
successor of the cosmos

This story follows Kai (last name is a spoiler) as he embarks on a risky journey to become the successor of the Great Being. Kai faces tough challenges and moral dilemmas as he fights his way through. Along the way, he wrestles with the weight of his destiny and the sacrifices needed to become the sole inheritor.

PepsiShark_Gaming · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Prologue (2)

Kai, at just 9 years old, was an orphan with a frail physique since birth. His mother passed away shortly after giving birth to him, as she too had a weak constitution. Raised solely by his father, Kai experienced poverty firsthand. Many nights, it was only Kai who had food, or neither of them ate at all. When Kai was 7, his father succumbed to starvation, leaving Kai alone in the world. Despite his circumstances, Kai remained cheerful. His father had instilled in him the value of appreciating what he had rather than being envious of what others possessed. As an orphaned street kid, Kai lacked money, a home, or even regular meals. Yet, his spirit remained strong, finding happiness in simple joys.

At 8 years old, he encountered an older girl named Cassie. She was 12, while Kai was 8. Cassie and Kai were close for a long time in his eyes, especially since she was his only friend aside from his father. But when an immortal visited their village, he took Cassie away, saying something like, 'Want to be my apprentice? You have the potential to be an immortal,' he said to her. Initially, she brushed off the man, but she eventually relented when he offered both her and her 'younger brother' a chance to become "cultivators," as the man called it. However, his opportunity never came, as the immortal said he could only take one person at a time. He took Cassie but never returned for Kai.

Kai stood at about 3'5"(1m) with black hair and deep blue eyes. While he wasn't exactly what one would call bad-looking, years of malnourishment and dirt accumulation had taken a toll on his appearance, making him, let's just say, somewhat unconventional. Cassie, on the other hand, had blond hair and green eyes, standing at 3'8". (1.2m)She shared similar circumstances with Kai, with the effects of malnourishment and dirt affecting her appearance as well.