
Substitute Soulmate

Three years ago, Yeona buried her husband. Three years later she has yet to move on. Plans to focus on her family's happiness and her present life are soon tossed aboard when she meets a new co-worker one day. New co-worker Han Sian proves not to be just anyone but a living nightmare for her. He resembles no one but her dead husband. What if in God's plan there is still someone out there for her? Against all odds, Yeona will have to face the reality of family ties, life, love, and Han Sian. 

minifantasy · Urbain
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13 Chs

In for it


A reservation for two had been made at a quiet restaurant flourishing with couples. In the building with too bright yellow shades for walls Yeona felt blinded. Seated closest to the window the sun rays landed directly in her eyes, but that was not the most painful part of this lunch. She just felt no ounce of attraction for Ko Dokeun. She did not feel sorry. She felt completely nothing.

Her mother was down the road in a tea shop after abandoning her daughter. The date meant well, but Yeona was not interested. Their food arrived too soon. Yeona lacked appetite. Instead, she thought about the home cooked meal Sian brought today. Gone to waste. He was probably eating by himself.

"Is the food not good?" Dokeun wondered. "We ordered the same number. Should I order something else?"

"No, I'm fine." Leaning forward she grabbed her fork and spoon and dove into her food just to look occupied.

Ko Dokeun was a brat when they were younger. He had played with her because his sisters were much too sassy to get along with young Yeona. Though he did not steal her Barbie dolls, he did lobby her for money plenty of times. He disappeared from her circle when she started high school. Then she met Yeol in college and they married shortly after. Now he was back in her life.

A fine man with aged lines peeping to the fore. His hair was thinning and pores growing deeper. He needed collagen. Handsome but not very. A lot of women must not pine after him if his mother wanted her for him.

She was the last resort.

That meant they wanted her to marry him. Things were supposed to go well for them, because like rich moguls the rest of her life had suddenly been mapped out by her mother. Yeona wondered if Madam Ko first approached her mother or if her mother had suggested it.

Yeona did not want to remarry. She just wanted Yeol back.

"We don't need to rush," Dokeun assured. "Eat slow. Your mother will probably do some shopping before going back home. She intends for us to spend a wide variation of the afternoon getting together. But I think that since we're adults, we can skip the small things. There's no need to lie to each other, don't you agree?"

Yeona glanced at him. His suit, shiny black oxfords, too black hair, which was mostly the result from heavily dyed formula, said he made good money. Worked in an office, was high class at work, and was involved in plenty of business affairs. Spent hours with the young and old alike, was probably treated like a CEO at work. Maybe he was the CEO. Yeona was still not impressed.

Setting her utensils down she leaned back so her spine was straight with the chair. "I have no plans to get married again."

He didn't even look at her. Wiping his mouth with a napkin which he gently set down he looked her in the eyes, "I'm sorry that's going to happen."

She set her lips into a straight line.

"My parents have already decided," Dokeun explained, "and I suppose I don't mind. You are a woman now. Since you've been married before you'd have experience with how things work in that aspect. I can just learn from you. Our wedding won't be extravagant. I think we can agree on that. Small family, close relatives. Sound all right? The first thing we'll do is go on a honeymoon. My parents are desperate to see their eldest have a family. My mother would especially love to hold a baby."

A fire rose inside her but she shouldn't lash out. It would make her mom look bad for coming this far. Whatever they had planned for her just wouldn't happen. Never.

Shoving the chair back she grabbed her purse and stood. "I need to go to work. Please make sure my mom returns home safely." Swiveling on her heels she headed outside.


Sian didn't see Yeona the rest of the day. He wasn't quite sure what he'd say to her if he did see her. And he wasn't sure how he'd feel, so he went home.

He only did the usual. He showered, changed into comfy clothes. He sat around. He ate. Then he went to bed. When he awoke in the dark, he wasn't alone. The bedroom was pitch black. Moon shining weakly through the thick curtains. Door tightly shut and securely locked. He shifted onto his side, felt his legs brush against smooth silky skin. A woman moaned sleepily. Her hand slid against his bare chest then around him.

"Why are you awake?" the voice asked.

He knew that voice.

"Sorry I woke you," he breathed and traced his fingers through her long hair.

"Yea, thanks, now I'm awake," she jokingly said and he could hear the smile splayed across her lips.

"Well I just wanted to tell you I love you," he grinned happily. The soft of her skin heated up under his palm when he gripped her waist and turned her onto her back. Their eager mouths connected as he pressed down onto her body. Then he jolted awake.

Heart racing miles ahead, he stared at the wall before abruptly turning to his empty bedside, patting around the empty space for confirmation that he was alone. It felt like he had just slept and it was already morning. The sun was struggling to shine into his dim room but the heat transcending inside wasn't as hot as he felt.

Ignoring the warmth of light, he threw himself back onto the bed mumbling, "Ah…shit."

