
Successor of god

Long story short, Dave was a guy who everybody looked up to he was the richest man to live he was a scientist who made the cure to cancer but then he died, and got a chance at a second life, but this life is more interesting as he gets to travel to Anime worlds while in the process getting stronger as he is the Successor of THE GOD and for that to happen he needs to be strong. I don’t own Naruto all credit to that goes to their creator. All I own is the MC.

Supreme_Galaxy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

Going to Land of Waves

They left the village and started walking towards the direction of the land of waves. Not even and hour pass and they got into trouble and trouble over and over again but Naruto took care of them much to the displeasure of Sasuke. After walking for an hour Naruto saw a puddle ahead and knew what was going to happen when they pass the puddle, Of course Kakashi noticed it as well but dint say anything and just used the substitution Jutsu without no one except Naruto noticing and went towards a tree but not to far from them.

They kept walking and when they pass the puddle and kept walking for 2 seconds, two Shinobi's could be seen coming out of the puddle and jump straight to Naruto and they dint know they just f*cked up.

As soon as they jump towards Naruto, time seem to stop and Naruto walked up to them and activated his EMS( Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan) Killed one of the two shinobi's and left the other alive for interrogations. When he killed one of them he walked up to the other and looked at him in the eyes with his EMS and said "Sleep" then he walked back to his original spot his eyes turn back to the red ruby they were and time seem to start again.

" Kakashi-sensei you can come out now I killed one of them and put the other in a genjutsu to interrogate him." Said Naruto

When he said that, Tazuna, Sasuke, and Sakura all seem to looked at him weirdly as Kakashi was still there with them. But them a *poof* sound came from in front of them and they all looked at the direction the sound came from to just see a log in the spot where Kakashi was. Then out of nowhere Kakashi came from behind them and said "yo" and that scared all except Naruto and looked at where the voice came from and saw Kakashi standing there and they were all confused.

" Kakashi weren't you just in front of us a second ago?" Asked Sakura

" No that was a substitution Jutsu. I was on a tree over there." Said Kakashi pointing towards a tree

" Also good job Naruto you took care of two Chunin level shinobi, killed one of them and left the other for interrogation to find why they were here." Said Kakashi with a smile but no one could see it due to his mask.

" They are the demon brother's of the mist why are they here?" Asked Naruto

" I don't know Naruto but we will question Tazuna-San later to see what's going on." Said Kakashi.

When he said that Tazuna began to sweat. Naruto the tied the Demon brother to a tree and release him of the genjutsu and he woke up and looked around and saw his brother's body dead on the ground and frown, then he looked at the people they were supposed to kill. Then Kakashi started asking question but he didn't answer not even a single one when Kakashi was bout to kill him Naruto stop him and said.

" Let me do it Kakashi-sensei." Said Naruto

Then he walked up to him and activated his EMS and put him under a genjutsu that would make him start spilling the truth and he did.

" We were hired by Gato of Gato company to find and kill Tazuna and stopping him from getting to the land of waves." Said Gouzu

When he stop he looked around but before he could speak Naruto put him under a genjutsu not as strong but strong enough to keep him knocked out till he gets to the lead village. Then he took out took out paper started writing what had occur and what he was supposed to do then he took out a scroll and put both Gouzu and the paper which had everything that had occur in the sealing scroll and gave it to Kakashi.

" Kakashi-sensei can you send this to the Hokage with your summoning as he needs to know this mission ins't a c-rank mission anymore." Said Naruto

" Yes Naruto he needs to know." Said Kakashi as he did hand sign's and then bit his finger that made blood come out and put his hand on the ground and said " summoning Jutsu" and a dog came out of it.

"Can you please send this to the Hokage?" Asked Kakashi

" Yeah sure Kakashi leave it to me." Said the dog as he grab the scroll and started running to the direction of the Leaf village.

" Alright so Tazuna-San do you mind explaining why you requested this mission a to be a c-rank when it's clearly a b-rank?" Asked Naruto

Then after Naruto asked that Tazuna started explaining why he did that basically to sum it up he said " I dint have the money as I spend it all on building the bridge because Gato took over our little village and blocked all routes for us to do business with other lands and I wanted to build this new bridge as a way for us to go to other lands and to business with them and stop this problem but Gato doesn't wants that as he wants this land for himself."

