
Connecting The Dots

{Time: 12:00 PM}

{Location: Ruby Square}

I took Lexi, Elizabeth, and Brianna out to a lunch date. Brianna was curious about Lexi and our relationship. I could tell Brianna was a bit jealous, and I did all I could to make her feel better.

"So you're telling us you two have known each other since Elementary School?" Elizabeth asked.

Lexi smiled and held my hand then slowly held my arm. "He's my childhood sweetheart..~ I've been looking for him ever since that day he had a car crash..."

Brianna rose an eyebrow and held her arms. "Car crash? Are you talking about the one Kaden got into after he and Georgia broke up?"

"Yeah...That car crash. I knew that bitch was a curse. Her intentions were full of malice...She caused that crash.." Lexi said.

"There's no proof that she started it, plus although she was crazy...she can't be that insane." I said and looked at Lexi.

Lexi shook her head and placed her head against my arm. "I find is so suspicious that after that week, you were fatally injured in that crash...Justice hasn't been served and that lunatic is still out there tormenting you."

Elizabeth looked at Lexi and sat back in her seat. "I wonder how we've never met because I know Lexi from middle school. You're telling me our paths haven't crossed once, dork? Even I know about your car crash but I never brought it up out of respect."

"I feel kinda left out.." Brianna said.

{New Choices Available!}

[Comfort Brianna (Likability Increase)]

[Say Silent (Likability Decrease)]

I looked at Brianna and reached over to hold her hand. "I'll explain everything.."

{Brianna's Mood Increased: 92% -> 95%}

{Brianna is feeling better...}

"So basically my parents and Lexi's parents were business partners back when we were in first grade. Because of their relationship, Lexi and I have always hung out together...She really is my childhood sweetheart. We did everything together then highschool came along and that's when we began to grow distant because of Georgia.." I explained.

"I protected him from bullies in elementary and he protected me in Junior High." Lexi purred and nuzzled my arm gently.

{Elizabeth and Brianna feel a bit jealous...}

"I promise you there's nothing to be jealous about." I said and gave a nervous laugh.

"Anyways...This Georgia woman sounds extremely dangerous." Brianna said.

"She goes to our university now." I said.

"Yeah, I heard about that! She said she only moved there when she heard you were attending there. She saw the video of you beating that Tyler guy's ass." Lexi said.

"I definitely know Georgia as well which is again why I'm shocked we never crossed paths." Elizabeth added.

"No wonder you were so down when I asked you for help. I've always wanted to know what happened before my crash, but I've kinda lost memories after the crash. I know my crash was a set up but I don't know who would want to set me and my family up." I said then sighed.

"I'm surprised the police hadn't found any leads. How long ago was that?" Brianna asked.

"It happened a few months ago. I'm sure it happened sometime after graduation." I said.

"No, it happened before Graduation. You never walked the stage." Lexi said.

"Yeah, but you were the valedictorian and they had a posture dedicated to you." Elizabeth said.

"Wow so you never even walked the stage..." Brianna said and looked down. "I hope your justice will be served."

I smiled at Brianna then looked at my phone. I heard my phone beeping.

{Break away from them. I wanna talk to you.}

I nodded and looked up. "I'm gonna go use the restroom. I'll be back."

Lexi let go of my arm and let me get up. I walked over to the restrooms and walked into the men's restroom. I walked into a stall and looked at my phone.

{So, it's looking like these routes are intertwining. Just like Isabella and Chloe, Elizabeth, Georgia, and Lexi are going to intertwine plus Brianna.}

"I know and I can tell they want to help me find out who set me up because everyone finds it strange...however if it were that easy to figure out..." I started.

Rhea crossed her arms. "I have an idea on who did it. It was definitely someone from your high school. It was a male. Someone that was in a gang. Someone who was close to Georgia."

"A gang?" I said and began to think. "Roman was in a gang, but I know Georgia was never a part of it. She actually hates gang members, but I still feel like she didn't cause my accident..but she initiated the events.."

{It's also strange that Roman didn't want Georgia around you now. I think you can get Georgia singing like a bird if you manage to get her away from Roman.}

I nodded and flushed the toilet then walked out the stall to wash my hands. After washing my hands, I walked out the restroom and walked back over to the table where Brianna and the others were.

