
Stupid Cultivator with her One-Shot Magic

==Dropped. Apologize for the hype.==

hartpeler · Fantaisie
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123 Chs

Fast Paced Cultivation (part 3)

Two of them were confused when Signora explained so. But, Anderson sighed and then, he reacted as he looked at Hu Jia Hao while Signora was talked to the girl passionately,

"This is your geeky master. Yet, she would not be able to get GPA 4.0 for eight times in a row in her university and then, becoming a lecturer in her youngest age possible.'

"Wait, what? So... Lady Signora is..."

"She is the former education ministry and yet, she graduated from her university at ten years old and become the lecturer shortly after that. So don't get her wrong if you had seen something really weird about her right now."

And it led Hu Jia Hao to laugh wryly as he didn't know how he should react.

Then, she explained to Yao Xuan over their finding.