black tube-top with side straps on it, and a pair of black hip-hugger pants. Her makeup consists of dark eyeshadow, lipstick, and nail polish.

"Hey, Jacob." The woman said. "I need your phone charger."

Jacob looked at the woman. "C'mon Lexi, I'm in the middle of a game."

"C'mon bro. My phone's dying." Lexi said.

"Alright damn." Jacob said and handed Lexi his keys so she could get his phone charger.

"Holy shit... Another emo girl." Rhea said.

{She's gothic. Although Elizabeth and Lexi shouldn't get along, their chemistry is outstanding meaning they have a backstory.}

"Emo, Gothic, same shit." Rhea said.

{And Elizabeth is a Scene Kid. Different from Emo. -nerd emoji-}

I chuckled softly and looked back at Joshua and Brianna. We began to plan out how we were going to beat Jacob and his team. As we waited for our turn, Joshua and I have been trying to settle our differences. Our turn soon came and we got up to walk out onto the court.

Jacob looked at us and sighed. "You goons again? How many times do you have to lose before you finally get the memo?"

"We have a new player this time. Someone who actually knows what to do." Joshua said.

Jacob looked at me and bounced the ball toward me. "Can you shoot?"

I caught the ball and looked at it. I looked at the hoop then jumped up and shot the ball. The ball hit the backboard and went into the hoop.

"A fundamental player. I guess you aren't too skilled." Jacob said.

{New Choices Available!}

[Talk Trash (Charisma: Ignorance Increase)]

[Stay Respectful (Intelligence: Humbleness Increase)]

I smirked and looked at Jacob. "I'll let my skills do the talking for me, buddy."

{Humbleness Increase!}

"Buddy?" Jacob said.

Matthew and Sean walked toward Jacob then got ready.

"These fools again. How many times are they gonna waste our time?" Sean asked.

"Y'all get ball first." Jacob said.

Jacob checked the ball and I caught it. I began to dribble the ball then smiled. Joshua and Brianna got into position. I dribbled the ball forward then drove the ball forward. Jacob locked me down then tried to steal the ball but I spun around him then back stepped and shot the ball. The ball went through the hoop.

Joshua looked at me and rose an eyebrow. "He's kinda cold.."

{Brianna likes you even more...}

A few people in the crowd were impressed. Jacob stared at me and grabbed the ball then tossed it to me.

"I bet you can't do it again when I'm actually serious." Jacob said.

"Oh word?" I responded and dribbled the ball between my legs.

"Word." Jacob said.

I smirked and stared into his eyes, asserting dominance. I walked forward while dribbling the ball then drove the ball forward. Jacob locked me down once again and noticed me backstep. He rushed forward to block the shot. I faked him out and passed it behind my back to Joshua.

Joshua caught the ball and drove the ball forward with Sean guarding him. He slipped past Sean and laid the ball up. He made the shot and smirked.

{Score 2-0.}

{Joshua is starting to respect you...}

"What the hell? They are actually putting in work." One guy said.

"Who is that third dude?" Another asked.

Elizabeth heard the commotion and looked up to see me. "Kaden?"

Lexi looked up from her phone and looked at Elizabeth. "Did you say Kaden?"

Jacob got the ball again and tossed the ball at me. "Alright hotshot. You really think you're that good?"

'This Fighting Instincts and Combat Perception kinda helps with sports too...' I thought to myself.

{Fighting Instincts correlate to Fighting Spirit. Combat Perception activates nearly in any sports. You got the best of all worlds.}

I watched Jacob and skipped forward then stutter stepped and began to dribble quickly. Jacob locked down the defense and read my spin move, but I double spun and passed the ball to Brianna when she slipped by Matthew.

Brianna snatched the ball back and back stepped outside the three point line then shot the ball, landing a nothing but net. She smiled and kept her arm raised.

"Yoooo!! That double spin into the pass?!" One guy said in awe and excitement.

"Who is this dude? He comes out of nowhere showing out." Sean said.

"Yeah, I don't know. It sounds like these losers called up back up because they are too ass to win with their own skill." Matthew said.

{New Choices Available!}

[Trash Talk (Charisma: Ignorance Increase)]

[Show Sportsmanship (Intelligence: Humbleness Increase)]

"Hey, I didn't know they were going to be here either. I just like to hoop on my free time. Your defense is pretty good as well, just...not as good as my offense." I chuckled.

{Ignorance Increased.}

"C'mon, that's not ignorance." Rhea argued.

{Kaden is not showing an ounce of humbleness right now. This is pure ignorance.}

"C'mon." Rhea said.

{Ugh...Humbleness Slight Increase.}

Jacob looked at me and tossed me the ball then immediately hopped on defense. I caught the ball and touch passed it to Joshua. Jacob quickly looked at Joshua.

