
Stuck in a dream world

On one of the most ordinary days, after a bad dream, as well as after going to the store for food, incomprehensible holes began to form around the main character named Nid, which brought him into the world that he had already met. This is the world from the dream that he had the night before the incident. But, it turns out he is in the body of a young man who no longer exists in that world. Will the main character manage to get out of this world? Or would he prefer to stay in it?

FoxyAnd · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 5. Have the problems that arose at the very beginning been solved?

Chapter 5. Have the problems that arose at the very beginning been solved?

I walked through the large corridors of the snow-white castle, not even knowing where I could go and where I could not. The corridor was furnished with something like ferns, which in turn stood in pots. But these ferns were not ordinary, blue in color, and they also smelled like flowers that were on the street of the city.

And so I decided to go in, thinking about what if some girl is changing clothes there…

So I walk in and what do I see?

Dinah was standing in front of me changing clothes, but at that moment she was already fully dressed, only her green bra was visible.

Dinah, noticing that I opened the door, was embarrassed to blush and threw a piece of wood at me, which was lying under her bed. I closed the door and quickened my pace.

— Wait a minute! Dinah shouted, after which I accelerated, and then completely

he ran.

And so I ran into an empty room. There was nothing here. Even the beds. Or

bedside tables as such. Just a room as well as the whole castle trimmed in white

a stone and one box.

There was a knock on the door, and not a simple one, but a strong one. Like I 'm the door and not

I was closing it, and it was already locked, either with a key, or something else, in general


— Open up, come on, I know you're here, your footprints are visible all over the corridor, —

Dinah was shouting from behind the door.

And indeed, some strange traces of dark purple color came from me. It was even interesting where I got them from, it seems that the shoes are clean, even, one might say, snow-white, but that's what she was.

— Calm down, the door is closed! Closed! And it wasn't me who closed it, but someone else.

"I closed it," came a voice from behind me. It was that old man, Leka, who wanted to help me with lifting the curse.

— Grandfather? What are you doing there? We need to arrange a trial here! And very urgently! Dinah shouted, continuing to bang on the door.

— Calm down Dinah, your trial will wait. We need to discuss some conditions with this young man, and talk about the curse. In general, go from here for now.

Dinah moved away from the door, making loud footsteps.

— Well, what have you done, young man? Why would Dinah break into your room like that?

— Yes, I accidentally looked into her room and saw her not fully dressed, so

she rushed in pursuit of me and identified me by some strange tracks that I did not even initially see.

— Well... hold on… According to the law of our kingdom, if a guy sees a woman

half-naked or even just a bra on the body, he should marry her, and you understand, if you marry Dinah, then in fact you will be one of

candidates for the throne of this kingdom, together with Dinah as queen. And you'll have to get married anyway… Okay, we won't talk about it any further for now,

let me tell you about your call. I called you, because you have one of the unique abilities, creation with the help of your imagination.

— Well, how does it work? I asked, trying to imagine something.

— Have you noticed how it works? The fact that you ended up in Dinah's room is not

an accident, you thought about it involuntarily, so what you were thinking came true. Eh... youth…

I blushed and tried to hide my embarrassment with my hand, and after a couple of seconds

the embarrassment disappeared.

— Okay, don't be afraid, I won't talk about your ability to others, because they will start abusing you… About the curse, yes, this is the condition of calling you into this world,

all the basic abilities from the previous owner of the body were laid down by a curse, so you faint when using abilities, but from this you can

get rid of it, think carefully about the fact that you can use this ability without restrictions, then you will get rid of your curse.

— No restrictions… Without limits ... — I said to myself, imagining all my abilities in battle or just in everyday life. Like, for example, I'm fighting with some huge wolf or I decided to steal an ability from a monster I killed.

I also imagined how I treated friends who were wounded in battle with my ability, and all this without restrictions. And it was as if I felt free from something.

— Well, you did it, the curse of abilities has been lifted from you. Now you need to deal with the curse of the purple trace, because you have recently seen monsters in the form of

skeletons, so one of them attached the trail curses to you. With the help of thoughts, you will not succeed, because this is already a magical attribute, and you need to find

the antidote to it is in the library, or to be more precise, in the library and the study room at the same time. Follow me.

He opened the box and jumped in. I looked into the box and noticed that this box leads not just to its bottom, but to a real library. I jumped in there.

Falling on the dusty floor of this library, I shook the dust off all my clothes. Leka was trying to find an antidote on the shelves of a laboratory table that was made

it looked like snow-white wood, but in fact I understood that it was just an ordinary pine, painted white. I went up to him and asked:

— What color is it anyway? Is it dangerous to drink? I said, holding my hands behind my back so that he wouldn't see that I had taken something quietly from the library.

— Don't worry, it's not dangerous, and about the color… Exactly the same as your footprints, so come on, help me look. Leka said, sorting through the preparations.

I started helping him. But everything I found was the wrong color. Then yellow, then

lime, then bright red glass, but not black and purple. We rummaged like this for about thirty minutes. And then there was a solemn cry:

— HURRAH! Found! Come here and drink it soon," Leka said with such a joyful face, as if he had been looking for this medicine for several years.

I went over and drank this antidote, which tasted like melted candy to me. The tracks began to slowly disappear and I was already calm for myself. When suddenly there was a loud creaking of the door and Dinah came into the library with Rail.

— Nid, they're expecting you in the courtroom, after all, you broke the law, but still you're like a comrade to me right now, so... let's not be silly, please. I understand you don't want a fight for the throne.… And I don't want to! But still, it may happen someday, even if you don't marry Dinah. After all, your power can reach such a size that you can simply take over the whole world.

I just agreed to go with them, and they brought me to the courtroom