
New members

The two they bumped into a little bit younger travelers but seem they have a heavy book at their waist. Raiden says" Are you by any chance lost?" The two revealed to be a girl and a boy and they said " I'm Afrac and she's Fely, nice to meet you. We're heading towards the adventures guild to get registered" and the party replies" I'm Raiden and she's Sarah and that's Bolt ( Bolt starts licking the two kids) Bolt likes you " and " Wanna come with us?, we can take you there because we just came from there" The kids jumped in joy saying " Yay we can be official Sorcerer and Witch " It seems this kids are smarter than they seem. Sorcerer are male spell users from a book they were given that's close to magic and Witch is female spell users that uses a wand and can craft potions.

As the enter the town and head into the guild. They get 3rd rate class for having their occupations. Raiden can be called upon on whenever because he's a first rate class adventurer. As they celebrate at a diner, they finish up and talk for a quite some time,

At the end of it all, Raiden ask Afrac and Fely" do you wanna join my party?" They jumper and said "yes!" . The reason why Raiden ask them because they were just two Lone wolfs to find a certain plain but got lost on the way. As they go ahead to register their party as a Adventures Group "The Wolf Pack".

The Leader is Raiden and Sarah, Afrac and Fely will be the new members of the new group. Raiden hopes for group to be small but strong and very compact. They decide to make an HQ for the group and it'll be in the forest that they train in.

As the newly made group, they check the surroundings and foundation of the forest. When everything's was cleared, everyone started to cut down the trees to make space and materials. Raiden went in town and got concrete to make the foundation strong and might make a underground bunker with it just in case. As for the next couple of weeks of building and making the rooms, it created a two housing houses that is divided by the Elder division and the other will be the Cub division for the new members. They made each room compatible for a person with a bed and a bathroom and their own workspace and a closet. For the Elder division there will be each specifics because their privilege.

The Elders will have 8 members that will be given each Wolf name that their names will be unknown to the world and even the Pup members. As of now there is only 4 members of the Elder division. They hope to find new members that require the skill needs and teamwork. Pup members name will be known on a list and will have a ranking . The Pup housing is fit for 50 people since their rooms doesn't need much space.

Now the group requires training grounds and building grounds and armory and potions that can be sold in the area of The Wolf Pack. They clear more of the trees and make a whole village size terrain just for the group of The Wolfs. They clear a pathway to the main road towards the capital.

Now the Wolf Pack gains more territory and even though of small members of 4. Bolt is excited to see that many of these things are made to accompany as him and everyone being a lone wolf turning them towards a Wolf Pack. The Raiden goes to the Adventures Guild to post for their group " The Wolf Pack" and the clerk seemed surprised that they were able to make their facilities capable to house very skilled and experienced adventures. The request goes to the Guild Master and he agrees for it to come and missions will be posted in their territory.

As many pop around the post board looking at the new adventurers group, they were surprised they expect high expectations for new Pup members. Many laugh and left the building except for one person with a hooded figure. While all this happened, Raiden was on the side looking for reactions and capable recruits but they did not pass at all except for the hooded figure. Raiden waits for the reaction of the hooded figure. Soon then the figure takes the post and goes to the clerk and ask" Who's their leader and where are they and can I join them or even get in contact with them" . The clerk says " There leader is a first rate adventurer named Raiden, he is a great swordsman and therefore he expects for lone wolfs like you to arrive" and the hooded figure replies " This guys is a nice guy looking out for the solos in need for a great party, I want to join where can I find them." The clerk points to Raiden standing the wall that was across the room. Raiden says " Well welcome to the Wolf Pack, but your joining the Pup Division"

The hooded figure replies" Thank you and my names is Fiz( revealing his face appearance to him) , I'm a 2nd rate adventurer and my occupation is a tank. Many people used to use me for my status and to get higher missions then get the gold to themselves so I've been going solo for a long time. As of now your #1 Pup since you found us and now your a part of the pack.

Now this turns a lone path of a magic boy that crosses with swordsmanship to a life full of happiness with fellows that are like him and that'll make them family. Raiden intent changed from to become top person to a humble boy that gathers loners into the pack creating a bond that they will look for. Staring with Fiz, the newly pup that will start of a chain to begin with.

Raiden does this everyday to gather more candidates for The Wolf Pack. Tune in to what happened.