
Suckered Into Marrying My Scheming Lackey

Love Questionnaire: What would you do if you get caught breaking into a cold and arrogant billionaire's mansion?... What if that said billionaire also happens to be your lackey from high school and you don't even recall them? Better yet what if that said billionaire sets a marriage contract on the table and demands that you sign it? Quinn: Hahaha, What stupid questions. Who came up with these? That would never happen to me. A few hours later Quinn: You @%!^%##, you set me up.

Faith_Andru · Urbain
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74 Chs

I am not touching it

At that time Leif was thinking that how many more hands and surfaces did that fifty dollar bill touch. His entire body was on the verge of erupting into hives.

"Take it out now," he said over looking what was wrong with his words.

Quinn didn't expect him to say that but she still tugged at his belt and pulled him close. "Oh, let me help you," she said with her tongue sticking out on the side of her lips like she was up to no good.

Quinn couldn't find it because it had already gone inside his pants when he moved. Quinn had no choice but to either dig in there or unzip his pants. She touched the zipper and she was about to pull it down.

"You dare," he said his eyes more chilling than before but the person didn't even notice his vicious gaze.

"Ai, babe... what am I supposed to do then? Don't you want me to take it out for you? Fine, you take it out yourself," she said while pushing him away.

"I am not touching it. I don't know where it has been. You put it there so figure out a plan," said Leif saying more words than he had in the past. This woman sure knew how to anger him.

"Oh my gosh. Why are you so squeamish?" asked Quinn not knowing what to do now. He won't do it himself and he won't let her touch him either.

There wasn't even any need to mention the faces of the people behind them. Kaya and Doris looked like they were watching a good sure while sipping on their cocktails. Amalie on the other hand was a little worried. That's because this kind of Leif was a little terrifying. She couldn't help but worry about what would happen to her daughter if she angered Leif.

To her surprise, he was very livid but apart from bantering with her he didn't raise his hand or yell aggressively. Their interaction was very familiar. It was like when her daughter was getting along with that kid Liam. It wasn't just familiar but eerily similar.

"How about you go to the bathroom and help him," she suggested and Quinn downed a shot that was on the table before saying,

"Good idea." She grabbed Leif's hand and said, "Let's go."

Because this room was for high-paying guests it had an ensuite bathroom. We all know what the original intention for installing a bathroom here was but of course, this could also be labeled as a convenient place for a quickie.

The bathroom door closed and Amalie attempted to ease the tension by asking fireman Joe to continue with his performance. Fireman Joe would rather not put out fires right now but he had no choice.

The loud sensual music that had ended started all over again and the drinks continued to flow. Amalie turned to the bodyguards standing behind them and said, "You boys can join in on the fun. We have a lot of drinks and snacks."

The tall man amongst them refused politely, "Sorry ma'am, we are still on the clock."

"Uh, what a pity," said Doris seeming disappointed. It was as though she wasn't satisfied with fireman Joe only. She wouldn't mind seeing stoic men in black stripping.

The sounds of the music coming from behind the door seeped in through to the bathroom but it didn't create an ambiguous air between the two people.

That's because Leif was standing there stiffly refusing for any part of his body to touch anything in this cramped space. Quinn couldn't help but stifle a laugh seeing him like this.

"Let me help you so stay still," she said her smile as bright as stars. Because she was tipsy her eyes were watery and shimmering brighter than the stars outside tonight. Her porcelain skin had a slight tint of pink arousing one's interest.

Leif had to admit at this moment that she looked beautiful. She looked exactly like she did the day they kissed. She was sitting behind the old gym building like always drinking wine from a bottle as she watched the stars.

No one asked him to go to the winter ball neither did he ask anyone to be his date. In fact, he didn't want to be there but they were all forced to go.

He stood at a lonely corner of the hall and witnessed Mr and Miss Winter ball dancing. The scene was beautiful and sentimental but that's not what he focused on. His gaze was fixed on the figure beyond the lovely couple. He saw Quinn freeze on the spot before she walked out during the confession scene.

He should have been happy about Quinn's misfortune especially after being tormented by her but his heart hurt for her. He couldn't understand this feeling neither did he want to think about it.

Since the function was basically over he left the school gates but his chest felt stuffy. His rational mind told him to leave but there was something in him telling him not to go.

He turned back thinking to himself that he was just going to take a look. She might not even be there. She might have already left and was enjoying comfort food at home in a panda onesie.

He didn't even know why that image popped up in his mind but it did. He just thought she was the type to do that.

Unexpectedly, he found her sitting by the old gym drinking a bottle of wine seeming very sad. He had a hard time empathizing with others but this scene was familiar. His father did this almost every other day that is when he wasn't having one of his episodes.

When his father was like this he would sit down next to him silently so he did the same thing and sat next to her.

She asked what he was doing there but he didn't answer her. She looked the same way as she did now only that her emotions were worlds apart. She wasn't sad but happy and silly.

Quinn raised her head and opened her mouth to say something but her voice got stuck in her throat.