Unable to recall back sleep he dragged himself into the bathroom for a really cold shower. For once, he ironed both his pants and shirt before heading off to work. Pulling into the parking lot he scanned the cars and the bodies walking into the building. He saw no Yeona as he skillfully turned into his space. Parking his vehicle, he pulled down the mirror and peered at himself. Good, he didn't look too exhausted. Hair was in top notch shape. Worried about his breath he dug into his drawer for gum. Finally prepared he began unlocking the door forgetting to unbuckle his seatbelt. Hurriedly releasing it he stepped out of the car once more scanning the concrete parking lot. Clean vehicles sparkled against the overhead lights and he noticed the garage had never smelled so much of gasoline and leather before.

Yeona wasn't here yet. What should he do? Wait? What if she thought it was strange of him? Licking his lips, he glanced around again. Then he suddenly wondered if his lips were dry. He wouldn't look good if his lips were dry. He'd look sickly, unappealing. Hurrying back to his car he pulled the door open and leaned inside to peer into the mirror. He appeared fine.

Sighing relieved he left his car and turned around in a circle as he sought for Yeona. He finally recognized her car down the lane and turned toward the doors. She must've already walked by without noticing him. Sian merely ran toward the doors rushing by co-workers who turned to stare curiously.

"Wait! Hold the elevator!" he called out.

The doors nearly closed then opened thanks to a skinny man who'd come to his aid, but Sian didn't enter immediately. Instead, he stood there regaining his path and looking among the four or five heads in front of him. Yeona was standing by the wall looking at him with a kind of puzzled expression.

"Well, are you going to get in?" the skinny man asked impatiently.

"Y…yes, of course." Awkwardly smiling Sian stepped inside and turned to see the doors close. Yeona was behind him. He tried glancing back to get her into his angle of sight, but felt a middle-aged lady staring up at him curiously. Pursing his lips together he stared at his blurred image against the silvery walls. Forgetting his shame, he turned and eased through the two people behind him before standing next to Yeona.

Again, she glanced up at him strangely. Today he couldn't help himself. He was feeling dizzy inside. And he noticed she was really pretty today.

"Hi," he greeted.

Yeona nodded her head. "Yea…hi."

Smacking his dry lips together he asked, "Did you sleep well?"

"I did."

"Me, too," he happily shared. "I had good dreams. No, I mean…I slept well."

His heart hammered against his chest. Was his face turning red? Because his body was heating up much faster than he wanted it to. God, he was embarrassed. He'd dreamt of her so sexually and unexpectedly. What was wrong with him?

The doors opened and everyone began filing out. Yeona was quick to leave him behind. Hurrying to catch up with her he asked, "Do you have plans for lunch? Let's eat together."

"Sure, see you then."

A smile crept onto his face but he was too slow to react. Yeona was already walking away.


Maintaining her cool Yeona traveled the rest of the hallway to her tiny office. Placing her purse onto the desk she remained standing. Glancing back as if Sian might be there, she wondered if something was wrong with her today. Sian had looked at her with something in his eyes. No, she was just being too sensitive.

That feeling egged her. Internally, she felt like she knew what was up. She had caught him leaning into his car that morning upon arriving. Choosing not to grab his attention she had walked past. His clothes were especially neat today, too. Noticing that small detail was a little too much for her. Yeona had never checked anyone out before. Not since Yeol.

Shaking her head in denial she sunk into her chair. She must stop thinking about anything related to Sian. It was driving her nuts. She wasn't going to have anything to do with him. They were just mere work acquaintances.

An hour passed like that when her phone rang. It was her mother. Yeona thought to avoid the call but realizing her mother would just call again, she picked up. Taking the inevitable head on was better than running away only to travel back to it.

"Mom," Yeona greeted.

"Good news!" the woman beamed happily. "Dokeun liked you so much he couldn't stop talking about you on the way home. He thinks you're beautiful."

Rolling her eyes, she knocked her head back into the chair. "Mom, you know that's not true. I'm truly ugly, inside and out."

"You are insulting your mother who you look like."

"I look like dad."

"Will you stop it?" the woman chided. Heaving a deep sigh, "I gave your number to Dokeun. If he calls you, talk to him for an hour or two. Oh, please Yeona, don't lose this chance. He is such a good bachelor. Madam Ko's family has always been much better off than we are, though they aren't super rich they are good enough. If you marry into their family, you'd live the perfect life!"

Propping an elbow onto the desk Yeona massaged her forehead. "Mom, I don't like him."

"What is there not to like? He's handsome."

"Mr. Go looks better than him!"

"Who is Mr. Go?" her mother asked. Huffing, she said, "Forget that. Dokeun wants to see you again, so give him a time when you're free and he will come pick you up. He likes traveling to the city. I heard there are many good places there to go on dates."

Yeona groaned, choosing not to withhold it. "I won't pick up. Tell him not to call."

"Kim Yeona!" her mother scolded. "I am doing this for you. Think of me and start going out with him. It has been three years; you need to stop grieving and move on. Don't cling onto someone that is no longer here. Yeol can't do anything for you now."

Yeona went silent, eyes glaring into the computer screen. She gripped onto the phone a little harder than necessary. She knew too well what everyone thought, but this was her life. Yeol had not been a half of it, but he had been a good part of it. However she tried, she couldn't forget him like that.