We continued to talk about my past with Lexi and how me and Brianna met as well as some random topics for a while longer. After we had our lunch we decided to head off. Lexi and Elizabeth called an Uber and left.

Brianna walked with me to my car and had her pinkie wrapped around mine. "The mystery continues..~"

I chuckled softly and looked at Brianna. "You don't need to be jealous alright?~ I'm still paying attention to you, Bree."

"I know... it's just..." Brianna said, trying to find her words. "I guess it's scary to watch the person you like reconnect with a childhood friend because they can easily swipe them away without trying.."

I looked at Brianna and gently placed her again my car. "I'm not gonna just abandon anyone just because Lexi showed up..~ I'm still here aren't I..?~"

Brianna blushed and stared into my eyes. "Yeah..~"

I smiled and leaned in to kiss Brianna. Brianna kissed back and interlocked our fingers together. We kissed for a few seconds longer then broke the kiss.

{Brianna's Relationship Status Update: Friends With Benefits}

{Brianna really likes you..}

I agreed to take Brianna home and I went back to my apartment to figure some things out on how I was going to have Georgia come over without Roman getting suspicious.

{Time: 1:45 PM}

{Location: Home}

I couldn't think of anything. I decided to use the Tracking feature.


{Tracking Complete!}

[Isabella (Registered) - BookVerse]

[Chloe (Registered) - Asleep]

[Brianna (Registered) - Busy]

[Elizabeth (Registered) - Busy with Lexi]

[Janet (Registered) - Infinity Nightclub]

[Georgia (Registered) - Summer City Park]

"Oh yeah, let me register Lexi into the system as well.." I said.

{Lexi has been Registered!}

[Lexi's Information]

[Name: Alexis "Lexi" West

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Birthday: December 25th

Friendship Points: ???

Favorite Gifts: Plushies, Flowers, Horror Items

Favorite Location: Summer Cemetery

Favorite Trait: Endurance

Least Favorite Trait: Strength]

"Summer City Park. She's gotta be with at least a few people. This is a perfect chance to go there and connect the dots." Rhea said.

I nodded and stood up. "Yeah and maybe get closer into getting revenge... Knowing she's at the park, it's best we strike in the evening."

"Why?" Rhea asked.

"She's my ex girlfriend. I know everything about her and I know she's with someone. She doesn't go to the park without a reason." I said.

{Time: 5:00 PM}

{New Location Registered!}

{Location: Summer City Park}

I parked my car at the park and got out then noticed a few people hanging around the fountain. I walked forward and Rhea followed closely behind, disguised as a different human woman. Rhea grabbed my arm and stopped me.

I looked at Rhea and heard Ardent beeping. I began to see people getting highlighted in red. Georgia was highlighted green.

{Danger. This is the gang Lexi mentioned. That means if they see you, you will get in danger. Even with Rhea's Boosts, your instincts can't handle anything more than two people.}

"But Georgia. I can tell she doesn't want to be there." I said.

"Do you want to help her?" Rhea asked.

I nodded and watched Georgia. I looked at Ardent. "I want to help her."

{...Understood. I suggest you buy Enhanced Condition.}

Rhea looked a bit surprised. "Wait what? Does he have enough Credits for that?"

{Current Credits: 25,045}

{Enhanced Condition Price: 15,000}

{More than enough.}

I smiled and decided to buy Enhanced Condition. I looked at my body and noticed my veins slightly shine.

{Enhanced Condition: the user is an all-rounder that is superior overall to practically all other members in their species and almost all beings in their universe. I fabricated it a little bit, but the point stands.}

"Let's go out there now." Rhea said and walked forward.

"Aight so you're telling me Kaden is still alive? I thought that crash killed him!" A man with silver hair said.

"Well it didn't. I don't know how he survived." Roman said.

Jacob had his arms crossed as well and looked Roman and the man. "Why were you trying to kill him?"

"Don't you know the news of his family? He's a secret millionaire. His father owns one of the biggest companies in Summer City known as the West Equinox. It's a million dollar car company. He holds the passcode to the business...Georgia was supposed to grab it by smooth talking him, but when that failed we had to resort to what we did." Roman said.

"Our parents are business rivals. And I still believe I'm hated for the wrong reasons. I'm hated because of you." Georgia said and held her arms.

