
First conflict.

The soldiers were slowly approaching the location of the unknown creature. All of them were sweating a bit afraid of what could happen if something were to go wrong. All of them had seen this creature move at a speed that could rival the speed of a sports car and a strength that had the weight of at least a few hundred kilos behind it. The worst thing was that it looked almost exactly like a human, if you take away the dark skin, the claws and the inhuman face all you would see is someone human.

These soldiers were all young, none of them older than the age of 25 because this was a specific requirement to join this special force because the experimental armor just worked better with a young and healthier body. The looks of this creature could scare even the most experienced veteran let alone a bunch of youngins who haven't even seen all the earth had to offer yet.

Every passing second the soldiers were inching closer to the monster's location until eventually they were within 20 meters of it and they suddenly stopped moving. They were now close to this unknown creature. Some of the soldiers had been calling this creature "Entity X" as a joke reference to a movie that came out a few years back where something that looked awfully similar to this creature before them. This joke eventually stuck with the soldiers and they have been calling it so ever since. Of course the people higher up in the ranks didn't call the creature so, so officially he was called "Subject #001"" (A/N : Just came up with it for the sake of plot, and isn't at all relative to the story.)

Looking at the creature that is now known as "Entity X" tension started to form in the air, figuratively of course. The monster and the humans now stared at each other, 6 blue shining eyes stared back at tens of pairs of eyes which were nervously surveying each other. Both sides were scared of each other but the humans didn't realise that this creature before them was scared of the situation.


A sudden noise took everyone's attention, one of the soldiers sneezed causing this tense situation to turn into a somewhat awkward situation, one which was immediately interrupted by orders that came through one of the commanding officers radios.

"New orders came from the top, assess the danger level and try to contain subject #001, I wish you the best of luck." A voice came through the radio, although this time different from the one we heard with the snipers it still belonged to someone old because of the old and experienced tone it held.

Osiris who was able to listen in on the not so secret conversation due to his advanced hearing capabilities was swearing silently to himself that only sounded like a growl on the outside. 'Who are you calling a subject you fat old man, my name is Osiris and I am not for you to just take without my explicit permission'. Osiris was busy insulting this voice's nine generations future and past ones so he was unable to notice that the sniper that he had stared at suddenly pulled her sniper rifles trigger causing a bullet that left a black metallic after trail behind it because of the sheer speed it had, it even sounded like it broke the sound barrier but that's a bit far fetched.

The bullet travelled for 800 meters in about half a second making it so Osiris couldn't react to the noise of the gun firing making it so that the bullet penetrated his skin. Unfortunately because of his tough skin the bullet didn't travel through completely but stopped half way when it hit his bones making it so that it is now stuck inside him. Even with his dulled sense of pain he was startled and let out a yelp of pain.


This was exactly what he was afraid of, having to fight humans because they just couldn't keep their hands of something new and exciting 'It even seemed like they were approaching peacefully but it appeared I had my hopes too high.'. He weighed his options, either he fled or started a fight with a group of people that would become famous in the future. Neither were appealing to him, that suppressing feeling deep down inside of him didn't allow him to flee and his human side didn't allow him to harm his former allies.

Whilst Osiris was in his inner dilemma the soldiers all had shocked expressions on their faces. A bullet that would easily pierce through medium-carbon alloy heat-treated grade metal was stopped by this creature's bones, just what is this creature made of? Was in the back of every soldier's mind.

Osiris came to a conclusion, one he wasn't proud of but that mysterious feeling was starting to overpower and affect his mind more than he liked. He had to just let go, he knew that his humanity would be gone forever and that nothing short of a miracle would bring it back, and like his grandfather used to say "Don't expect a miracle because they ain't worth shit. What counts is your determination and skill."

What mattered to him was his survival, even when he was still a human he never really cared for others but he would never go so far as to willingly kill another human. Growing up getting other people's morals and values getting hammered into you doesn't just grow away overnight, but apparently dying does the trick well enough.

"Open fire!" A gruff sounding voice suddenly commanded.

<Osiris' thoughts were interrupted by another hail of bullets, some bullets penetrated his skin which didn't go far compared to the sniper rounds but most of the bullets missed their target anyway so it didn't really matter.>


Osiris tried to come over as threatening as possible to try and distract the humans as much as he could before he initiated his attack, which of course now with this scary looking appearance was fairly easy.

Osiris' foot dug into the ground before he suddenly erupted with speed to the nearest human and before anyone could even blink his claws were already through the soldiers stomach causing the soldier to cough up blood and shortly die after Osiris removed his claws from the soldiers body, trying to do as much damage as he could before sprinting to his next victim.

"Our bullets have no effect! What do we do!" "We're doomed" Screams from the soldiers who have just seen their friends and comrades being slaughtered by this monster filled the forest, even the more experienced soldiers were afraid, fear is a basic human instinct after all. Even though these soldiers were trained to prepare for the worst no one could have ever foreseen such a situation.

Osiris who's claws were all blooded didn't pay attention to the screams and pleas of the soldiers, all he was focused on was his heart that was beating with excitement and a feeling of belonging that flooded his body. After he killed his first human euphoria started filling his body, it was as if he was meant for this. Not even his mind was resisting his actions anymore. Killing was starting to feel normal to him, just like how it feels to breathe.

<Keep in mind that his whole body has changed and with that Osiris' mind and mentality were no exception. His soul may be that of a human but nothing about his body is human anymore, be it his senses, strength and his views on the world. In the beginning because he was very stunned because of the situation things didn't click but now that he has been here for some time now things started clearing up.> (A/N : Also this is fictional, anything can happen.)

Osiris' six blue glowing eyes were looking for his next victim, and he quickly found a soldier not too far from him but his instincts suddenly screamed danger and he was forced to jump back. Not even a second later a sniper bullet pierced the ground where he stood a second ago leaving some smoke where the impact was.

Quickly realising the direction the shot was fired from Osiris turned towards it, he wanted to go and quickly eliminate the snipers but then his back would be open for the soldiers to lay fire on him from behind which he didn't want to risk. So he went for round two with the soldiers and again started sprinting to the soldiers that were now in chaos, their uniform formation long broken...

<In the end Osiris ended up slaughtering 89 soldiers and wounding some more, but the sniper got away which of course didn't please Osiris but seeing his wounds he had to retreat. He isn't all powerful afterall.>

(End of chapter four of "Sudden Monster")

I just want to add that this story is not meant to be perfect although I try.

Leave feedback in the comments so I can improve.

Godackcreators' thoughts