
Strongest Weakness ep 1

From the moment I was born, I've been weak and because of my weakness, I experienced discrimination and moments filled with insults and violence from my father even in my early childhood. This caused me to develop an obsession and hate everything that was weak. But I realized that my problem was not just hate, and I had to learn this in a very painful way. And I also discovered that our universe is not the only one. To help you understand what I am talking about, I will tell you the story of my life. I was born on a warm summer day and after I was born, the doctor told my mother that I was born with a rare disease and my body was very weak. I'm sure that was the reason why my father gave up on me even when I was a baby, I don't think there was any other reason.Even when I was 3 years old, everyone looked at me like a useless stray animal on the brink of death, even though I never harmed them. I couldn't understand why they treated me this way, but I found out when I was 6 years old after overhearing a conversation among children who I thought were my friends but were actually just trying to use me. From that moment on, my trust in people dropped to zero and I even approached my own family with suspicion. Finally, I started middle school and I stopped suspecting my family because I was completely sure. When I started high school, I started seeing a psychologist and he told me to try to fill my head with other things, so I tried to do the first thing that came to mind.The excuse many teenagers use to show off to their friends about something they didn't have time for is working out. When I first started working out, almost everyone at the gym laughed at me or made fun of me. Some of them acted like I wasn't even there. When I first picked up a weight, it felt really heavy, even though I was only lifting 1 kg. I worked hard all day, lifting weights and taking breaks in between. By the end of the day, even though I only lifted weights, my whole body was hurting severely. Despite the pain my body felt the next day, I started working out again. After a while, the pain in my arms began to subside and I felt that my body was slowly getting used to it, which increased my confidence in myself. I worked out with less breaks and the day ended like the previous one. I noticed that someone whispered in a low voice that "look at that fool, he thinks he's strong, weak...", which made me feel like something was missing, but at that time I didn't pay much attention to it. I thought it was because my memory was weak. Days passed like water and I started to see the results of my hard work, and I even tried a few things that I thought would make me even stronger. These were things like trying to learn martial arts, going for regular runs, increasing the weight I worked with, trying boxing, kendo, fencing, and even trying to train like the characters in the novels I read. Reading novels with main characters who started out weak and gradually became strong was the only good thing in my broken world, and I started working hard hoping to become strong like them.

pls continue read the story, because everything became really fun (I'm sorry for the mistakes, this story has been translated from a different language into English)