Rhea listened to the conversation and glared. "I should've known...I knew it was a set up the entire time.."

I looked at Rhea and looked back at Georgia. "We're going in."

I stood up and walked toward the group. Rhea stood up and followed me. As we walked toward them, I noticed Georgia had noticed us.

Roman looked at Georgia and noticed her watching something. He looked over and noticed me. "Tch...this guy..."

Jacob and the man looked over and saw me and Rhea. The man stood up and stared at me. They watched me walk toward them with Rhea.

"I see all of you wanted me dead because of my father's success? That's the entire reason you dated me? That's the entire reason you all hated me?" I asked.

"Kaden, I—"

Roman pushed Georgia back and walked forward. "There's no more talking. It's time for you to give us what we want. It seems like you know the truth now."

Rhea looked at them and walked forward. She stared at Roman then vanished before his eyes then reappeared in front of him then kicked him away. Roman groaned and crashed into a bench then fell to the ground.

Jacob asked no questions and ran toward me. He went for the first punch then noticed I dodged it. I countered with a blow to the stomach. He groaned and stumbled back. I walked toward him and dodged his right hook then twirled around into a sweep kick.

"Yo, Ashton...who is this chick?" Roman asked as he slowly walked back toward us.

Ashton looked at me then looked at Rhea. "You handle Kaden, I'll get this bitch."

Roman looked at me then walked over to me. I watched him and dodged his first swing at me then blocked his next kick then ducked under his high kick and stepped back.

"What's wrong? Can't keep up anymore?" I taunted.

{Syncing with Rhea...}

{9% Complete...}

Roman ran toward me and went for a superman punch, but I blocked it and grabbed his wrist then smacked the back of my fist against his stomach. Roman groaned and coughed then groaned when I hit him with a back kick. He stumbled backwards then I ran toward him and hit Roman with a 540 kick.

Roman fell to the ground and groaned. He felt his nose and noticed blood. He looked up at me and got chills.

Ashton noticed Rhea dodging all of his attacks then went for a haymaker, but Rhea blocked it. She struck his stomach with her palm then interlocked fingers with him and pulled him into a lariat attack. Ashton groaned and crashed into the fountain.

'Who the hell are these two..?' Jacob thought to himself.

Georgia got up and looked at me. "Kaden..."

I looked at Georgia. "You used me...acted like you loved me...but you never truly did. However, you do acknowledge how insane they sound."

{Important Decision Incoming!}

[Help Georgia (Route Progression Possible!)]

[Leave Georgia (Route Progression Possible!)]

I closed my eyes then held my hand out toward her. "We can fix everything."

Georgia stared at me and took a step toward me. Roman grabbed Georgia's arm and pulled her over to him. Georgia grunted and felt Jacob also grab her.

"She's not going with you..." Ashton said and flashed his gun.

I looked at Ashton and smirked. "Wow...You have a gun. I'm shivering.."


{100% Complete!}

Rhea smirked and crossed her arms. "Can I do it, my darling? Can I?"

I looked at Rhea and snapped my fingers. "I give you full permission..."

Rhea smirked widely and her eyes shined. Her marking began to shine and the lights of the park flickered. Everyone looked around and felt the air growing colder. Rhea laughed and the lights went out and she disappeared into the shadows. High winds began blowing and black mist began forming around them.

I ran into the mist and Ashton noticed me and pulled his gun out. He aimed it at me and fired his pistol. I dodged the bullet and grabbed his arm then disarmed him and got him on the ground.

{Intelligence...Not emotion.}

I looked at Ashton and calmed down then let him go. I picked up his gun and pointed it at Roman. I gestured for him to get away from Georgia. He raised his hands and let Georgia come over to me.

"My darling~ You might wanna get out of this mist~" Rhea warned.

Jacob groaned as he felt the mist choke him. The mist began to try and force Jacob to sleep. Roman and Ashton tried to help but were put under the same spell. Georgia and I escaped the mist and hurried to my car.

Rhea made the mist disappear and vanished. She reappeared into my car then chuckled. I drove off back home, leaving the three men on the ground, passed out.

{Choice Made: Helped Georgia!}

{Georgia deeply appreciates you...}

{Georgia's Route: 7% Cleared...}