

Camille_Crowell · Fantaisie
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1 Chs



The moon was full, clear skies and strong warm winds were in the forecast. It was a good thing that Emily and her family were close to their destination. Driving during strong winds wasn't ideal but neither was this family retreat according to Emily. She despised being stuck in a compact car with her two brothers and chatty parents for more than thirty minutes and they had been on the road for more than five hours.

She stared out the open window wishing she could turn the car around and go back home where all of her friends were. she caught her mother looking at her from the side mirror, clearly it wasn't adjusted properly. Her mother was intuitive to the point of scary there was no hiding anything from her. "We are almost there Emily." she smiled, "See, there is the stone bridge I told you about back when we were packing. We will probably check out the waterfall that's underneath tomorrow." She knew how much I loved the outdoors, and waterfalls.

As we crossed the bridge I couldn't help but feel a heavy pit settle deep in my stomach, fear descended upon me like iron weights. Something tugged at my senses telling me something was going to change something was going to happen...