
strongest Weakness ep 2

At first, I just breathed regularly without feeling anything, but after three days of doing this, I started to feel something. Actually, there was nothing I felt, but my body was overheating to the point that my bronchus was burning while breathing and smoke was coming out of my mouth, which was the same as the character in the novel I read, and these events increased my confidence, and I started to trust my training more. Now, I allocated one day for self-cultivation and another day for sports. When the gym was closed, I did self-cultivation completely. And after a while, I started to feel the flow of qi in my body while doing self-cultivation. During sports, I started to do things other than just lifting weights. Approximately 6 years have passed, in the 2nd year of high school, I started to live apart from my scornful family, I started studying while staying at the school dormitory when I left home, and finally, I succeeded in winning a scholarship from a private university. I could stay at the school dormitory without having to work extra jobs and I could breathe easily, of course, when I was studying, I only focused on the class, when I had free time, I went to the gym and for relaxation I did calming meditation. Slowly but surely, I could continue to strengthen, and eventually, I felt something from meditation, I could feel the increased power in my body and I could finally see the Qi. It was the first time I felt so good because it was the only thing I had ever achieved in my life. And finally, when I had achieved something, I suddenly DIED. I told you that my body was weak, and my body could not handle such a heavy workload, and strangely, I never overworked my body but at the moment of death, the memories of my lost moments at the gym came to my mind, and I finally understood everything.People constantly calling me weak and my efforts to be strong ultimately created a second personality. Whenever someone said I was weak, my consciousness would shut down and I would automatically do things like a professional, like in video games. This became my cause of death, my strongest weakness. Just when I was about to give up on everything, I remembered something from the novels I read, that practicing qigong is like standing against heaven and hell, and I would never be able to go to either heaven or hell, and I would wander in this endless darkness that my soul is attracted to. I thought about what I could do in this place, and the only thing that came to mind was practicing qigong. I wanted to do sports, but I had no weight to lift, so it was impossible. So I crossed my legs and tried to gather qi using breathing techniques I found on the internet, and I immediately felt something. This vast and endless darkness was not completely empty, and I learned this painfully. When I started to gather qi, my entire body was filled with qi flowing in at a speed like a racing car. If I tried to describe the pain I felt, words would be insufficient.The pain never stopped, and I felt like my body was about to explode, but since I had already died once, I couldn't die again. I moaned with the pain I felt, and all I wanted was to escape from it. Later, I thought that if I fainted, I wouldn't feel the pain anymore, but I couldn't faint. Then I remembered that my consciousness had faded when someone told me that I was weak, but there was no one else but me in this emptiness. I had given up on thinking about all of this and had thought about the weak body that had caused me to endure torture during my life, and soon after that thought, I somehow lost my consciousness and when I woke up, I realized that I was still trapped in this emptiness. After all the curses I made, I realized that I was no longer feeling pain. I didn't know how it happened, I just wished that the pain would end, even if it was just for a while, after someone told me I was weak. And after these thoughts, my head started to ache intensely.