"I'm sorry for saying that, Yeona," her mother apologized, tone softening with somber gentleness. "I am just worried about you. I don't want you living alone forever. Your father and I can't come up to see you, we don't know when you're sick or tired. No one looks after you. Your father prays every night for you. We just want to be assured that there is someone reliable beside you. It's not that I'm forcing you, but you're not moving on, so I have to do something. Just see Dokeun a few times. I'm not expecting that it will work out, I'm just hoping for the best. Listen to your mother, ok?"

Mr. Go knocked on the door frame. Yeona nodded toward him then said, "I'm busy, mom. I'll talk with you later." Hanging up she asked as she set the phone down, "Mr. Go. What can I do for you?"

He laughed happily and shyly as he pulled out a white envelope from his pocket. "I've been handing envelopes out all day. Here is yours."

Curious, Yeona accepted the square envelope and pulled out an invitation. "What's this?"

"My children are throwing an anniversary party for my wife and I. You know they're all well off now. They're expecting this to be big scale," the man shyly explained.

"That's so nice of them." Yeona mused.

"I know this is last minute, but you've all been so good to me," Mr. Go went on. "I would love it if you did come. There will be lots of food." Shooting a finger gun at her playfully he said, "So you must come. Oh, and I must tell you, no jeans. My children expects everyone to be dressed nicely."

"I'll definitely be there," Yeona promised. When Mr. Go finally left Yeona set the invitation card aside and stared into her computer screen. Her mood was hanging low again.


Usually Yeona spent her day making calls in her office or dealing with paperwork at her desk, but today Sian was especially surprised to find her outside of his department. Waiting for him. A nice surprise visit that made him a little more eager for the day.

"Hi," he greeted walking up to her. There was still some time before lunch. Why was she here so early?

"Are you meeting with someone right now?" Yeona asked glancing pass him.

"I'm just sitting at my desk." Shy, he stuck both hands in his pockets. "What's up?"

"About lunch…"

"Oh, I know. If you don't want to go out, we can eat in the cafeteria. Whatever works," he quickly interjected, hopeful for whatever they might end up talking about.

"Actually, I'm going to meet Haneul for lunch," Yeona said looking up at him slowly, as if she may be guilty of some wrongdoing.

"Oh…" he breathed plunged with disappointment. Swallowing, he lied, "That's ok. We can have lunch tomorrow, too. It doesn't have to be today."

"Then, you should get back to work," Yeona said. She seemed to hesitate before turning to walk away. He stared after her deplored. Heaving a deep sigh, he stalked back inside and dropped into his chair. It was this part of the day he had been looking forward to. Now he just wanted to go home and lie in bed all day.

For several minutes, he sat at his desk staring at the white envelope Mr. Go had handed him earlier. He wasn't sure he wanted to go to an anniversary gathering. It would be awkward for him, but Mr. Go had said he'd invited everyone in the department. His children wanted to fill up space at the venue, so the work team was invited especially. Swiping the card toward the edge of his desk, Sian leaned forward unwilling to work the rest of the afternoon.

Moments later his cell phone rang. Mina was calling. He'd forgotten all about that red head. He wanted to ignore her call, but upon deciding that if he could learn more about Yeona he'd talk.

"Hello?" he picked up.

"Hi, it's me!" Mina seemed to be grinning on the other end of the line.

"I know. Why are you calling?" Sian asked staring at his plain black mouse.

"I was just wondering if you have time for lunch," Mina said. "I currently out right now and I'm near the company. I'll wait for you."

He glanced at the clock. "If you give me thirty minutes."

"Sure! I'll see you then!" Mina chirped then hung up, leaving Sian to stare at his screen. Setting the phone down he sighed.

Minutes later, when Sian turned around the corner of a skyscraper, he spotted Mina standing in front of a polished restaurant. A couple stood not too far from her teasing each other. He caught them laughing brightly as he approached.

"Sian!" Mina jumped with a wave when she spotted him.

"I almost didn't recognize you," he commented. Mina had simply dyed her hair to a light shade of brown.

"Oh yea? Does it look nice?" The girl shyly touched her head.

"It's ok." He complimented.

Mina grinned. "My mother wanted me to look more basic, so I had to dye it."

"You're home now?"

"I am," she grinned. "My mother says she'll let me dance and perform now."

He nodded. Grabbing hold of his arm Mina pulled him forward. "Guys, stop flirting. This is Sian. I told you about him."

"Well, hello," the younger man greeted him with a shake of the hand. He wore a baseball jacket with faded jeans and high-top sneakers. The young woman beside him looked at Sian with curiosity and smiled coyly, as if she knew something.

"Nice to meet you, Sian," she greeted. Glancing at Mina with tease she commented, "It's no wonder you don't talk with Sewoo anymore." Looking at Sian, "So how'd you two meet?"

"He's my sister-in-law's friend," Mina grinned. "Come on, he's on lunch time."

Still grasping his arm, she pulled him into the restaurant with the couple. Sian ended up sitting across the couple and next to Mina. If this wasn't a double date, he didn't know what was. He really had no intention of turning it into one. Mina wasn't the one he had wanted lunch with. If she wanted to speak that way, it was her sister-in-law he had been looking forward to.