
Chapter 5

Adriana's P.O.V

What the eff just happened ? Did he just said that I'm not fired ?

We were going up on an elevator when everything snapped into my brain . So let's break it up . I was late for work , well almost , and Mrs.Receptionist claimed that I hadn't made an appointment and that I can't see the boss , and I've had breakfast with a total hottie named Alexis ,he hired me , and Mr Big Boss came out of nowhere and I was never fired in the first place ?

What the eff ?

"So , tell me , why didn't you come and find me at my office as instructed ? " he cocked his brows , breaking the tension in the elevator.

I rolled my eyes , is being he serious ? "It's not my fault I hadn't made an appointment though. "

Well that shut him up for good . Psht , that's one point for Adriana the awesome .

We stood there in silence until the elevator went to the 35th floor . Yeah if I need to walk the stairs , I'd probably break my legs .

"So what will I be doing today ?" I asked , hoping to break the awful silence between us .

"You'll have to be my secretary . " he smirked , "As sexy as it sounds , you'll be at my office and that's the only place you're allowed to go to in this whole building unless I tell you otherwise . "

I looked at him , wide-eyed . You mean the job where people type on this thing called a computer and file in stuffs and click on the mouse and meeting appointments and shits ? Mr.Federico I am a motherfucking stripper .

"We're here , Miss secretary . " He pushed opened a double-doored office , the posh carpet underneath my feet was the first thing that greet me . Okay let's agree not to drop any crisps on these babies .

The sight that met my eyes were jaw-dropping . Is this even a fucking office ?

"So are you coming in ? " He laughed . Damn if I weren't so busy keeping my jaws to myself , I'd be in there already .

"Sure . " I answered silently , my eyes are still darting from corner to corner . Man , he have a humongous aquarium , all the way from the floor to the ceiling , WITH A JELLYFISH INSIDE !!! Damn .

"Like it ? I stole that baby from my dad's old room , since he doesn't mind . " He stood beside me , admiring the jellyfish .

"Is it even legal ? " Well , I'm sure it isn't . ITS A FREAKING JELLYFISH for gods sake!!

"I don't know though , but I know it's legal to bring it from my dad's room . My mom likes it a lot , but she love me too much to take it away from me . So it here , legally . " He looked at me from beside , I didn't catch his gaze , but I can feel his gaze burning the side of my head .

Looks like I'm going to have a great time communicating with jellyfishes . Man he's my colleague . A freaking jellyfish . Imagine me walking in the streets and be like ' I work in a office , with a jellyfish . ' I'll have a reservation at the mental institution before I even know it .

"So , what do I do as a secretary ? You know , I don't know how these things works . I 'dance' , remember ? " I stood there awkwardly , hesitating to stand in which position .

"Just sit there and be beautiful . "


John's P.O.V

I can't believe Alexis tried to snatch her away from ME . Is he even aware that he's digging his own grave , probably with his bare hands ?

I watch as her eyes glistened as I pushed open my office door , well , OUR office door to be particular .

" It's the jellyfish attraction " my dad used to say . Heck that's the same expression my mom had when she first saw this baby in the middle of my dad's old room if I've not mistaken .

"She fell in love with that thing faster than I thought ." My dad would complain , so he is more than willing to ship it here .

I can't wait till her scent fill my office , then it'll be my favorite place to be . Imagine spending at least 8 hours everyday in a office alone with your super sexy and beautiful mate . Gosh that's too much .

I eyed her up from top to toe , faith had me right in the balls . Her office blouse wrapped her curves perfectly , showing off her elegant but teasing side at the same time .

Gosh how am I going to concentrate when she's gonna wear these everyday ? Not even close but I don't mind , in fact , I love the view .

"So here's your table . " I pointed to the office desk beside mine , "And there are rules around here . " No kid . This is not a playground .

Her jaw dropped , " Rules ? Psht . Like , 'No breathing 5 meters near me ' kind of rule ? or 'No farting ' ? Cause that'll be super funny . " She chuckled at her own joke .

Did I ever say that her chuckles are super cute ? No ? Well now you know .