
Stupid Cultivator with her One-Shot Magic

==Dropped. Apologize for the hype.==

hartpeler · Fantaisie
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123 Chs

Irfan's Past (2)

City T, China, five years ago.

"Captain, you have to be survived and stop this madness before they will repeat this again in the future!"

It was the statement blurted from an unnamed man who was a part of Irfan's squad. the man whose face was never changed until the present time. 

"How about you guys? Nobody should be left behind!" He shouted to him that led the man tho shook his head and he said,

"Regroup with Captain Childe, Captain Irfan. We will surely be losing at this battle. But, you have to be alive to tell everyone about this!"

"No! We can have the other solution to defeat those Genderuwos."

"Unfortunately, Captain Irfan. It was the commander's direct order for us to keep both of you alive. And Dinda was the one who commanded the battle to seal them now."

At that cave, he shook the man's body and questioned him,

"Where is she? Is she ok..."

"Stay alive, Irfan. You have to find the way around."

"What was..."