" Alright I'll pay for this mission Tazuna-San as I don't want to do a mission that isn't its proper rank and if you want I'll still do this mission either by myself or if my team and sensei want to come they to will come." Said Naruto

Tazuna started thanking Naruto and telling him he had his gratitude and he could ask anything from him and Naruto kept saying that it was okay. After walking a few more hours since Naruto wanted to go and help Tazuna his teammates also wanted to come and Kakashi said it was fine if they wanted to go so they went and now they are here passing a tree when suddenly Naruto threw a kunai to wards a bush and everyone looked at him and Sakura started yelling at him for scaring her but dint even give a f*ck about it and just looked at what he killed along with everyone.

" Look Naruto you killed a rabbit happy now?" Asked Sakura

" Are you just stupid even with that big head of yours or is there just air in there Sakura?" Asked Naruto meanwhile Sakura who was red with anger was about to charge at him and hit him when he continued.

"This rabbit is white which means he is from the snow areas and his fur still is white which means he was in the cold not to long ago and here is hot so that means it's someone's pet and that means someone is watching and following us." Said Naruto

When everyone heard that they got what he was saying and as they were about to go in formation to be safe a sword came flying towards them and Kakashi yelled " GET DOWN!!" and everyone got down but Naruto. Instead of going down Naruto took out a sword from his inventory added lightning element to it and cut the sword in half. (A/N: It's basically future Sasuke Sword he got it after he bought it from the system as he dint want to use the sword he got from the starter pack as he could just literally cut the whole planet in half and it would be destroy with it)

" Oh you cut my sword I'm going to have to watch out for you, and the we have Kakashi of the Sharingan." Said a figure who landed in front of them

"Zabuza demon of the mist, what are you doing here?" Asked Kakashi as he put his guard up

" I was hired by Gato to kill Tazuna here but if you guys are guarding him then I guess I have to kill you to." Said Zabuza

Everyone got into a stance because of what he said they all knew he was a Jonin and an experience one at that so they put up their guard.

" Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura guard Tazuna-San I'll take care of Zabuza." Said Kakashi

" No Kakashi-sensei let me take care of him I can do it myself and beat him you each and if you see me getting in trouble which won't happen you can stop and you fight." Said Naruto

" Alright Naruto and as you said if you get in trouble I'll stop this and fight him myself." Said Kakashi

Naruto just nodded as this was also a good time to show a little of his strength to show he was more that a Genin rank but a Kage rank but he needs to become Hokage for that but he doesn't want to as it's to much work. He also just wanted to become jonin already as the fights are to easy now even if he did put 3 limiters on him as he could control his strength better and get to have fun in his fight, as he doesn't want to turn into an expressionless person like Saitama when he fights.

When Naruto and Zabuza started fighting Zabuza used the mist Jutsu but Naruto counter with "wind release: great breakthrough" and all the mist disappeared and Zabuza was left standing there and everybody could see him again as there was no mist. Naruto used a fire Jutsu as a distraction and then went behind him and landed several punches on his body which fracture a lot of his bones. Naruto then charged at Zabuza and was about to kill him when a needle was directed at Zabuza's neck he could stop it but he dint wantEd to, as he wanted for it to continue like the anime then out of nowhere a shinobi appeared and landed next to Zabuza and said.

" This is a missing-nin from kirigakure and holds information of our village I'm and Anbu and need to recover and kill him as such I need to take him" said the shinobi.

When they heard that they all nodded and he thank them for understanding and then disappear with Zabuza. They all left and Kakashi congratulated Naruto about defeating a jonin rank even though Narauto was very much jonin rank but Zabuza was a Jonin with experience and a lot of jonin's would have trouble with him even Kakashi himself. So Kakashi decide to report this and Naruto decide to ask if he could take the jonin test now since all this lowly mission are boring.

