
Submit to Me, Rogue King!

Revenge fuels Klaus after witnessing the brutal slaughter of his parents and pack by the Storm Rider Pack. Destined to be the next Alpha of Swamp Heart, he instead becomes a child laborer in a foundry. But fate has other plans, bringing him into the very pack that destroyed his life. More ridiculously, he discovers his enemy’s daughter, Aurora, is his mate. Determined to control his destiny, Klaus becomes a formidable warrior within the Storm Rider Pack and the ruthless Rogue King outside it. He vows to exact revenge by any means necessary. But as he grows closer to Aurora, he decides he wants more than vengeance. Aurora Throne, future Alpha of the Storm Rider Pack, is powerful and full of light. She is willing to give Klaus everything that would drag him out of darkness. Yet, to Klaus, she’s a means to an end. When lies and betrayals tear her apart, she runs away without looking back, leaving an aching emptiness in Klaus’s heart. And the next time they meet, Aurora is on the throne, her warmth replaced by icy resolve. “Mate!” Klaus exclaimed, wanting to run to her and pull her into his chest. “Mate? I’m the queen of all Alphas. Kneel, Rogue King!” She responds with cold disdain.

Mua_a · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Beyond the Wildest Dream

Aurora's POV:

Am I dreaming?

My nostril is filled with Klaus's wild scent. He wraps one muscular arm tightly around my waist while sliding his other hand under my hair to cup my nape, pressing his mouth roughly against mine, and forcefully parting my lips with his tongue. And then, his wet, warm, slippery tongue thrusts into my mouth. My eyes widen.

I swear, when I said "kiss", I just meant a peck on the cheek. I didn't expect it as wild as this.

My body gets numb by the endless electric shock. I can't think straight. My fingers nervously clutch Klaus's clothes.

Time seems to stop.

Slowly, I close my eyes, moving my fingers up to Klaus's shoulders, bracing myself for the wildest dream. I don't know how long it's been before the kiss stops. Klaus breaks it abruptly and pulls me away.

"Remember what you said." The emotionless voice follows.

I'm still feeling dumbfounded. My heart is racing, almost ready to jump out of my throat.

"Aurora Throne." The voice raises.

"Yes?" I blink my eyes several times, looking towards the direction of the voice. Klaus looks calm and collected. He straightens his posture slightly, and with an almost imperceptible nod, he meets my gaze with cool composure. It's as if nothing out of the ordinary has happened.

Before I can say anything, he grabs my wrist, dragging me to the exit. When passing Jesse, I see his mouth forming a huge "O", looking in awe at us. 

"Hey, I have told you one hundred times, don't be this rude to me! Shall I make it one hundred and one?" I scream at Klaus after I come to my senses.

"You have to treat people the way they deserve." He retorts and shrugs. Slowing down, he softens his hold on my wrist. For a second, I feel like he's going to let my hand go, but he doesn't. He simply wraps his fingers around my wrist with a comfortable amount of pressure. 

Now we are looking like a couple going for a walk hand in hand. I chuckle to myself at the thought and hope it can last forever.

He doesn't let go of my hand until we get to Sylvia's building. Of course he needs to let go of my hand, otherwise, I can only imagine the turmoil that will erupt if Sylvia sees this. She's always been so dramatic. Perhaps she will threaten to break her other leg or arm or neck, whatever it takes to make Klaus worry.

Waiting for the elevator to come, I can't help thinking about the kiss. My first kiss with Klaus.

'How does it taste?' asks my wolf Thea eagerly.

'Like...peppermint!' I exclaim to her. Thea groans, hoping she can meet Klaus's wolf soon.

Klaus's lips were soft and warm, carrying a magnetic allure. Their touch is electrifying and intoxicating. The only blemish is the kiss was not as comfortable as expected.

"You're not a mouse, and I'm not the bread. You can't just like a mouse gnaw on me here and there." Miffed, I grumble to the air.

"What?" Klaus wrinkles his brows.

I don't give a response, still lost in the memory of that kiss. I can't stop my cheeks from getting burning and my heart beating wildly. I lick my bottom lip, stealing a glance at Klaus from the corner of my eye. Oh my goddess, am I blushing? Why do I feel a bit shy? I never know I have this emotion in my life.

Klaus flicks his eyes towards me, casually slipping his hands into his pockets, "What I did, whatever I did, is for Sylvia's recovery. Don't overthink about it."

How I wish he doesn't grow a mouth! I roll my eyes, making a face at him.

The elevator arrives, but I don't move.

"Let me clarify too. I agree to apologize, not because I pushed her down the stairs. I didn't do it. I apologizing is because Thea scared her, causing her to fall. It isn't that I pushed her, it's not my fault. You need to get that clear! " I say in a serious tone.

