
Summer's Lease

On his first night renting a cottage on the Cornish coast, widower John Tennant comes face to face with, of all things, a grizzly bear. Fearing for his life, John tries to convince the animal he isn't worth eating, and is relieved when the bear ambles away.<br><br>Maintenance man Mitch Benjamin is two hundred years old but doesn’t look a day over forty. As a werebear, he needs to stay under the radar. The new renter is making that difficult. Not only is John attractive, but his vulnerability triggers all of Mitch’s protective instincts. If that wasn’t trouble enough, Mitch is struggling with his inner bear’s desire to befriend John. He knows what his bear is up to, but Mitch doesn’t want another mate. His last one was murdered ninety years ago, and he’s still grieving.<br><br>John is confused by Mitch’s mixed signals. Physically, Mitch -- with his bulging muscles and hulking frame -- is a gay man’s wet dream come true. But emotionally, he keeps closing down. John discovers more comfort with the magnificent grizzly bear he occasionally meets on his evening walks along the beach.<br><br>In an effort to help, Morwenna, the owner of the cottages, uses her psychic gifts to give John a message from his dead lover, George. Far from helping, it adds another layer of strangeness to what’s already turning out to be the strangest summer John can remember.<br><br>Can a well-meaning medium and a determined grizzly bring John and Mitch together? Will Mitch come clean about his werebear nature? If he does, can John accept that a man and bear exist in the same body?

Drew Hunt · LGBT+
Pas assez d’évaluations
90 Chs

Chapter 78

And sometimes not at will.

Teddy let out another low, rumbling roar. John put his hands over his ears. The noise tore at his heart.

Several minutes later, and with no sign of Teddy’s moans stopping, John switched on his bedside lamp. He threw his legs over the side of the bed and sat up. Still feeling woozy from whatever Morwenna had given him, he got to his feet.

Not wanting to wear the same clothes he’d worn the previous fateful evening, John found clean ones in the dressing table drawers.

Going downstairs, turning on lights as he went, John paused to look out through his living room window. It was still totally dark. He wished he had the battery lantern, but that was still in the cave. Of course, it all made sense now, why Mitch would keep a change of clothes in there.

“More lies,” John said, slipping into his shoes and making for the back door.