
Stuck with a ruthless billionaire?!

"Hey there , pretty " A guy walked to me and said . "Disappear already, you're too ugly to have a conversation with" I shouted and that attracted me some gazes , which I didn't care about . My life is fucked up already. The guy walked away with a glare and I didn't forget to glare back at him . "Miss, that man at the back wants to have a word with you " A waiter told me . "Well, tell him to come and meet me , himself "I replied him while sipping my drink . "Uhm, Ma the man I am talking about is Mr R" "Go tell your Mr R that I , miss R will not come there to meet him " I told him and he left to deliver the message . The man approached me himself with a cold face . "You refused my call " He said "Obviously " I replied . He looked at me with a flirtatious smirk and then grabbed my butts . I returned the gesture with a hot slap and emptied my glass of wine on him . "You messed with the wrong bitch !" I smirked and walked away . "Get her !" I heard him say and ran towards Cynthia's car .I opened the door and saw her making out with a guy . "Get the fuck out !" I screamed and pushed the naked guy out of the car . I collected the keys from her and drove off while the goons drove after me . I increased the speed and soon drove away from their sight . "Don't tell me caused a trouble in there " Cynthia said with a knowing glare . "Well I didn't " I smirked . "So what happened?"She asked and I narrated everything to her . "What if that man is very influential, you'll be in trouble" "Just change your plate number , so he doesn't trace you " "Geez , you also put me in trouble " Cynthia shouted and pounced on me . "Your life is on the line here " I said and we both laughed . I got to my house and bid her goodbye , then she drove for hers . "I've changed my mind . I give you three days to get me my money " I heard a voice speaking to dad on phone call . "Richard, please , why the sudden change of mind . Aren't you the man of your words ?" Dad asked with a smirk . I knew dad's tryna play the mind game on him . He's cunning after all. "Its Mr R, not Richard . If I correct you again , your head will pay the price " He said and hung up on the call . wa...wait a second .Mr R???!! "Dad , who's this Mr R" I asked and he grabbed me by my neck . "This should be the last time you eavesdrop on my call" He said and walked away . If it's who am thinking , then am not safe !!. Check out this book guys !!! My entry for the romance carnival The cover doesn't belong to me

Authoress_Eve · Urbain
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97 Chs

Chapter 95 Tone of disgust!

Ricky's POV

I laid on my bed patiently waiting for dinner time so I can pour out my heart to grand pa and may be he'll be a shareholder in my company. My phone rang causing me to frown at whosoever disturbed my peaceful moment.

"Hello" Cindy said

"What is it, Cindy?"I asked with a bored tone.

"Easy with the way you speak to your partner, Ricky" She replied

"We both know nothing is real between us now why did you call?"

"To say thanks for saving my reputation"

"I did it to save mine" I said and ended the call

The door opened and mom came in with a big smile on her face.


"Am proud of you, son" She said and hugged me.

"Forgive me for being too powerless to save you" 

"It's alright, mom. I understand. Grand pa saved me that's what matters"

"Yes, son. What's in that package?"She asked

"A wine I bought for grand pa, it's his favourite"