'It's not on me! How could I have known she was such a chicken?' Thea argues back in discontent, but I brush her off.

Klaus gives a brief "hmm", with an air of not wanting to say another word. I take it as an "OK", and then get into the elevator with him.

When we arrive at Sylvia's room, she's lying back against the pillow. Seeing me, her face falls. Klaus stares down, throwing me a look. 

Okie, okie, signal received.

"Sylvia, I'm here to apologize. My wolf scared you, causing you lose balance and fall down..."

"Your wolf?" She cuts off me, snapping, "Now you have a scapegoat? You pushed me down. Why can't you just admit it? "

"I didn't. I won't apologize for what I didn't do." 

"You...You shameless! Liar!" Sylvia splutters. Glaring at me, she shoves away the blanket to the floor. If she were able to stand up, she would definitely leap to her feet and spit those words right to my face.

I fold my arms in front my chest, without any intention to retort. There is no point to argue with her. I would rather save my energy.

"Sylvia," Klaus walks over to the bed, picks up the blanket, and gently places it back over her legs. "She didn't push you." 

I watch Sylvia's eyes widen in astonishment.

"I checked up the camera already. Aurora's wolf surfaced and you walked backward on your own, then fell down. She didn't push you." Klaus continues, not noticing Sylvia's face twisting in disbelief and embarrassment.

One, two...As I silently count to three, her tears roll down duly.

'Why does she have to cry?' Thea hisses in my mind. I shrug. I can't get the logic of a crybaby either. Tears indicate weakness, which I would never allow myself to let out. 

"Are you saying I frame her?" Sylvia asks in sheer exasperation, staring at Klaus incredulously.

"Whether or not is unimportant. You already got an apology. It's time to focus on healing your leg, that's what I care." His tone remains flat, his body towering tall. Oh man, it's the wrong way to handle women's tears.

Sylvia shakes with rage, more tears streaming down her cheek.

"I want a sincere apology, not a perfunctory one." She shouts.

Klaus stands by, unaffected and motionless, as if he is made of stone. I sigh inside, feeling both upset and happy at the same time. He is a real goofball when it comes to dealing with women's emotions.

Now that his goal is to heal her leg, he should have just nodded at what she said and comforted her. Truth is important for me but it isn't helpful for this situation. He can't get women well, I think, it sometimes is a headache. But no matter, I'll be the only woman he needs to deal with. I'll teach him how myself.

Tears continue to streak Sylvia's face. Now it's even less likely to have her accept the treatment. It's not my business though. I am simply in the habit of analyzing and finding solutions. I don't forget this woman is trying to set me up.

Suddenly, she stares dead at me. "Maybe you don't know, but I tell you. My mom died for Klaus. He promised my mom, he would take care of me, FOREVER. He will choose me as his mate, unless I don't want him."

Hearing that, I hold my breath for a small second. Then a smile escapes my lips.

I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear as I pace to the bedside. "It's more than ten years ago, right? Klaus was like...nine years old? Or ten? He was merely a kid. Was a kid's promise reliable? I'm not sure, but asking a kid to give up his future fated mate wasn't really praiseworthy. I truly appreciate your mother, for saving Klaus. If I were there, I would do the same thing. I'm willing to save Klaus at the cost of my own life too, without asking for anything in return." I say, my gaze is as firm as my tone.

As I turn around, I catch a glimpse of darkness in Klaus's eyes, though it disappears right away. Geez, I almost forgot he's here too.

Did I misspeak?

Then I regret my big mouth. It should be a touchy topic for they two. However, Sylvia seems not to care about it at all. She keeps bringing it up over and over. But for Klaus... It must be hard for him.

It's not the right place to argue this, not in Klaus's presence. I hope I could just zip my mouth shut.

"You can leave now," Klaus turns to face me, with an unreadable expression on his face.

I nod my head, ready to spin on my heel. Sylvia's voice stops me.

"Your existence is a pain to him, don't you understand? Aurora Throne."

"It's not your concern," I smirk, replying briskly. I won't accept any judgment.

Anger seeps into Sylvia's pupil. She glances back and forth between Klaus and me. "How did you convince her to apologize to me?" She questions sternly, pointing her finger at me.

I let out a burst of laughter, with a look of "Are you sure you want to know?"

A growl of warning emits from Klaus's lips, but it doesn't affect me. Thinking about the kiss, my mood is brightening up again.

"I see. This is a secret between us. I won't tell her." I giggle, winking at him, "Task done. I'm leaving. Goodbye, mate~" Then I lean in close and blow a sultry breath in his face.

Sylvia's face turns red and then pale with fury.

Feeling proud at her reaction, I hum a tune as I leave the room.