
Submerged: Discovery

A family that consisted of father, mother, and child went on a vacation boarded a Cruise Ship. They spent their time having fun in the ship until a storm came so they needed to go into their cabin. It was already morning when the storm went away. On a certain night the child, after sneaking out from his parents found a weird thing at the deck, it was a claw of some kind of animal but the kid being an animal enthusiast never saw anything about it. He was examining it when suddenly the floor started shaking violently, the shaking lasted for a while before the shaking suddenly stopped. After getting on his feet it saw out in the sea was....a spine, a spine like the one in one of the dinosaurs but it isn't just that......, it was gigantic. Like.... the size of it could reach half the height of the cruise he's boarding on right now, but after staring at it for a few seconds, it suddenly started becoming small?, No! It was submerging! The kid looked for his camera wanting to take a picture of it but couldn't as he left his camera at his cabin. So he went to take his camera but when he came back... it was gone.. in the time he went to take his camera, the spine or whatever it was, was gone. He looked for it for a while but it's nowhere to be seen.. After a few moments, he heard his mom yelling looking for him so he left the place after taking a look at the deep blue ocean one last time. The thing he saw left the kid with a lot of questions. Was the thing he saw real? Was it a hallucination? If it was real, what was it? No one can answer his question. Beneath the calm surface of the ocean, thousands of meters deep, a large reptilian creature opens its slitted yellow eyes...

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Harbor, July X, 199X, 7:30 AM

In the bustling street of the harbor, you can see a family of three walking, the family consists of father Robert Paschal, the mother Celine Paschal, and the kid Kyle Paschal.

"Hurry up Kyle! Move faster! We're going to miss the boat!" Yelled Celine to Kyle who is currently fascinated by the things the locals were selling.

"Yes Mom! Coming!" Answered Kyle. But Kyle's interest was caught by one of the things on sale. It was a withered old book, covered in symbols that looked like a kid's scribble. Kyle was at the age where kids collect things that interest them, and that withered old book interest Kyle.

"Hello, is this for sale?" Kyle asked. The seller looked at him pointing at the book and said,

"Yes. It's for sale for $5" Clearly the seller sees him as an easy catch to trick, but unfortunately Kyle is much more intelligent than he looks.

"Hmm, that's pricey. How about $1?" Said Kyle to the seller.

"No, kid. That's too low. $4.50!" Returned the seller.

"But the book's already old no? $2!" Retorted Kyle.

"Yeah it's old, that's why it's valuable! $4!" Said the seller.

"What is valuable about a scribbled book? $3!" Returned Kyle.

"Deal! The book's yours kid! Haha!" The seller took the offer, and now Kyle owns the book. But is the book really worth his money? This question is asked not to Kyle, but to the pissed off mother behind him. And maybe he felt his Mom's angry energy behind him, Kyle turned his head around and saw his mother smiling at him with a vein pulsing on her neck.

"Hi, Mom" Squeaked Kyle. Scared of what his Mom might do to him.

"What did I say about buying useless stuff, Kyle?" Asked Celine. But Kyle answered this by running away to his father while saying,

"I'mmmmm Soooooorrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy!!!!"

"Hey! Hey, Kyle!!! Come back Heeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrreee!" Celine chased after Kyle.

But what Kyle didn't know, was the book he bought on a whim, will become a very important turning point in his life.