

As Raiden and Sarah goes to a distant forest far from the capital for no one to see of them, Raiden learns to manipulate fire into shapes and into strengths and able to cast it longer ranges after another. Needless to say that Raiden has a talent that no one knew and now only people that he trusts knows like Sarah. Sarah was so surprised at how Raiden is a great swordsman and able to have magic powers, Sarah had no one other than herself until now because the two have each other's back. Sarah may fall in love in Raiden sooner or later but someone new might join the pack. Raiden wishes the group would be wolfs like Bolt but humans in it instead. Raiden doesn't want lone wolfs wandering so he wants to join all together for a pack.

Raiden knows how to use the fire magic now he wants to learn water magic. He goes to the stream and feel the flow of water. He visualizes a strong water that will be manipulated in many ways. He tries water as a healing way, he unsheathe his sword and cuts his left hand. As blood drops on the leaves, he manipulates the water onto the wound and concentrate to heal it. It takes a little more time and progresses with a green light coming from it then the blood stops spilling and the wound starts to close it up. He is closer to understand water, he needs a bit more practice. They stay in the forest for a couple of days to master water magic. He can manipulate the water to slicing motions upon a tree and heal and produce strong waves and be able to pull water from anywhere like grass and trees as such. Raiden is such a good fast learner because he did all this in two months. Still needs training though before anyone unveil his secret powers to the world. Sarah will be with him all the way.

As goes for a another dungeon expedition, they head on to another forest that is so silent that gets the party on their toes.( Bolt is a full size wolf now with capable of attacking monsters too). Bolt sniffs for a second and goes into a guard stance meaning enemies will come soon. As skeletons appear from the forest with medieval weapons , Raiden ask the two to stand back and attacks the skeleton with fire going flamethrower motion burning the skeletons to ashes and the fire stops halting before it reaches the trees. The boss appears being a giant size skeleton , it breaks down many of the tress with its foot causing the floor to shake. Sarah eliminates all third party monsters that wasn't in the mission. Raiden decides that they need the head to being back as proof so he uses water magic to slice the bone to pieces not being able to rebuild its structure. Slices away upon the body of the skeleton leaving the head and cuts off the jaw just in case. As they bring back the head, the town starts to look at them with eyes open and jaws dropped. No one dared to go to the forest because of that Skeleton. In this world when a mere level 1 monster is alone and strives for strength, they can become boss level 50 for their hard work too. As they enter the guild building, the clerk proceeds to pay the party 500 gold coins for the dungeon because it benefits the town and people jobs.

As they walk back to the forest they come across upon two unknown. Tune in next chapter to find out who he/she is.