
Suckered Into Marrying My Scheming Lackey

Love Questionnaire: What would you do if you get caught breaking into a cold and arrogant billionaire's mansion?... What if that said billionaire also happens to be your lackey from high school and you don't even recall them? Better yet what if that said billionaire sets a marriage contract on the table and demands that you sign it? Quinn: Hahaha, What stupid questions. Who came up with these? That would never happen to me. A few hours later Quinn: You @%!^%##, you set me up.

Faith_Andru · Urbain
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74 Chs

Unknown: QQ I am sorry

As soon as the elevator doors closed Nick's brows furrowed wondering if he should report this matter to the boss. He was told not only to watch her but report everything happening around her.

Though he wasn't certain about this phone call he decided to report it anyway. With a loud bam, he closed the apartment door and grabbed one of the many cellphones in his possession, and typed in a message.

The tapping sound of the keypad bounced off the walls but soon there were hurried sounds of words being erased. If he mentions that Quinn's mother thought of him as Quinn's potential suitor the boss might get jealous. He didn't know what sort of relationship these two had neither did he want to know.

One thing was for certain though, that is he didn't want to be stuck in the middle. He immediately reword the message and read it several times before he was satisfied.

A faint ding sound sounded at the back of the vehicle and Leif who was reviewing a file swiped his cell phone checking the incoming notification.

Unknown: Reporting sir. Miss Quinn's mother is seeking suitors for her.

Unknown: She has already left for work.

Leif's sword like eyebrows furrowed with the aura at the back seat stifling a little. Feeling the icy chill at the back of his neck the driver tugged at his collar while waiting for the traffic light to turn green. He glanced at his boss in the review mirror and his adam's apple rolled seeing him harshly putting his cell phone down.

Just when he thought he had gotten away with the casual glance Leif opened his mouth and said, "Enjoying the show?"

The driver was a little startled that he let out an unintelligent, "Uh," sound before hastily explaining, "N-no sir."

"Good, now pay attention to the road," said Leif, and the driver who was already sweating profusely clutched the steering wheel tightly and drove off his back and neck muscles tense.

Leif closed his eyes suppressing the darkness in them. When he opened his eyes again they had returned to their usual cold indifference as he got back to the file in his hand.

Meanwhile, Quinn was standing in the crowded subway clutching the rail as though holding on for dear life. She was surrounded by a group of wan commuters questioning their life decisions.

No wonder Garfield hates Mondays. The atmosphere was grey and gloomy but Quinn was shielded by her mother's endless chatter thus she had a smile on her face the entire time.

Her mother chattered all the way until she reached the gym. She placed her duffle bag on the counter and said, "Mum, I am at work already. I will call you when I get home," before cutting the call.

The giddy girl at the reception smiled happily when she saw Quinn. She was so excited that one would think she would pounce on her in the next second.

Quinn's brow twitched seeing how excited she was. The girl was even more excited than her own mother after months of separation. "Big sister Quinn, how was your weekend?" said the girl following behind Quinn like a duckling after imprinting themselves on the first person they see.

"Don't call me that," said Quinn looking at this person who was older than her by a year. What was she trying to say? That she was old?

"After you saved me from that pervert I now take you as my big sister," she hurriedly explained her tone sincere. Quinn wanted to respond but her cell phone made a dinging sound. She took it out of her pocket and her lips twitched.

Unknown: QQ, I am so sorry.

Unknown: Let me make it up to you.

The air surrounding Quinn turned chilly and hostile making the girl standing next to her shiver subconsciously. "Who is it?" she asked and Quinn swiped away the notification before saying,

"A green tea bitch that's who." Who else would it be apart from Alison? Because of her she now owed one of the richest men a favor.

"I need a drink," said Quinn picking up her duffle bag before entering the gym.

"But it's barely 10 a.m.," yelled the girl but Quinn didn't hear her. She was already heading for the employee locker room.

"Good morning baby," said a tall buff man with pale skin and snow-white hair as he walked past her.

Quinn raised her middle finger and smiled slyly while walking backward. "Ohhhhh," jeered the man beside him with an employee t-shirt on.

"Call me baby again and I will break your third leg," she said jokingly before turning into the female locker room.

"Then I will be your eunuch," said the pale skin man named Ash.

Quinn ignored these two idiots and entered the locker room. She slumped onto the bench and swiped her lock screen.

She wanted to check if her second part-time job had an opening for her today so she could take up another shift at night. Now that she had offended the rich she had to make more money lest she needed to run away with her mother. She messaged the manager of that place asking for a shift tonight before locking her screen and getting up to change.

Ten minutes later Quinn was standing inside the boxing ring with a young woman wailing like she had been beaten despite the fact that training hadn't started yet.

"Wuwuwu Quinn, why do I have to do this when I am a weak chicken," she cried her knees trembling slightly. This woman was one of her clients named Dakota.

Her father was in the business of dealing with arms thus his daughter was an easy target as proved two weeks ago. The plan was foiled but she didn't even fight back.

She curled on the ground and played dead while her bodyguards fought to the death to keep her safe. When they told her to run she remained rooted on the ground like a mushroom. After that her father brought her to Quinn to toughen her up a little but who would have thought she would wail before Quinn even laid her hands on her?

"Just do what we practiced in the past two weeks. I will go gentle on you," she said but when Dakota recalled the so-called 'gentle on you' Quinn was talking about she cried even harder. This womans definition of gentle was different from everybody else's.