" Say Kakashi-sensei can you ask the Hokage if I can take the Jonin test now since this missions are kinda boring." Said Naruto

" Yeah Naruto you can and I'll ask the Hokage for you." Said Kakashi

" Wait what do you mean take the jonin test now?" Asked Sasuke

" Well when I was 8 I was asked by the Hokage to take the Jonin test and I said I dint want to yet as I wanted to experience what life was in the academy but now I don't really want to at my strength now I'm well over Kage level." Said Naruto

" Yes Naruto is right, when I saw him fight with Zabuza he could had ended up the fight in a second but he dint and I figure he wanted some experience and he gained it so he could become a Hokage with ease and be the youngest Hokage and if he can become a Hokage with ease he can become Jonin to." Said Kakashi

When the group heard that, Sasuke was cursing at how weak he was compare to Naruto when they are the same age meanwhile Sakura who hated Naruto ever since he started calling saying that she was stupid and hear head is filled with air and did the same as sino saying she has a big forehead, was cursing him as well because he was handsome smart and strong and that's what she was looking for in a guy and she had to admit sometimes she thinks about them being together but then remembers how he calls her and starts to curse him, so now she's still with loving Sasuke as he doesn't do that but he's still cold to her. Meanwhile Tazuna thanking his luck that he was able to get the help of such a strong individual even if that strong individual was a kid.

After that they left the area and started heading towards Tazuna's house which was not to far as they are in the land of waves already. When they got to the house Tazuna opened the door he went in and told to come inside. So they did and Tazuna started calling his daughter and his grandson to come and meet their guest when his daughter came out of the kitchen and his grandson from his room they went towards Tazuna who introduced their guest.

" Tsunami, Inari these are Shinobi from The leaf village and they are here to protect me from Gato while a build the bridge." Said Tazuna introducing them

When Tazuna said who they are and what they are doing her they introduce themselves first was Sasuke then Sakura then Kakashi and finally it was Naruto. Before he introduced himself he took of his hoodie and his mask and his face was shown to the and Tazuna was surprised at how handsome Naruto was meanwhile Tsunamis face went red and her heart beat increase because of how handsome Naruto was and she was sure she just fell for him. Inari was the most surprised because of how handsome he looked, Naruto then introduced himself which snapped them out of their daze.

" My name is Naruto Uzumaki it is a pleasure to meet you." Said Naruto in a gentleman way

Tsunami was about to introduce herself but Inari beat her to it saying " What are these weakling doing here they are just kids like me they won't be able to stop Gato." Said Inari which was enough to make Sasuke snapped at him and was about to hit him when suddenly a pressure hit him and he fell do the ground instantly they all thought he trip except for Kakashi as he knew what happen or rather who happened.

" We aren't here to fight kids Sasuke so when I release my pressure from you get back here and don't hurt the kid." Said Naruto in a cold voice which send chills down everyone's spine

" Y-e-es N-a-ru-to I-w-ont h-it h-im." Said Sasuke struggling to say that

" Good" Said Naruto as he release him from his pressure

" You know Naruto even though you are stronger then me and are at Kage level we are still the same age so don't do again." Said Sasuke

When Tsunami and Inari heard that they looked at him in shock for different reasons of course for Inari it was because of how strong he was at his age and he knew it was 12 even though he looked 15 he knew his age because of what Sasuke said and if what he said was right he should be 12 and he is already at Kage level everybody know that the people who are at Kage level are the strongest only other Kage level can compete against them and for Naruto to be 12 and at that level said a lot about him and he just said he was weak and can't do anything to Gato.

Meanwhile the reason for Tsunami was the same more or less she was thinking of how he looked like a 15 years old teen when he is 12 and is at Kage level he was both Strong ,respectful, smart, and handsome the most handsome man she has ever seen and that just made her fall for him even more but was not sure If she would say anything as she already had a son and she was 29 of age and he was 12 and maybe he won't accept her. Of course that was the only problem she had because in the Naruto world it doesn't matter what age they are and are in a relationship as in the Naruto world once you are a shinobi you are consider and adult.

Then after that they had dinner and Tsunami kept looking at Naruto as his hood and mask were off and Naruto saw that but dint comment on it. When they finish their food Tsunami picked up the dishes and went to the kitchen to wash them meanwhile everyone but Naruto went towards the room they are supposed to sleep in. He dint join them as he wanted to tell something to Tsunami, and went she went out of the kitchen Naruto stop her.

"Tsunami-San I need to tell you something but in private so I waited for you to tell you." Said Naruto

" Yes what is it Naruto-kun what do you need to tell me?" Asked Tsunami

Naruto dint say anything he just stoop up from where he was sitting and started walking towards her and he stop right in front of her put his arm around her waist and said something they both wanted to say.

Well guys that was this Chapter hope you like it thanks for everyone supporting this Fan-fic.

Next chapter would probably be on Friday so watch out for that. This Chapter was longer then usual as I dint have anything to do so yeah hope you like it.

Supreme_Galaxycreators' thoughts