

when this world was created one hundred thousand years ago, it brought with it many millennia of agony, the world was in pain humans turned into demons, demons turned into humans. it was ferocious. But then a war of no winners changed fate, once and forever, it was fast, all evil vanished in seconds. and it was the reason the world is in peace now, but this memory remains preserved in the immortal's minds. the story is about how and why the immortal sacrificed all he has to achieve peace

Ali_son_of_Majid · Fantaisie
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5 Chs


on a sunny day, Tobi was at school and then he heard the class bell ringing and went to the class right before the teacher came and said "today's lesson is about the 7 rings of truth" 10000 years ago an Archaeologist found an old book called the prophecy of the seven rings he opened the book and a strange kind of explosion that does not affect humans happened and the Archaeologist heard a strange voice saying "hear my words and bear my witness by the night and the day by the land and the sky by the sun and the moon by the good and the evil I swear, the secrets of death and rebirth have been revealed

you who will face the trails and live to tell the tale shall obtain a ring of truth and get never-seen-before powers and you who will own all seven rings shall reach immortality and conquer everything in this world" the Archaeologist was shocked as he had never seen such thing in his life and so he proceeded to read the book "many years ago a wizard made 7 rings no one was sure why but he put them in dungeons in different places around the world and these rings have too much power and that power can be used by humans".

*the Archaeologist turned the page*

The First ring

Name: Ring of Velocity

Nickname: The light Cheetah

Power: making the owner move at 2 times the speed of sound

Dungeon's whereabouts: Namibia

The Second ring

Name: Ring of Time

Nickname: Wisdom's best friend

Power: Time travel (can travel 45000 years in the past and can't travel to the future)

Dungeon's whereabouts: Bagdad the capital of Iraq

The Third ring

Name: Ring of Kingdoms

Nickname: Human's most loyal friend

Power: the ability to summon mythological creatures (like dragons Phenix) and these creatures will follow the ring's owner no matter what they are commanded to do

Dungeon's whereabouts: Mother Russia

The fourth ring

Name: Ring of Elements

Nickname: The Avatar's Accessory

power: The ability to control all 7 elements(Fire, Ice, water, electricity, air, metal(or rocks), and nature) and the owner can destroy a city with each element

Dungeon's whereabouts: Germany

The fifth ring

Name: Ring of Movement

Nickname: Tele

Power: the ability to Teleport wherever you want on earth

Dungeon's whereabouts: Brazil

The sixth ring

Name: Ring of the known

Nickname: Nerd

Power: knowing the abilities and name of any eye with just looking at its owner

Dungeon's whereabouts: China

When the Archaeologist reached the page where information about the seventh ring it was teared up.

and so after the Archaeologist told the world about these rings, people went to the dungeons they got six rings and the seventh remains a mystery.

and that's the story about them, for now, 2 people own a ring of truth and they are: Scar who owns 1 ring and Alexander Meesh who owns 4

Tobi asked the teacher "these are 5 where did the sixth go"

the teacher said "when the previous owner used it once it disappeared leaving nothing but a letter written on it "I went with my brother" and no one had seen it since then though it is thought that it's with the seventh ring because of the letter"

then the class bell rang again and the teacher said "you can get a ring for yourself if you win the local al-Rejeba tournament"

Tobi had an idea so he rushed to his friends Sutaro, Ash, and Ream and told them that his father can train them so they can participate in the tournament and potentially win they agreed and after school, they went with him to ask his dad,

Tobi's dad said "that tournament is so hard to even make it to the semi-finals of the first part" and he explained it and said "first there are four 1vs1 tournaments and you can only participate in one, then the 4 winners will have a week to gather 9 teammates each, after that, they will get a land area in Abear desert and 2 months to build a fort after that they will fight for a month and the winner is the team that's fort or teammates is destroyed less, however, the four winners will get 100 thousand Vas(1 Vas= 10 dollar) each and 1 million Vas and anything they want from scar for the winner between these four so it's worth it"

you, hey you, yeah you, dear reader, what do you think about this ring(or chapter) is it good? I mean I like it but there is no way for me to not be biased so I 'am not sure if its good or not

anyway, there are some things that you probably didn't understand.

first, why did I say "eye" when I was explaining the sixth ring?

well the eyes are this world's power much like the Sharingan in Naruto

but here every power is an eye, the reason will be explained later(i don't want to spoil the plot) so scar for example has the Torogo eye a level five torome which gives him the ability to be as fast and strong as a bull, toro is a bull in Spanish and me is an eye in Japanese.

eyes have 5 levels they are tested by how much temperature they can reach when using the netsu glove and when someone holds an iron ball the glove use the person's eye power to increase the iron ball temperature, generally

level 1 eyes can reach 40°C (104 F)

level 2 eyes reach 50°C (122 F)

level 3 55°C (131 F)

level 4 60°C (140 F)

level 5 80°C (176 F)

there are only 5 levels. To make you understand the difference in power lets take the kasaime for example its power is producing fire, level one can make fire as big as a campfire, level 2 can burn a three-story building, level 3 can burn 4 three-story buildings level 4 can burn 10 three-story buildings level 4 can burn a city as big as Paris.

Although level 5 is really strong there are only 10 people in the world now owning one.

that's what you need to know about this world, for now,

thank you for spending your time reading a story made by a teenager.