
strongest wonderer

A successful man who build his life from nothing to top in our type of world died during hiking watch as he manages to reach the top once again in completely different world ps: I ame new at this pls comment for any problems and suggestions

_D_OMNINOMAD · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

chapter-2 shock

due to the big explosion 💥💥 which happened in the car all the mobs got distracted while captian's inspite being professional lost there composure for a splite second and looked towards the sound.

though they regained it and calm there nerves but it was already to late for captain 2&5 they realised something struck on the back of there neck and put there hand on it and something similar to knife was sticking out( couger cross of fire knife for image ) by the time they were able to touch the knife they were already falling down for them entire world was spinning they were in astate of vertigo but that was the lat thing they say.....

captian 4 " shit.. shit.. shit we underastimated that bastards he was probably aware of us coming and kept his bodyguard's on high alert ..... he must me enjoying the show from somewhere in the mansion watching us shitting our selves on q screen or something "

captain 3 " calm yourself fucking down 4 remember the training don't fall for the basic intimidating tactic "

cap4 takes deep breath and calm his termoil regain his control and confidence back

captian 4 "alright he wants a show I'll give him a show"

captain 1" I see a movement near the team of captian 2&5 "

suddenly one by one mobs of team 2&5 stars falling down like a domino .....

captian 3" shit they are probably taking care of the scattered members of the two teams before we can establish a command to take them under our control to decrease the number these fuckers are good"

captian 4 "hello team 2&5 hello hello fuck no respond"

captian 1 "its no use all our networks were jammed the moment we entered the mention only the walkie connected to captian's are working "

captian 3" must be due to them being top version military grade among the latest models"

captian 4 " atleast we can give command to others via hand sign's "

thats when smoke was released in air from corner of the walls

captian 3" you and your cursed tongue"

captian 1 " let's get moving both team 2&5 have mostly been wiped out we have to proceed with caution"

and then rest of the mobs begins falling down one by one

all captian's don't know about that as everything is covered by dark smoke and no there night vision goggles didn't work after all the smoke realised was created personlity by our dear protaganist didn't took him more then few hours to get it down.

just when all the captian move to stairs they felt like world was falling down and then they saw three headless bodies falling forward apparently there was a red laser in their path which could have been noticed easily if not for the smoke which not only decreased visuality but also had fear gas mixed in making them constantly loose there focus ....

you can see a guy in John which suit removing silencer from his pistol standing above the stairs on the top with a calm expression watching everything well that's like protaganist

viraj " huh..... well that was easier then i thought i didn't think they fall for the laser i put there only for fun guys i underastimated the effects of fear gas mixed in smoke or overastimated these guys well whatever now only our dear Carmen remains"

On the top floor we can see a guy about white beard and hair in a super expensive suit pacing in balcony trying to make calls

carmen " what the fuck is wrong with these guys why aren't they responding i spend shit ton of money on them they should be done by now "