Joshua drove the ball forward and tried to cross Sean. He noticed me break away from Jacob and passed me the ball. I caught the ball and spun around Jacob then dribbled forward. I jumped up for the lay up, but Jacob jumped up to block it. I performed a double clutch then passed it to Brianna who was open.

Brianna crossed Matthew and sidestepped in the a midway shot. She was a bit short, but Joshua was going for the rebound. Jacob was able to barely outspeed Joshua and got the rebound. He jumped up and dunked the ball, pushing Joshua down. The crowd went crazy and cheered.

Jacob stepped over Joshua and walked to behind the line. I helped Joshua up and looked at Jacob.

{Joshua has more respect for you...}

{Lexi is watching closely...}

"Game time now! Y'all ain't blowing us out the water!" Jacob said and clapped his hands.

The crowd was getting hyped up. I grabbed the ball and bounced it to Jacob. Jacob dribbled the ball forward and hesitated then drove the ball past me. I ran after him and he tried to cross me, but I didn't move. Jacob looked at me and noticed me step backwards.

'He's preparing for me to lay it up? Did he somehow see my action before I even did it..?' Jacob thought to himself.

'He has Jacob hesitating...I knew this guy was dangerous, but he's a different breed.' Joshua thought to himself.

Jacob tried to power dribble past me and noticed me standing my ground. He jumped up for the lay up, but I jumped up and smacked the ball straight to Brianna. Jacob was surprised and looked at Brianna.

Brianna caught the ball and dribbled backwards. 'His skills are genuinely surprising everyone...It is like he can see all of our actions before we do it. It's like he has Emperor's Eye.'

{Emperor's Eye. He does use his skills and his exception perception in a way that seems like Flash Precognition, but it's just pure instincts. Instincts that are heightened by Rhea herself..}

Rhea smirked and her Succubus Marking shined. She crossed her arms and giggled. "Sorry, I just can't handle my perfect human losing in any scenario~ I'll let him struggle, but I won't let him lose to any douchebag..~"

I smirked and looked at Jacob. I looked at his feet and noticed one inch right. I looked at Brianna and motioned for her to shoot. Brianna noticed her shot was going to be contested. She took the shot anyway and shot with a high arc. Jacob noticed it was off and immediately went for the rebound.

'He isn't moving...? What is he doing?!' Jacob thought.

"Kaden's all up in your brother's head. I've never seen him stress this hard about anything." Elizabeth said.

Lexi continued to watch me and bit her bottom lip. "Kaden..."

Jacob got the rebound and dribbled behind the line and watched me walk forward. He began to sweat as he watched me. He drove the ball forward and tried to cross me, but noticed I stole the ball. I smirked and dribbled the ball behind the line.

"This is gonna be the game ending shot." I said and looked at Jacob.

He noticed my completely calm look. He got chills and glared at me. He braced himself and held his hand out. "Let's see it then.."

I smirked and drove the ball forward. I bounced the ball behind my back and evaded the steal. I bounced the ball between my legs then spun around Jacob. I noticed him rushing toward me and snatched the ball back. Jacob tripped over his own foot and fell to the ground.

"Ooohhh!!" The crowd cheered in unison and some laughed.

Brianna laughed a bit and watched me step back into the fade away shot. She watched the ball and noticed I purposely banked the ball into the hoop to spite Jacob.

{Score: 5-1.}


"And that's fucking game! Let's go!" Joshua cheered and clapped his hands.

"Yes! Let's go!!" Brianna yelled and cheered.

Elizabeth smiled and crossed her arms as she watched us. "Hmph..~ He's always gotta show off..~"

Lexi got up and walked over to the court.

Joshua dapped me up and pulled me in to pat my back. "Aye you're cold for sure!"

I chuckled and pat his back as well. "Thanks bro."

{Joshua has become your friend.}

{Brianna likes you a lot...}

"Awe~ Look at my two favorite people getting along~ Well one favorite and one I'm stuck with." Brianna giggled.

"Shut up." Joshua chuckled and poked Brianna's forehead.

Lexi walked over to me. She tapped my shoulder.

I turned around and noticed Lexi. I rose an eyebrow and placed my hands in my pockets. "Hey, what's up."

"Your name is Kaden right?" Lexi asked.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Kaden..?" Jacob said silently.

Lexi's eyes widened and grabbed my hands. "It is really you..! Kaden, don't you remember me? I'm Alexis or as you know me by Lexi!"

I dug into my memory as best I could to remember who Lexi was. I began to get quick flashes of a childhood then it hit me. "Wait...Alexis West? The same one I've known since first grade..?"

"You do remember..~" Lexi smiled at me and hugged me.

{Brianna is a bit jealous...}

{Brianna's Mood Lowered: 100% -> 92%}

"Oh snap, it's getting a little spicy..~" Rhea giggled.

'That Kaden...that guy's always been a freak...No wonder he attracted my sister in high school. She's just as much as a freak as he is..' Jacob said.

{Notice: To Be Continued!}