
strongest Weakness ep 3

My senses, vision, and feelings suddenly developed in a godly manner and I felt as if I could hear or see things millions of kilometers away. I wondered how this happened and how powerful I had become. I realized that the only thing that could do this was my strongest weakness. I also remembered the high-density qi that I had drawn into my body and I tried to control it by meditating. I immediately noticed that there was an immense amount of qi in my body that I couldn't even see the end of. I tried to feel all the qi around me, but I couldn't sense anything, not even a gram, within a 4 million kilometer radius. It was all dark, so I couldn't see anything either. As I was thinking about what I had done, I wondered if there could be qi beyond 4 million kilometers, but who would want to go that far without knowing where they're going?

I made a decision, even though I made it hours later, I made it forward and I hated the decision I made at the moment I made it. If I think about the never-ending chi that I drew from my body, my power could have increased beyond my imagination, but unfortunately, this only came to my mind later and I felt as if I had traveled around the world with just one step, hundreds of times. And if I think that the world has a diameter of more than 510 million kilometers, it was really billions of times more than what I could have imagined, and thinking about traveling dozens of light years with just one step was something that even a god couldn't do, and from that moment on, I accepted that I was no longer WEAK and... my consciousness shut down again. Oh, I forgot something, every time I used the word WEAK, my strongest weakness was activated. I had decided to give it this name before, and to be honest, it sounded cool. When my consciousness returned, the first thing I did was to check my body and my chi, and what I saw after all this taught me very well that there were still some things that could shock me. What I saw was that instead of the normal one, there were 9 "hara", the place where the chi is gathered, and when I checked each of them, there was an endless amount of chi inside.I tried to control the qi around me like before and encountered something that could shock me again. Now I could feel beyond billions of kilometers. Even if nobody said it, I had realized that I had become stronger and now I was one of the divine gods in legends. After thinking about all of this, I wondered 'How much can I still become stronger?' After this thought, I searched for places where qi was not depleted and kept using "the strongest weakness". I had given up on controlling how strong I was because I wanted to be surprised, but I was afraid that what I would see could kill me with surprise. I had no idea how much time had passed since then. There was only endless darkness and a space filled with qi around me. Maybe hundreds or thousands of years had passed, but I had no idea.Every day I was collecting an infinite amount of qi and one day, some movements from the novels I read came to mind, I really wanted to try them. I remembered from the novel that the main character infused their qi into a sword shape, and I tried to do the same. I imagined directing my qi to my arm and having it flow out of my arm, and tried to increase the flow of qi in my arm and maintain its shape, and I succeeded on the first try. Later, I tried to extract my qi from my back in the shape of wings, and again I succeeded on the first try. I wanted to try another thing I saw, which was the main character emitting beams from their hands. I wondered if I could do it in the future. Now it was time to test, and it was long past. According to my previous experiences, if I release all my power, I feel a fatigue like a burden, and I think that I need a certain amount of time to collect my qi if I use my full power at once. I opened my hand, not knowing what would happen, and I wanted to use only 1% of my power. But before that, I collected some more qi and repeated what I had done before. I imagined my qi rapidly flowing from my arm and out of my hand, and... a beam filled the entire void was emitted. If I had done that in the world, the only thing I'm sure of is that I would probably have destroyed the entire galaxy. After that event, I was really shocked, but since nothing was damaged, I had no trouble with it. Later, while trying many other techniques, a manga series that I loved came to mind. It was a manga series where the main character could travel through space by constantly tearing it or passing into other dimensions. And I really enjoyed reading it. To tear space, I raised my hand to the sky as if I were making a karate strike, gathering my Qi at my fingertips before waving it down. Using only 1% of the power I had learned, I finally was able to break free from the place where I had been trapped for years. And this is how I, who possessed the greatest weakness, became as powerful as a supreme god. And then, without saying anything, I dived into the tear in space and returned to my own universe in a city I did not know. Or at least, that's what I thought.